haha so funny, but yet wrong. I feel for little catholic boys.
The page with the flourex and bulbs, for 12.50 says only available for LIPA customers, and that they dont profit with any revenue, SO im thinking...
wut is the secret, and ive seen the picture, they r HUGE! lol welp, later
who the **** r u people to think u can tell me wut and wut not to do, shoot i do wut i want when i feel like doing it, so stfu and kiss my ass. I...
I saw some really cheap peat pots at lowes, they said on them, that u can do ur cloning and stuff in them, and once u r ready to transplant them...
This is to rangerdanger, send me a PM back plz. I sent you one earlier. Thanks
im also new to growing, but i have been doing mucho researcho. lol gimme some input, on wut u think
my setup consists of 21 big containers, with 2 plants in each container, meaning 42 plants. i got 2 1000watt hps bulbs, and im using a pump in my...
also, forgot, the 21 trays are on 3 tables, 7 holes per table, and do u think i should put air tablets in the fillpart of the table, so the roots...
nice try at wut?
lol arctic, u got it on the head man, that scodub dude is dumber then hell, hes putting us at risk. i got a question for u though. think u could...
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