My Generation...My Prediction...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dazechain, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. nobogart

    nobogart Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    fact bush has a HIGHER I.Q. than Kerry dont get me wrong bush is dumb kerry is dumber so daze you voting for dumb or dumber?

    (Edited by nobogart at 3:02 pm on Oct. 27, 2004)
  2. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    John Forbes Kerry, thanks for asking...DC
  3. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    DC has stepped off into leftists land, and he ain't coming back. It's a waste of time to bother. I agree with you Herb neither choice is a choice for the average American. when it comes to core values though that is where I turn right in the road. MJ legalization being my most obvious left lean, or fall over for that matter. Bush has had to deal with some fucked up **** from day one, and even when he does right he gets crucified. With me I am especially suspect of the media. Anytime someone tries selling me something I'm looking for the agenda, and they are selling there ass off, or their soul if you will. Trust no politician, but when it's force fed to you everywhere you go , you had damn sure better resist, or face the consequences of your inaction.
  4. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication


    So let me get this straight....

    1.If we vote for bush....were self-centered for accepting the returns.

    2.If we vote bush.....granny is gonna get hasseled about nail clippers at the airport!

    3.If you vote bush...your a religous wacko!

    4.If you vote bush your "way out there"!

    5.If you vote bush.....your gonna get your ass whupped!

    6.If you vote think he is GOD!

    7.If you vote bush your head is "up your arse"!

    8.If you vote bush you are inept!


    This is why your party has had such a problem getting a solid footing. You resort to lying and name calling....its quite sad should be rather pursueding bushites to your guys just keep pushing yourselves further to the left. Why dont you just line up in the real democratic line behind Zel  Miller....HE is a REAL democrat!
  5. fishman

    fishman Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    This is why your party has had such a problem getting a solid footing. You resort to lying and name calling....its quite sad should be rather pursueding bushites to your guys just keep pushing yourselves further to the left. Why dont you just line up in the real democratic line behind Zel Miller....HE is a REAL democrat!

    Sounds like the same reasons the Repubs can't get a solid footing.
  6. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    To be quite honest...yes, you have received me loud and clear...

    To grant credibility to a president for mailing out $300-$600 checks is nothing more than an exercise in greed...and I believe that engulfs call it tangible...I call it a joke...what does a 300-600 dollar check do to stimulate the economy...please enlighten...if you were to ask me...stereos, microwaves and crap such as that do not qualify as purchases that stimulate entire economies...and these checks were Bush's idea of stimulatin' the economy...most people probably didn't really even give it much thought as they deposited it into there savings score nada for Bush's grand scheme to help us out...and those who find this to be incentive enough to be the first thing they would mention as far as what Bush has done for them...are simply put grasping at straws...

    Granny is getting hassled while shipping crates go unchecked...apparently you and I define safety differently...but that's ok...really...

    Well, religious said it...I didn't...but suffice to say...Bush has turned this "Ego War" into the evangelical's Armageddon...these people believe we have entered the "End Times"...puh-leeze...How is Bush any different than Osama with his religious zealotry...Allah, God...what's the differnce when wars are being fought in the name of...whacko...yes indeed now I said it...isn't that how Osama is percieved...what makes Bush any different...the clothes line it is not... ;)

    This administration is anything but exquisite...they are has-beens at best with axes to grind...and egos to patch...cynical ol' fucks...who will be in depends before long...

    In regards to the ass whooping...George is angling for one...and I would be the first in line to address can bid on that opportunity as we speak on Ebay...I am considering the "Buy It Now" option...lmao...

    Anybody who would get in line with a false prophet like Bush...must think he's closed.

    Head up ass...Bush's middle name...he is so exempt from reality it's a cause for concern...

    Bingo...Inept the bone... ;)

    In regards to he back on his med's yet?...DC
  7. nobogart

    nobogart Cured Fat Sticky Bud

  8. hydro convert

    hydro convert Developed Alternating Nodes

    The tax cut you received is more than digested in the increase in health care and local taxes. In effect , they've given you nothing but a token that is taken back in some other form.
  9. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Tax cut? Do I need a bandaid? :ponder:
  10. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

  11. nobogart

    nobogart Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    "And while stopping short of endorsing Bush, raunchy rap/rocker Kid Rock said on the red carpet at the MTV Video Music Awards that he prefers the Republican."

    source vh1
  12. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Eminem speaks for more in my generation than Kid Rock, and there is a definate difference in the messages each of those artists portray. I figured you knew that much.

    How can anyone who cultivates marujuana support the GOP?
  13. nobogart

    nobogart Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    This is an easy question to answer glad you ask.

    Although I do enjoy and depend on my pot and enjoy the cultivation their of it is not the main focus for me their are other things I hold more dear like abortion I feel this issue is far more important than marijuana the killing of the unprotected child is just wrong.
  14. fishman

    fishman Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Ok so abortion is wrong but killing innocent already born babies in Iraq is right. Jsut trying to get this straight.
  15. nobogart

    nobogart Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I never said killing children in Iraq was right.

    But collateral damage is part of war intent has a lot to do with it don’t you think?

    It is a damn good thing we didn’t have a news media like we have now during the invasion of Normandy I can see it now all they would be reporting on would be things like 300 French civilian were killed today by us naval gunfire when some of it projectiles went astray and struck a small village etc... Never mind that they were targeting fortified German positions covering our boys hitting the beach.
  16. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    N says...

    "How can anyone who cultivates marujuana support the GOP?"

    And I says very good question...but I am unable to answer I will allow someone more qualified than leads me to a thought I have been waiting to express...and this is probably a good as time as thought:

    Is it any wonder that some of us more educated, enlightened mj cultivators wind up here in the politics forum?

    I think I can answer that...I believe once a grower has reached some level of expertise in the field of cannibus cultivation...he/she becomes...for lack of a better I have a better word...unchallenged...once you become so confident that the next grow will be basically going thru the can then begin to multi-task in your other words we pot growers and smokers or vapors are intellectual folk...we can and generally do become stale when we are not challenged...thus we broaden our horizons and reach out to the world and try to bring our style of problem-solving to the world stage...admit it...we have larger fishs to fry...and once we have conquered one skill...we move on to another...also I would take into account that pot smokers by and large are more introspective...much more analytical and thought you my humblest of opinions...we belong in here too...kicking up some dust...pushing each others's part of our makeup...natural tendencies...;)DC
  17. fishman

    fishman Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    there is a big difference between a man who took over europe and a man contained in his own country with barely enough military to protect himself. Barely is going to far actually.

    Collateral damage might be justifiable if we were in a justifiable war. But we're not. What America is doing is worse than abortion. These innocent children have made it out of the womb. So what you are saying is that it is not ok to abort an unborn fetus but it is ok to kill anybody that has made it out of the womb. That's not a question because that is exactly what you are saying.
  18. fromthemorning

    fromthemorning A Fat Sticky Bud

    I vote Captain Morgan for pres.
  19. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    nob, how many children have you borne?  abortion should be between a woman and her physician.  

    it's a terrible experience for the woman to go through, but it's HER body so it's HER choice.  not a president's or the supreme court's.

    we women fought for years to get this right and we're not going to let some man (W) take it away!
  20. nobogart

    nobogart Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    If that is the way you see it but you will still have to answer to god for it one day. I am sure glad abortions didn’t exist when marry Magdalene was pregnant.

    You know with all of the birth control devices that around these days you would think someone who didn’t want to be pregnant could either use it or keep her damn legs closed.

    Before you go into any scenario about rape or life threatening situations I already advocated extreme circumstances jesh.

    (Edited by nobogart at 3:00 pm on Oct. 29, 2004)

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