I'm 31 now. Is it just me or did you remove Neon? if so, why not IG? Grat P.S. I can't believe your still updating this:laughing1:
Great work Joe!!:thumbsup: For all of you who have not posted your age....ahhhh just do it. As you can see we all come from different places and yes different ages. It's all good! assit:
Gotta a lot of new members since this thread fell off. Here's the last updated list I had. There are a lot of names on this list that I haven't seen around in a long time. I'm sure many are a year older by now. Post up and I'll update it. :leafdance: Average: 33.7804878048780 :leafdance: smokinbasser - 63 longhairtex - 58 Zigzagman - 56 Headcase - 56 Ginsberg - 55 ncmaineac - 53 CreativeGardner - 53 runzwsczrs - 52 weedwacker - 51 Mr Douglas - 51 Gizmo Barks - 50 Strawberry Cough - 49 SidViscious - 48 ResinRubber - 48 Chckinitout - 47 the ferret - 45 nobogart 45 Mermaid - 45 PhatKojack - 44 mrotch - 44 mrastro - 44 choker - 41 HayWire - 41 weed sprite - 41 The Master - 40 Average Joe - 40 HerbSparky - 40 TommyBoi420 - 39 Skunkrnaught - 38 OneHitterInOZ - 38 HappyHappyHighGuy - 37 Gigeresque - 37 Bud Greenwright - 37 mohouse - 37 PsychoD - 35 SMARMY ARMY - 33 Stangman 1976 33 bLITzkRIEg420 - 32 Zeppelin - 32 hygrade - 32 Gratitude - 31 Weedgrl - 31 SeraphimZeta - 30 Lukesmommy - 30 chriscrete - 30 The Apprentice - 30 EvilSkuzzi - 29 fubar - 29 big t double - 28 HappyJay - 28 Virago420 - 27 SteelCity Smoker - 27 LionLoves420 - 26 link420 - 26 theCarpenter - 26 Confused420 - 25 CanadianDan - 25 stickyicky24 - 25 coconuthead - 24 Skunky - 24 JohnH - 24 cjb03 - 23 CaptKush - 23 Guerilla Family - 23 sectguitar - 23 cannagirl - 22 nuggnester - 22 hobo80 - 22 thekalimist - 22 texmo69 - 22 JuggaloKing420 - 22 Reggaeuplifts - 21 talltrees - 21 cj smokes - 20 anaujiram - 19 ohiogrow - 19 kevo - 19 BlazeOne - 19 made2smoke - 19 gopherlove - 18 bmarsh13 - 18 SecretGrower420 - 18
I cant believe this thread is still goin! Ive aged nearly 2 years since it originated.. LOL I think we need a recount. The median age is rising.. 23 - Will be 24 in March. GFam
i just turned the big 3-0, n i'm not on "da list" either! whats up wit dat, joe??? just kiddin... peace -LM
I've updated: Lukesmommy (30) :thumbsup: darling, you posted right when the thread died before. You're on the list now young lady. Mrastro (44) - Dude, you're getting old Headcase (56) - Dude, you ARE old coconthead (24) - On the list :thumbsup: link420 (26)- thanks, your updated :thumbsup: virago420 (27) -Updated :thumbsup: nobogart (45) - Updated :thumbsup: PsychoD -