Worms in the kitchen?

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by allsmilez, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. allsmilez

    allsmilez snow bunny

    It does make sense..... :)

    I just wanted SOME poooo......:laughing5: I have the patience of a 5 year old...I'm going to go ahead and "starve" them and let them eat up the rest of the yummy in the bin, see where we're at then as far as what to do.:love4: By spring, should have, hmmmm.....@ 60 lbs. of poo....not bad for $40 worth of worms, $10 worth of totes, and a bunch of scraps.... :)

    Good idea, DB....:suave: I probably didn't get all the worms and eggs out of the poo, anyway,(It was freezing outside.)and I'll toss a few more back in the new bucket for good measure...... :)
  2. Psycho D


    Oh WOW!!! Is that what those things are? I've been seeing those in my mulch pile for awhile now wondering "What the fuck are these things?" I usually leave them in when making up my soil mix. I guess I should take them out?
  3. allsmilez

    allsmilez snow bunny


    Yep...:baby: those are eggs.....Lol,...When I first saw them I thought "I don't remember putting fertilizer in here?":icon_confused: ..... I felt really bad....tearing up their happy little home....:sorry:

    Anyway, I picked most of them out(hard to find 'em all)....and put them back.:love4: At @12 babies per egg, lol....:love6: = :group:

    I don't really think it will hurt to plant some eggs in the mix...:suave: they can only help aerate and fertilize...:love4: Unless some chemicals may hurt them...? Interesting....:sign13:
    HeadCase likes this.
  4. allsmilez

    allsmilez snow bunny


    I harvested one of my bins of worms today! It was the smaller of the 2, a 18 gallon bin, started about half full, I guess....:suave:

    Here's how I got the worms out, spreading it on a tarp and forcing them to crawl back into the middle...:icon_confused:


    Here's after I ran it all through a 1/8 " screen, so I could put back the numerous pieces of eggshell, and the eggs that are continuosly growing in numbers...:suave:


    And here's the final product, remember this is you ever show up at my house and ask for coffee....:icon_confused:


    I put alot of the bigger stuff back into their new bedding, so it would still seem like "home"....:laughing5:

    Enjoy my shit!:suave:
  5. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Very Inticing indeed methods! lol

    Nahhhhhhh Seriousely bro though....


    Peace n SHIT-On brotha,lol,

    Great work though,:bigok:

    That Is "the SHIT"..:sign13: :) :pimp:

    Much Respect for the composting/Ferting ect ect..

    UBB..........:sign13: :) :thumbsup:
  6. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Very Inticing indeed methods! lol

    Nahhhhhhh Seriousely bro though....


    Peace n SHIT-On brotha,lol,

    Great work though,:bigok:

    That Is "the SHIT"..:sign13: :) :pimp:

    Much Respect for the composting/Ferting ect ect..

    UBB..........:sign13: :) :thumbsup:
    allsmilez likes this.
  7. allsmilez

    allsmilez snow bunny

    The new "SHITTER"

    Lol,.....I just thought I'd update:smokin: ....Got a new worm bin, the Can-o-Worms....Little guys are just so beneficial, I thought they deserved a Hilton instead of a Motel 6....:qbluewacko:


    It's pretty cool, it's got 3 layers, individual trays that have screen-like openings in the bottom of the trays.....


    Starting with one tray, the worms will eat scraps until the first tray is mostly eaten.....


    Then, another tray will be added with new bedding and food. They will climb up to the second, or third bin, and the bottom tray will be ready to harvest!

    Hoping this thing will save me @ 8 hours of hunkering over a pile of worms on a tarp, lol.....:suave:
  8. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Good shit bro (AGAIN) lol

    I MUST admit,lol, that IS some good intersting SHIT, once again!

    The Method your using is Very New to me, so Im finding all this shit really interestiung indeed bro, [​IMG],

    Ans as this is the first time ive witnessed a Worm SHIT fert Composting thread, and it is very interesting to say the least! :thumbsup:

    Great Information and Instructions on how to actually use this specified method of COMPOSTING and FERTING!!!

    Respect n Much success brodha!

    UrBigBuddie............:pimp: :bigok: :smokin:
  9. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    The stuff that is in the coffee can looks like it was dry did you dry it out and then sift? and how big was the screen you used?

    I just got my worms yesterday and I want to be prepared for harvesting the castings.

    Man, you can even hear them eat!

    sorry just saw it, 1/8 inch screen.
  10. allsmilez

    allsmilez snow bunny

    Late response.....

    Sorry, BBB.....:icon_confused: I musta missed your Q.....

    To answer,...No, I didn't really dry it out,...it really doesn't get sopping wet at all, more like moist soil...:love4: And during the process I used to get the poo, it did probably dry out a hair from sitting in the sun for a couple hours....

    What I did was to dump the whole bin on a tarp, and over the course of a few hours, just gradually scoop the outer edges away, and the worms would crawl further into the middle.....Then I took the bucket of poo and rolled it over a 1/8" screen(caught that, lol....)I put the bigger stuff back, pieces of eggshell, paper, worm eggs..:suave: etc....

    The results in the coffe can were used in numerous houseplants, my veggie starts, and a couple of clones, and everybody LOVES it...I just put about an inch of poo on the top of the soil in the pot, kinda rough it up a little, and water it in.....:love4: Magnifique!

    Do be prepared to wait a while for harvestable amounts of poo(could be 3 months or more....),...they seem to LOVE bananas, and they don't care for potatoes, lol....OH, and NO ONIONS!!!!! I killed a bin of mine with one....poor little guys...:icon_confused:
  11. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    You're The Shit!!!
  12. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    No prob, I got about 2.5 pounds of reds and there eating away, got a lot of tea, going to bottle it and use it on inside house plants. Do you bottle yours? and if so do you cap it or....I was thinking of putting it in a old soda bottle. It F**ken reeks. The tea that is.

    and the castings are all organic so there not going to burn any roots on any grow, right?

    Thanks :suave:
  13. allsmilez

    allsmilez snow bunny

    good wormies....

    Nope, NO burn...:love4: I've even had cantaloupes growing in my bin with the worms, and never had anything burn, that's what's sooo nice about wormpoo.... :)

    And I've never actually put the tea in a jug or anything,....I usually use it right up, or it sits in my watering can a couple days...:qbluewacko: But I'm sure it would keep for at least a few weeks capped, just shake it up prior.... :)

    You don't like the smell?:love4: I LOVE the smell of fresh poo, smells like healthy earth!:icon_confused:
  14. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    NO NO I don't like the smell of the Tea not the poo. The Poo has an earthy smell. I guess I am doing it right.
  15. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    what happens if you leave the worms and keep adding food and do not harvest but once a year? or twice a yr? Is it gaining or loosing?

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