My New Facebook Page

Discussion in 'Member Contributions and Social Media Forum' started by Hank Chinaski, May 13, 2013.

  1. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Lol, sorry man. I don't remember tagging you specifically in that post, but I do remember that post....
  2. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    How'd you do that Willis? Talk about a multi tasking master. Admin meeting AND hitting the boards at the same time. Cool.
  3. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    ANy and all GK members that are on FB under your real name or a monicker can add me as a friend if they so choose. I'm "Rasganjah Ganjaman" LOL I couldn't have it as "Ras Ganjah" but "Rasganjah Ganjaman" sounds much more real? :wtf?: :bduh: :roffl: Anyway, I'm actually digging being able to like all the MJ related stuff I want and I like the GK newsfeed and all. :passsit:
  4. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Your regular anti God posts amuse me LL. As i said on FB,me thinks you doth protests too much:bigok:

    Hank what you need to do man is alter your account settings ,no in fact im sure its privacy settings. You can make it like iv got it.Anyone who tags me in ANYTHING wont go to my page without my approval. I get tagged ALL the time and iv been tagged in many things i dont want my Mum or Dad seeing or my cousins. It takes bout 30 minutes to alter your FB settings and lock it down. :thumbsup:
  5. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    I sent you a friend request.
  6. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

  7. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    what is an anti god post? Is that like an anti boogeyman post?

    Hank, really your mom defriended you? that's messed up
  8. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    I get a little angry around religious holidays for many reasons, one of them being because I am berated by religion here in the south. I also have a very religious family, though they accept me for who I am and have never been anything but supportive even with the whole pro pot thing and having a kid when I was 18 (Lutherans are good like that). But yah, sometimes I make some VERY potent posts on FB around the holidays just to piss off family members, and apparently other's families as well....:smoke2:
  9. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    ha, you should see my real FB account. I make no bones, I do it tastefully though

    proud atheist here
  10. JuggaloKing420

    JuggaloKing420 Just clownin around

    Same here, nip.
  11. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    My Mum and Dad have defriended 2 of my brothers and sisters aswell as one sister in law cos of either "vulgar or coarse content" or "sacrilegious":tvlaugh: The Day my 67yr old Dad recently bought a tablet and learned facebook i was like "ahhh shit":roll: He falls out with my on a regular basis due to my "communist anti conservative" views. When Thatcher died just recently he literally fell out with me for a month due to something i posted and hes STILL not talking to his Brother in Canada over some union stuff he posted. Facebook can be drama at times:jj:

    EDIT: Anti God post is LL regularly telling God to suck his balls and shit like that:tvlaugh:
  12. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    I have some religious folk in my family, they just don't comment on my shit, prob just hid my posts, but never defriended me.

    I see it like this, if I have to have half my feed filled with "like and share in 5 seconds if you love Jesus" then you can deal with a few scientific posts and a few other proud atheist ones that make the believers think.
  13. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    My family dont really give a shit about too much stuff i post.If im ranting or whatever then i spose they just glad its online and verbal. They also pretty much know i am the way i am and i never try to offend people or be smart,on purpose:icon_biggrin:. Whereas my sister in law posting a picture of a vagina attacking a guy was enough for my dad to delete her,my mum already deleted her cos she spoke crudely about a tampon and posted some video. Not what they expect from the mother of 3 of their grandchildren:roll:
  14. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Yeah i hate that shit. And iv seen some fucked up religion shit my mums found on her random american sites she frequents and iv told her. Another thing i hate is the whole " share if you want to raise awareness of cancer. I know which of my friends will be honest and brave enough to do this":eusa_eh: Aw fuck off with that shit.Its the equivalent of chain mail or some shit:puke: First of we ALL know someone in our family or friends who have died from canceR so we are all quite aware of it and dont need reminded of how our family members died in pain. Secondly how is it "brave"? Its actually kinda lame to let someones post force you into sharing it out of guilt. Fuck that shit,dont have none of it on my page. I dig my cool quotes and stuff but none of that other religion or cancer shit. I did pay for an advert to raise awareness of a rare disease my mates kid has but there was a reaosn for that. Theres more that annoys me about facebook than pleases me. Another thing i hate is why the fuck do people ALWAYS "check in" to their gym and spend 10 minutes doing staus updates and posting pictures from in the gym?Its like "just fuckin do your shit and talk about it afterwards":roll:Everyones life is awesome on facebook:rolleyes:
  15. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    Ap you hit the nail on the head. Fuck you and your "share this in 1 millisecond or the world will end" crap. I can't stand that.
  16. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Quick look on my Mums page and theres perfect example of something i hate. Self loathing bullshit. People trying to portray as worried about someone elses plight while really just trying to let those who werent aware that they have one of the "illnesses" on the list:puke:My Mums in the "fybromyalgia" list. Which i think is yet another made up illness by American doctors. She had my youngest brother fuckin diagnosed ADHD back in the day due to "diagnosing" him via Oprah:bduh:. I didnt believe that was real either. You guys have an illness for everything and then it spreads to the UK and within a few years its a "recognised" thing. You cant put simple shortcomings in life down to illness. I detest facebook shit like below. In fact my Mums lucky i dont defriend her:rofl:


  17. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    The image below is as close to i ever get in even going near talking about 'afterlife' or religion on my page.Religions a personal thing,why you wanna ram it down peoples throats if they dont dig it.Live and let live. Same with illness,its private,why you wanna tell the world how ill you are? You can tell a lot about someone by the things they post. When im not posting random quotes,call of duty clips and my live streaming then im posting music,football and other topical shit. Now and then i take a bite at someone who pushes me to far and they aint within reach,even then i probably shouldnt::jj: SOUL.jpg

  18. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Contrast an image from my Dads page (who actually has real illnesses but you would never know) compared to the image from my mums, and it soon becomes apparent to me why their marriage never worked out:roll:


  19. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    My new fb account is Michael Valentine. Hit me up yo!
  20. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Who's Tmg Genetics?

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