I went shopping too and man o man MG has bags of everything out.. Even peat moss... Enriched peat moss that is. They even make a Top soil but it isn't branded MG but it is and a top soil it isn't its a soil mix! Mostly sand at that. Damn we are in for a MG hell this year.... BTW people I am doing a make your own organic soil thread... Look for photos NLT Monday. Randy
Here are the Miracle grow soil specs http://www.growkind.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24757&highlight=miracle+grow+soil
There's no question that this soil alone can't compare to something like Fox Farms Ocean Forest, but it's a good starting base. I've been using MG Organic for my moms and they're doin' great, very healthy. All I added to the soil was perlite and dolomite lime. I've been spraying the leaves with Bill's Perfect Fertilizer to keep them happy until I make a fresh batch of soil that will include guano, sea kelp and blackstrap molasses. Besides being a good soil additive, the molasses is supposed to have health benefits when eaten. I might add a couple teaspoons to my morning smoothies.
I'm using some organic miracle gro mixed with the natural soil outside. This is my first trial grow so I'm just experimenting. I'm not expecting insanely good bud, but I do expect some good bud. I just had to kill a boy a couple days ago, thinking he can hang around with my little girls. When I did, I took pictures of the roots etc. Once I can hook up my camera to one of the computers I'll post them. My thoughts are, try it. What have you got to lose? I wouldn't use expensive seeds though, try it out with bagseed. Cannabis grows in different soil around the world and each strain is different, so I would assume there can't be one definative soil that enables each different strain to grow to its full potential. That being said, once I have more experiance I want to make my own living organic soil. That will come in time.
Miracle Grow Organic Soil MG Organic Soil worked very well; cheap and available at Walmart. But Home Depot have waay more variety....I actually bought different brands and mixed 'em up together with some Perlite and Wormcastings! Did I mention that HomeDepot sells it cheaper than Walmart also? I would always support my local nurseries first; and if they don't sell it there; then go to those Big Boyz!:icon_bounce: