-What is the nutrient solution I need, or do I have to mix things? And what it's called. You need to get nutes from your hydro store. I'd...
I have my system up and running right now. My temperature is at 70 degrees, my humidity is 50%, my Ph level is at 5.4 and my TDC reading is 210...
I have my system just about complete. Waht a bitch it was finding a bulckhead connector. . . every hardware store I checked didn't have it. My...
Damn, I think my water is hard. I just took a ph reading and it was 9.0. I re-calibrated my meter 4 times thinking the meter was screwed, I...
I'm planning on using tap water. I live on a municipal water source, so the water isn't hard. Do you suggest going with distilled? I just...
Hey Guys, I'm going to try hydro for the first time. I have bought most of the equipment I think I need and I should have the setup complete this...
Thanks guys, chopped the biatch today. BTW, it looks like it was a Mg problem. The Epsom salts sparked the plant right up, but I chopped him...
Hey Guys, here are a couple of pictures. I went over the FAQ's and I wasn't able to find my exact problem. I think this is an Mg problem, I just...
Thanks for the info Smurfy!!! I spent part of the day researching sun simulation on the net, as well as lumens, lux and standards. There are...
Smurfy, do you know if there is any sort of a Mil, NASA OR ANSI Standard on lumens output and HID bulbs? Another question is if they calculate...
Are you restricted to 6ft tall? Because rather than vertically separating the box, do it horizontally. You could use the bottom 4 ft. as a...
Here's the lowdown guys. . . The sun puts out on average about 1365 W/m². This depends on surface fluxuations on the sun i.e. solar flares. In...
Hi everyone, Well, I set up the floro system and it's a bit too big for the room, but I got it to work. I also just pruchased a 400w PL Light...
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