Made it back alive....mildly hungover, but alive. It's cool with me, you guys can keep bumping this thread as much as you like, and I'll keep keep updating the list as long as people want to post their age. I do like to wait till 3 or 4 people post though, then do an update. As soon as I get tired of doing it, I might accidentally hit the delete thread button.......on accident. :kidding: So what do you guys think about OldTroll being 74? :bs: or add to the list??? Quick, what year were you born?!?!
I'm between 21 and 27 Due to the long amount of time I spent on the UFO(USO) where time stood still, I came back as the same age as when I left. So it's hard to say exactly.
ha been on growkind since i was 14 15 and im 19. This sight taught me everything So thanks to all of you for being there when my bitches needed you