Soil porno thread.

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Randy High, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    All cool and ready to use now.

    I spent a day hatching out the whatevers.

    seeds, bugs and whatever.

    Three nat like flys and one house fly, three unknown seedlings of some unknown plant.

    One yellow sticky trap took care of it all.

    PH is stable.

    I guess that's it really.

    Good job if I do say so myself.
  2. doc420

    doc420 New Sprout

    The good thing about having a good soil like yours is that you wont have to give nutrients to your plants for a while, maybe two months.
  3. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    You are right.

    And when someone is ready they can lay down a dressing of organic materials that will break down in time to be plant ready.
  4. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I have come to find Shrimp meal and Crawfords micronized compost two valued additions.

    The soil is interesting in this room.

    I must allow one inch or two to dry out to be in sync with the watering.

    If the surface is soggy then it's over watered.

    That's a twist!
  5. oneplant

    oneplant Begun Flowering


    Thanks for the terrific post.:new_llying:

    :sign13: You have given me some great ideas for working with soil for my upcoming plans. :sign13:
  6. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Well good!

    I get to posting so much that it's great to know I am adding.

    What ya gonna do Oneplant?
  7. oneplant

    oneplant Begun Flowering

    Well, since I am going to be growing in soil again this time I want to come up with a better soil than the walmart brand. I still want to use the metanaturals because they were very good to me, so I dont really want all of the things you mentioned in the soil but the idea of making my soil with some lime (I am having a hard time finding dolomite lime however) to even out the soil ph, which was a problem last time around. I want a nice light fluffy mix that dosent cake up after a few waterings. I am still thinking about what else to use in with it so any suggestions would be wonderful.
  8. jaypee89

    jaypee89 The Seventh Seal

    that soil must be stinky. all the poop and kelp and shrimp and shiet thats in it.....gggggross. :)
  9. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    You should see my Tomatoe plant.

    It's really squat and It has flowered already. I'm going to let it stay. It's a seed from the compost and sprouted in the sweet spot!

    But any smell is taken care of by the carbon filter. And there isn't any poop in it. I don't know where you got that one,

    OH you mean the sea bird guano...

    Well that has been used in TBS per gallon and watered in.

    There isn't any raw manure here. That's what I thought you ment.

    You are right to think it going on because it is.
  10. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni


    Soil will aggregate into clumps. It a natural process and a sign of a healthy soil.

    I am seeing that right now on the surface of my soil.

    So, oneplant, A good soil structure is the thing for you then.

    Something that hydrates well and supports the use of your trusted and faves!

    I will mention coco peat tho I have not used it.

    A basic mix of say peat moss and perlite would be a foundation.

    The idea there is to balance the water holding ability with air flow.

    So that roots get the air they need.

    Into that we could add things to provide some NPK.

    Things like bone meal, greensand, compost and other things.

    As Jpee points out decay is the issue in a hardcore organic soil.

    It's gonna happen and should in an alive soil.

    Coco peat takes a long time I have read so there is a twist in the knickers for decay but a possible long term structure.

    I am thinking good drainage and the ferts you want to use will be good.

    You can mix things in that will add to the nutrients. Green sand is a good one.

    I like kelp so I put that one on the table.

    Fresh compost is a kick!

    What more one needs with liquid products I don't know.

    That will depend on the products I assume.

    I don't know your products.
  11. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Nice post again Randy keep up the good work and get some plants in that soil.
  12. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Doc I thought to mention I got a box of Crawfords micronized compost. That is all about Teas.

    Came with a hand out on making teas and what to do and what not to do.
  13. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Thanks man.

    I'm working on that.

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