I want you to go off on your "boring info". That type of info/research is the shit i love reading. If you got the time fill me in!
LOL! I know. I wasn't trying to cause dis-harmony. I was just explaining why it would not work. I wrote my Senior Thesis on Stars and Gravity to get my B.A. in Physics. What do you want to know? LOL! Actually, wikipedia has some articles on nuclear fusion, so I don't have to type it all out..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_fusion
O.K., I've got one AND it may explain why GeoKitty wants to move away from Mt. Shasta....:yikes: It seems that there is either an ancient race of people called the Lemurians living in the mountain or there is a Space Alien complex deep within the mountain.
yeah ive heard that one as well.. What about the HOLLOW EARTH theory? With entrances at each pole allowing oceans to flow in and out, and the supposed core of our earth being the central sun for the underworld. Ill bet thats where the lochness monster is hiding! You know one thing i wondered, maybe you can fill me in, is why our earth spins but yet we stay grounded? Isnt that like some reverse gravity? lol Or is our core a giant gravity ball!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :scream: lol
Now your making me do math! LOL! Well, here you go.... Circumfrence of the Earth = 25,000 miles = 1609.270 meters/mile x 25000 = 40231750 meters, (Let's just say 40,000,000 meters to make the math easier). It takes 24 hours for the earth to make one rotation = 86400 seconds So, at the equator, we are traveling at a velocity (v) of 40,000,000/86400 meters per second = 463 m/s The radius of the Earth ® is, on average, 6,365,000 meters. The centrifugal acceleration (a)you feel from the Earth rotating is (v x v)/r = (463 x 463)/6,365,000 = 0.03 So, if you weigh (m) 170 lbs = 77 kg, the centrifugal force you feel from the Earth rotating is F= m x a = 77 x 0.03 = 2.31 Newtons. That is the Force trying to fling you off the Earth at the equator. At the poles, there is no centrifugal force, so there is no affect from the rotation of the Earth. Now, if we remember our High School Physics class, we know that the acceleration of Gravity is 9.8 m/(s x s), so at 77kg, we have F = m x a = 77 x 9.8 = 754.6 Newtons So the force from Gravity is 754.6/2.31 = 327 times stronger. That is why we don't go f into space. When I was in 2nd grade, I had a teacher try to explain gravity to us little kids. Her explanation was that we are stuck on the Earth BECAUSE of the rotation. She said it's like when you have a bucket of water and you fling it around by the handle very fast, the water stays in the bucket and that is how gravity works. I went home that day and tried a little experiment by spinning a ball and trying to place a little toy on the ball and it kept f off. So, her explaination never made sense to me. Now that I know better, I know she was COMPLETELY WRONG. Her explaination would work if the planet were hollow and we lived on the INSIDE of the planet, but since we live on the surface, it just doesn't work. It could be that she was one of the Hollow Earth people and that's how things worked in her world.
Hahahahahah youre too much man! So my next question is where does the universe end? Wheres the outside wall? And also, how come i can think, why is my brain aware of itself. How come if i unfocus my eyes i can see an oily like substance floating everywhere. LOL!!!
Oh Yeah!! YEP!! They're hiding in there alright!! Oh Dang!! Didn't realize it would be such a HUGE pic!! !
Yeah, my teacher used the same explaination..:icon_confused: .......thanks for enlightening us Alien.
It doesn't end. It folds back over on itself. Think of an ant walking on a mobius strip. From its point of view, it can only go forward and backward (1-Dimentional universe) However, if it keeps walking in straight line, it will eventually end up where it started. That is a 1-dimentional universe projected into a 3-dimentional space. Now, imagine the same thing with our universe...We have the ability to travel in 3 dimentions (up-down, left-right, forward-backward), now project that into a 5-dimentional space where our 3-dimentional world uses the other dimentions to twist and fold over onto itself. Actually, I think the current theory says there are 10 dimentions.
Yeah, ive read into dimensions a little as well. Really deep stuff. I like reading about shit like worm holes, and time space and all that shit. Cool stuff. I always find myself staring up at the stars and shit as i walk around the block for a quick puff. Ever since i downloaded the new google earth with google sky a few years back, ive been looking up alot more. :new_infinity: Any of you ever check out Googlesky?