Whats the average age of a GrowKind grower?

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by theferret, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. weed sprite

    weed sprite Begun Flowering

    Happy Birthday--Mermaid!!:party5:

  2. smokinbasser

    smokinbasser Veggy Stage

    And along comes the old fart that changes the average age with my 63 years old.
  3. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Can we get an update JOE?


  4. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    Update: We have a new "old head". Congratulations :5geezer: smokinbasser :5geezer:




    80 Entries....

    edit: See updated list on last page
  5. xxStrifexx

    xxStrifexx Developed Alternating Nodes

    18 years old, been smoking since i was 13.. starting my growing now
  6. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Hell, I go away for a week and the entire seniority structure changes!

    Old Heads RULE!!!!

    BTW...a belated Happy B-day to you Mermaid. I hope you pampered yourself. Better yet, I hope you were pampered by someone else.

  7. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    You went away for a week???

  8. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    AAhhhh, right where I like to be socially positioned. The ultimately forgettable thread troll.

    Thanks for the humble pie AJ. Wasn't quite as good as Mrs. D's Superbowl Taco pie I'm sure, but tasty nonetheless.
    Mermaid likes this.
  9. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Aww thanks for the birthday wishes Resin and all my GK bros!! :)

    Old Heads do RULE!! ;)

    As for pampering myself...lol :roll:

    Nahhh I am the one who takes care or spoils my family and being a single mom since my divorce>>no one to pamper me at the moment. I did have a wonderful b-day though!! My daughter's made their own breakfast and cleaned up around the house that morning before I woke up so I guess that counts as being pampered a little eh>? I mean I didn't have as MANY chores that morning so it is all good. :) Honestly I am not used to being "pampered" so prolly would not know what to do if it was to happen...haha Not a prissy one here and enjoy being the nurturing one as that is how I am built. I get much pleasure from pleasing other's and enjoy being a mom and now a mom mom to my 1year old grandson who also has his first b-day just a couple of days before me. :) My oldest came up from VA with her hubby and the baby for a couple weeks so it that respect, he was the BEST present I got as I really enjoy having him around. Love babies so it is nice having him here to visit.

    Anywhos had yummy cake, my youngest got me a mini lop rabbit who I adore (psst but she got it as a present for me and her...haha) Need to post a pic of him as I am still trying to think of a cool name. He is house trained and also has an outside hutch as well. Only 6 weeks old and is all white except his long lop ears which look as tho they were dipped in chocolate...hehe

    My bro's and parents all had dinner and cake for me with my grandmom too. Then I hung out with my frds for a few hours later and partied so it was a nice day. Plus it was warm on Sunday so was diggin the spring like weather. Now it is cold and brrrrrrr but hopefully spring will be here to stay soon. :)

    Good word Joe and I do like the way you color all our names with differ crayon's!! Looks pretty and I love how us "old heads" are coming out and that average number is rising every time another one checks in. ;)
  10. WillGrow4Food

    WillGrow4Food Toker Extraordinaire

    20 and counting, college is teaching me just as much about growing as it is my real studies.

    how nice it would be if we had a growing class in college, easily would be the most popular, my school is quite well known for it's ganja lovers.
  11. Hobbes12

    Hobbes12 Germinated

  12. Psycho D



    One cool cat.
  13. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    They got-em in Oaksterdam. Might be good off-campus class you could run tho! Think of it.......$40 or $50 a head for a two night course. You could rent a banquet room on an off night at the pub for a $100 or maybe a split of the take. Hell, it could be free if you guys drink during the class. Professor WillGrow.....has a ring to it.

  14. WillGrow4Food

    WillGrow4Food Toker Extraordinaire

    you know, thats actually not a bad idea at all
  15. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    You could invite the occasional GK member as an adjunct Professor. Say like.......Dr. Skunky Phd in Potology.......Professor Grat Phd in Cabinet Matrices......Dr. Apprentice Phd. Life Studies........Professor Geheim from the Dutch Institute of those Committed to Kronic (or DICK for short).

    Might actually work.
  16. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    I'll gladly stand in the back, if I can get a spot in Prof. Geheim's class!!!

    His, or Ta's would be wild! I'm sure!

    TA(although a scream)would be one of those Prof.'s that ALWAY'S run late(judging by his post's!), and Prof. Geheim's class would be one of those where you're like...:wtf?:

    You forgot Evil! Every class would probably be a 'field trip'!!!
  17. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Ok...Dr. E. Skuzzi Phd Ganja Torture. Currently on a lecture sabbatical from the U. U. (Underworld University). Last published work "Objectivism and its Implementation in Marijuana Horticulture: How to Over Take the World One Plant at a time."
  18. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Yeah...field trip to Hell! :icon_confused:
  19. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

  20. SidVicious

    SidVicious Developed Alternating Nodes

    46 and just harvesting / drying my first grow! Can't wait.

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