Pot Grower Background Check

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by blackprince11, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    OMG! THAT'S how you fix that? It was right in front of my face! Yes! Viagra! Cialis! I want to do coke and fuck a chick and then hold hands in separate bath-tubs while commercial happy music is playing too! Fuck yeah! LOL! That should be in:FAQ:!!!

    I just had a reason to use the :FAQ: icon for the first time. Awesome!

    I am totally against anal sex!!! It's disgusting, animalistic, and reproductively unnecessary!!! Ugh! Sick!.......Unless I'm on coke then anal is ok because the tightness is just fucking off the chain! Wuuuuuhuuuuu!
  2. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    One workable arm? Huh? I had no idea RR! WTF? Stroke? War vet? Crazy ex-wife? What happened?

    All these years that I've been pissing you off with my liberal fucktard shit I had no idea you were one-handing your replies to me on all those posts! You're a fucking expert typist, man! Godspeed sir! Goodness gracious alive....... all those deep informative posts and responses.....you're my Lester from GTA 5! Just with an impaired arm instead of an impaired leg! LOL!
  3. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    RR, dude seriously if you need anything just tell me. I had no idea. Please, let me buy you a lap dance. I know you can buy your own but please, let me pay. I'm not being facetious. Seriously, let me get you laid. Just as a thank you for all the good times on GK. I'm asking as sincerely as I can in my best Wyatt Cynac voice.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  4. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    BP, Res messed his nerve endings up in a mid teens penis stroking bonanza, it was a dark and rainy night, slight breeze in the air, Johnson&johnson by the bed, still smoking ball of hash in his tin foil pipe....ahh the memories, ahhhhh
  5. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Not far off CC :rofl: But it was the slappersnatch of an overly tight vagina during a vigorous fisting session in my thirties. Lucky I got my arm out at all. Nowadays it's just dry menopausal caverns so a much safer adventure.

    Thanks but no BP. Getting laid is neither a problem nor a priority once a man reaches a certain age. Kind of a sorry thing that. :bong2: When sex finally becomes easily attainable it loses some of the allure. Don't get me wrong, dipping the wick is still a regular activity, but more akin to taking a day at the beach than any grand hunt.

    Been there, done that, gonna do it again soon enough. :redbong:
  6. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

  7. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

  8. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    I know right! It's like as I've gotten a little older ,and I've figured women out for the full of shit, double-standard, cognitive dissonance loving creatures that they are, I've come to the realization that sex is their only power over us. So when I see some young pretty thing walking along like she's God's gift I just smirk and think to myself " Argo fuck yourself! I can jerk off to you later and have more fun than if I actually had sex with you you little cunt, so go blow someone that gives a shit!" That's my customary attitude at 34. If she's gonna be something real to me then cool! If not and it's just gonna be some bullshit then she can fuck off. Period. Let her go play with someone else. Real talk.
  9. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Oh my! Nothing so mysoginistic...just a realization that all sex carries liability. Now repeat, "All sex has liability". It's my mantra. Once you slow down enough to identify the potential liability, the sex usually becomes far less attractive. If the liability is acceptable, have some fun.

    Learn the mantra and it will serve you well young one.:pimp:
  10. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    RR I usually take your word as gospel, but Hanna and her five sisters carry no consequences beyond hairy palms, early blindness and tennis elbow.

    Masturbation is god's gift to the world, and it's only hope for survival. The actual thing? WAY TO MUCH TROUBLE

    I've already got my deposit down on Robot Sex Slave 2020, Pam Anderson Model.
  11. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    I don't think it's misogynistic for two reasons:

    1. I don't dislike females on the whole or think any trait is just inborn when it comes to how most women are. Popular culture reflects and reinforces mindset and vice versa so, just like men, few are strong enough to resist the cultural influences to behave certain ways. Right now our culture reinforces and encourages women to behave badly and call this horrible and self-destructive behavior empowerment.

    2. I also subscribe to the liability way of looking at things and if the liability was just breaking up feeling bad about it for a few days and moving on to the next woman or with life or whatever that would be reasonable. But there's chicks out here that are members of crews that go out and find targets to set up for robbery, kidnapping, or just some young up and coming neighborhood gangsta to get his O.G. Stars killing someone. And it has to be someone that isn't in "the life" to prove how hard you are. It's nothing to kill another street soldier but an every day Joe? Now that's cold blooded killa shit! This is the mentality that dictates life on the Serengeti and if you're not careful these females will draw you into some bullshit quicker than shit. That's not the type of liability that I'm gonna be dealing with on the regular just to get some pussy. The women that I run into that are not like the ones I just mentioned are married or dating other women.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2015

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Here's a quote you made in an earlier post.

    So instead of living in a small town where people acknowledge your existence by calling you by name when they greet you and actually care about their neighbors and community, you'd rather continue your life within the world you described.

    And the street lights are nice. Then your neighbors can watch as you get mugged of stabbed by some crack-head for you pocket change. Then swear to law enforcement that they never saw a thing because "you" are not important enough to justify their involvement.

    Sounds like the ideal world to live in to me.

    Be Cool, CG
  13. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    I know the women you talk of BP. The guys in the 'hood are just as bad so it's one preying on the other. The view that it's just the "bitches" is pretty misogynistic. Solution? Get thee the fuck out of the city. It's where the predators live because the prey is plenty.

    Would you set up camp next a watering hole in the Serengeti? Why do virtually the same thing in social life? Go to the city for fun and entertainment. Live somewhere else, or not. But don't bitch about being there if you got other options.
  14. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    Well, if you put it like that then I guess that makes sense.
  15. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    Well, I guess when you're right, you're right! That's one of the reasons that if I get hired and move out of town I will not miss this fucking cesspool at all. I just hate that I have to leave my daughter here to grow up with these animals until I make a place for us elsewhere. That terrifies me more than anything; my baby needing me to come to her rescue and me not being there. That's about the only thing that will be hard about leaving fucking Jungle Damu Headquarters. OMG I fucking hate this place!
  16. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    And I never said it was just the bitches. I said that, just like men, few of them (women) are able to resist the cultural perspective of what a desirable man or woman should be and see that the symbols and icons that society puts up for them to emulate are just tools of the people that REALLY run this country to keep the poor stupid, angry, and focused on the wrong things.

    What is the biggest threat to the people who broker power in this country? An informed electorate. Cultural awareness. Family units voting their interests. Convincing men that they are not real men unless they are criminals keeps the men in prison away from teaching their sons manhood. Convincing women that true freedom is to try to out-whore each other, treat good men as disposable, and downplay motherhood's responsibilities as old-fashioned and outdated keeps women in the streets or in the clubs and away from teaching their daughters womanhood. What do we have left after that? A lost generation that needs popular culture to tell them what is important, give them their moral compass, and feed and cloth them. What's left is a generation that allows the rich to gobble up our rights while the men worry over who's the hardest gangster on the block and the women are kept in a constant state of hostility by the talking heads on tv telling them how angry they should be at perceived slights by the "patriarchy". That is the world we have inherited and men are just as guilty as women for the status quo.
  17. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    BP, your wound tight as a mofo!!! Your black ass needs some country life experience, slow it down a little man, get out of the stereotypical life man....you seem like a smart dude that's stuck around a bunch of hoodlife, city based, TV watchin, music glorified asswipes ,that think other popular peoples items are where its at....fuck all that noise my dude! you need that fresh air holmes! Come peep a deer or a bear with me...and for gods sake, SMOKE MORE WEED!!!:passsit:
  18. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    Hey! Deer and bears?!?!?! And these deer and bears that you're talking about; can we shoot and eat the deer and the bears? Because I'd like that very much! I think that would be awesome!:coolbounce:

    Hells yeah! I could do that shit! Live out in the woods on a mountainside that we can irrigate and that gets good light all year long and maintain and guard a huge gorilla grow! We would just need an advance from someone for the first season before we get solvent. Not much. Just enough for some camping and structure-building equipment, tools, grow supplies, licensing and permits, a few guns and plenty of ammo. I can front most of the handguns for the first season because I own them already depending on how many are coming. I have a shotgun already and I suggest anyone coming along get a combat or pump-action for themselves.

    Fuck yeah! That's what's up! I'm down!
  19. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Dude....are you manic or sumthin? Cause that's some crazy shit you're throwing down. All it tells me is you ain't got the foggiest clue how things work.

    Get a job in a nice place and learn how to live life differently. Then start looking for opportunity. I wouldn't back some black guy coming from the city with a trunk full of guns and wild dreams anymore than I'd back the white methhead stealing anhydrous ammonia from my neighbor's fertilizer tanks.
  20. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    Really RR? Ok. I guess the internet doesn't allow you to hear my tone. I'm just kidding RR.

    But just a question though: From what I just stated as a potential start-up operation and things that need to be accomplished, how far off am I? Even though I was just kidding I don't think what I stated would give a reasonable person a reason to think that I'm manic dude. I don't even get that assessment at all.

    So people don't do exactly (plus maybe more that I can't think of) what I just stated? People don't set up, maintain, and guard huge gorilla grows? Is that really that "manic"? Or maybe you're bringing some preconceived notions to the table that influenced your assessment maybe?

    Just a thought.

    I could be wrong.

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