Umm...Ranger...the replica is what we gave to them, we have the original. Which they gave to us.
In all fairness it's only 767 posts.
Would have to do that sober. Numbers aren't really my strong point so it takes me awhile as I double check everything, and in this mindset, half...
O.k. for ease on my heavily inebriated mind, let's say we have 10 people, designated by numbers 1-10. 1 has an intelligence of 10, 2 has 20 and so...
The I.Q. has nothing to do with intelligence, it's more of a mental reflex test. How quickly you are able to grasp and apply new concepts. That's...
Ummm...THC, not to question your infinite wisdom in the areas of mathematics. God knows I'm a complete dolt when it comes to numbers. But if half...
Because he would have by now, if he had the technology.
It's absolutely hypocritical, and if I remember correctly it's the third clause in the preamble of the constitution, very American. Speaking of...
Should I kill the smaller plant or attempt to transplant it, I really don't want to injure the one that's looking good.
Two questions wrapped in one post. 1) Can you do anything with the males? 2) Got two plants growing right on top of each other, would say that the...
The government has way too much time on it's hands. I say BLAME THE GOVERNMENT, I mean really isn't that how you all feel? If so remember, WE...
I always hang around high school and middle schools looking for the dudes that hand out the free samples. Bastards never show. Dude, the guy...
I don't. No matter how diverse a person appears I still think of them as a fucking idiot.
They passed out again. Swear they're doing this crap on purpose. Gonna let them go until they die, which I'm sure they will. I'll have to prepare...
Separate names with a comma.