MRASTRO, only you can appreciate this....I have a tiresized pothole at the end of my road where it turns onto the highway, i mean this thing is atleast 2ft round and a foot deep, the only goddamn time its nice to drive around here is in the winter! when the holes fill up with ice! I got an f-350 quad hits them holes and feels like ur getting a compression fracture in ur back and dont even dare hit one when you gotta take a dump..... Im still 30
Hey Chris! You've been out-of-State, right? You don't need the Big Sign to know you crossed back into PA! Trucker's Know! PENNDOT SUCK'S! Remember 78 being shut-down last winter? PPl stuck for 1-2(?)day's? It was surreal! Crossing over, all you could see was white interstate, 4-wide blowing, and National Guard in Hummvie's, blocking the on-ramp's! The joke was: "It's winter time...or as PENNDOT call's it...VACATION!!! That was a big black eye, from Rendel on down! As well it should be! Now, when they're even calling for 'light snow', the truck's are ideling EVERYWHERE!!! Our State Motto should be Land of PotHole's!!! :yikes:
Okay okay I've been working on this all morning. I went back through from Pg 1 and reverified everybody. I updated birthdays and added a few that I missed. I think I have everybody accounted for now, and with the proper age. There was that Nedley Mandingo dude that said he was 64, but I haven't seen him around since then, so unless he comes in here and says otherwise, he's not included. Spouses, girlfriends, roomates, and life partners don't count unless they are also registered members. :leafdance: 33.759493670886154 :leafdance: 79 Entries.... edit: See updated list on last page
Awww thanks my GK bros for the b-day wishes :love4: ...great job Joe :angel8: that was lots of work and I despise math so I feel your pain on having to update it. LOL I would have to bury this thread deep before you have more members join or birthdays ...hehe :laughing5: ~~~~~>>>You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Average Joe again.
Thanks Mermaid, ccasion13: It actually takes longer putting all the individual colors to all of 'em than it does updating the list. Luckily I don't mind, because with my new superpowers I can delete it at any time. :raygunx: Ooops!!