I went to a night club this previous weekend and was that a eye opener. Girls getting their tits out for anyone wanting a Eyefull. I had heard...
Bugger, there goes my novelty :@)
The Clear Eyes has landed, and its fucking freezing. Dont know what the drama was with heathrow, didnt see one armed man or tank. Anybody...
I watched the first race from the beach THCdude, what a **** up. Missed the second race as i was flying, so what happened? Please dont tell me its...
Well i have travelled half way around the world so far, and i have another 12 hour flight to go, just in transit in the flight terminal, and i...
Whew that was close, all these iraqis and only one gun. "Look over there" ------>
I do? **** **** Get it off!! Get it the **** off!
I find that funny , that instead of good old corporal punishment in schools, they now have conditions. Like A.D.D and ****. Give em Prozac!. I say...
"Cause i got me some killin to do"
Oh you want pictures too? Ok, give me 5 minutes.:wink:
I snatch it and leave the end wet.
Its not Pennywise.....sorry. I know which song your on about, and it aint even close.
Well they cant be a prediction unless they come true. You will only ever know them as predictions after the fact.[IMG]
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