A snatch with lime, tastes fine.
There are those that can, and those that think they can .... No offence, just sounds good!
Yo, lilly. Thats the downs of drugs. Well the short term. I took E's every weekend for a year, best thin is to get it over with, accept it as a...
What kind of Ferts you all useing to have to adjust Ph? Sit, use something that self adjusts, no bother with Ph from then on. EC, thats slightly...
Looking SWEET. That smell is big clue to the strenght!
Thanks Georged, big pics, and many! I've decided against the use of ripen, as advised. Just to be safe. Being a particularily lazy bastard, i may...
Yep, PKO, thats exactly what I got in mind. However I have never tried to veg again after useing RIPEN and I'm kinda very keen to keep the...
I'm wanting to know if adding Ripen to my crop will cause any problems to regrowing the same plants? Does it kill em in the end? Or can I get away...
Lots of new strains are about, and sure some folk'll know some others from around the globe, given your best opinion, where you can be certain the...
Spa ! What's the newest way to grow hydro? Bubblers in DWC and misters for the top of the roots any good?
My best advice is some soapy/water sprayed onto the leaves at night start. Repeated every day for a week mites are gone for the grow.
Seems it's been a whole long time since I was ere. Can't log on, but can to chat room. Lots happen then?? Hows the general site going, still...
Separate names with a comma.