So what's in your bong hit?

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Useless, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

  2. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated


    i sold most of it, but i still have about 200 grams left.
    Chief Smokingbud likes this.
  3. 420solo

    420solo Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Hmmm...huh...Im smoking GTs White Widdow from like 2 years ago. Knocked me out for a while.
  4. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Well we are glad to see you peek out of the fog back in here. Welcome back 420 solo.
  5. The Dawg

    The Dawg Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Sad times for The Dawg

    I am smoking resin and dust that is from the bootom of my pot box.With the hurricanes the last 2 years its been a bitch down here to grow and get some fine weed.The power was out inside crops were fucked,outside ones wiped out.Now things are just getting back to normal but I was getting sick and tierd of the asshole crippy dealers who knew they had us by the balls.Wet pot that drys out to half of what you paid for was every were for awhile and dumbasses were buying it up so fast that the few growers who were not effected by the storms kept pushing out wet pot(supply and demand is a bitch,lol).I know you are all going to tell me that is why you grow your own,and you are right.But my twin boys just turned 11,I have to leave the house just to get high or wait till they are gone/or in bed and have a sented candle burning.So growing in side is not an option.I will try agian to grow outside this year but there is less and less land every year that isnt full of people down here.So as I wait for the one crippy dealer I know who isnt an ass to give me the call I will suffer.But at least I can look at what you guys/galls are smoking and dream.Last really good stuff I had was 2 months ago,it was the last of the amnesia I had managed to get to survive the storms.Keep the pics coming I swear I can almost smell some of wah t you all are smoking.
  6. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Well this blueberry I am about to fire is for you Dawg. I hope you have a bumper crop this year.
  7. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Holy Cow! It's my long lost brother Solo! :p
  8. Chief Smokingbud

    Chief Smokingbud Hash Engineer

    Solo! I thought you got smashed in the asteriod belt. Glad to have you back

    Yeah that WW was some good stuff eh?
  9. Chief Smokingbud

    Chief Smokingbud Hash Engineer

    Dawg i hear ya bro but i hate to burst your bubble.........hurricanes are here to stay for a long time due to the cycle. Katrina and Rita got us good, but i had a stash and wasn't growing at the if we could just get rid of the dead beat refugees lol.
  10. 420solo

    420solo Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Thanks a bunch 83 my lucky #

    I really like it, I got all females from the batch so I was able to really choose some nice moms. I got 2 really distinct phenos, one was commom to the DP and Nirv. Widdow, very branchy , tight nugs. The other was very S dom one very nary stalk with no branching. I love this one for my SOGs I can pack these in and foxtail away. Very smooth smoke at early cure and very potent. I have it in 2 med closets now and the users are very grateful for it. They say it is great for disassociaition.

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