12-12 from seed

Discussion in 'Advanced Cultivation' started by wawona, Nov 11, 2006.

  1. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Yea....Go for it wawona!!!

    Ive personally done this, and im doing it rite now with my flowering clone in a way, as, as soon a they sprung roots, it was>12/12 all the way from then, no nutes fpor a week and then a lil, very lil GROW diluted quite WEAKLY, and from then on.....BLOOM strait from then to finish, usually get about 9 weeks of bloom)Flowering, possibly-10 weeks, But always have got a deasent Crop from going with thast procedure alone!!!


    Go for it n let us know how you do....

    As i say, i gave it a very very lil diluted GROW nute from one feed, then let it grow with some water n water alone, then strait into BLOOM Nutrient at start of week 2....

    Peace Out,

    Hope all goes well, n cant wait to se how ya do with this,

    Keep it up wawona,

    UrBigBuddie............ :) :qbluewacko: :punk:

    P.S, works great for a NICE crop , FAST!!!:qbluewacko:
  2. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    I'm doing 12/12 from seed

    Hey Wawona, I have 6 wk old plants that are about to go into 12/12, but I also just started germinating 4 seeds (2 fem WW & 2 fem NL) that I plan on putting into 12/12 as soon as they root. I wanted to use up all my seeds so I had an excuse to buy some new strains for my next grow. :)
  3. noreastgrow

    noreastgrow Super Dank Headies

    12/12from start

    If you look in high times, they have a plant that was on 12/12 since it was 6 inches. Shit looks dope. Just a big ass cola with roots!

  4. runzwsczrs

    runzwsczrs Begun Flowering

    I'm a little confused as to your motive here Wa.... first off sorry for jumping in so late in this thread, but it seems if your motive is for shortened time to maturity, the 12/12 won't advance it much until AFTER you've seen alternating nodes. I would think that 18/6 or straight up 24 light cycle would increase vegatative growth rates (giving stronger plant vitality) up until you see alternating nodes, at which time the plants would be mature enough to begin flowering and a switch to 12/12. The longer light cycle may even lead to a shorter time to seeing alternating nodes? I'm not claiming any expertise here just some "food for thought".
  5. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    i do not want the plant to vegetate. i want the plant to start flowering as soon as it sticks it's head through the soil. i have 60 days to produce bud from seed. that's all of the time i have. if i had time and place to veg longer i would. i don't have the time. i totally understand the principle of alternating nodes and their importance. i have pointed out several times, in this thread, that it is a necessity to grow the plants this way. i understand that this is not "optimal condition" and that the yield will suffer.

    how can you guys think that i don't understand what happens when you veg a plant longer rather than shorter? :sad7:

    if i need to explain the entire situation again so as ya'll will understand why i am doing this i will. there is a very good reason on top of simply wanting to see for myself what happens to a plant that is put into 12-12 from the moment it germinates.

    i have flowered MANY plants that were that short or shorter, but i have never flowered one as soon as it germinated. i appreciate the tip though.....been a while since i read a high times magazine.
  6. Slugg

    Slugg Developed Alternating Nodes

    These have already been planted right? They must be a couple of weeks in already. How are they looking?

  7. runzwsczrs

    runzwsczrs Begun Flowering

  8. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    plants do not have to have alternating nodes before they will flower. plants flower under 12-12 light no matter the age. waitng until they are mature(alternating nodes) obviously increases yield, if for no other reason than there are more bud sites. i have no desire for them to produce a large amount of bud. i just wanted a sampling of these strains as i am halting the grow op at the end of february. was simply trying to add to my semi retirement stash.

    they should have been started but they have not because i don't have room in my flower room for another plant of ANY size. I have a strawberry cough that gets harvested tonight that will create considerable room. then i am gonna get started.
  9. Slugg

    Slugg Developed Alternating Nodes

    So we're talking 7 weeks total from seed to harvest? I am very interested in how this turns out. If you can get at least 1/4oz (dried) from each, then planting 16 fem seeds for a quick turnaround would be a great idea (IMO).

    Any idea when you will begin to grow again?

  10. runzwsczrs

    runzwsczrs Begun Flowering

    Well thankyou for the education. Hope all goes well with the grow. I too will be interested in any progress reports. Rockon Wa.
  11. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    What's up wawona! This sounds interesting, but u know everyone whats to see some pic. of progress. Seeing is believing, Not in any way saying u r not really doing this just like the visual parts!

    And i heard that the more light the seedlings gets the more females u get, so do u think a 12/12 will give u more males? Just asking to mabe post the results for personal ref. Thanks if u could and goog luck!
  12. Slugg

    Slugg Developed Alternating Nodes

    I'm a newb, but that sounds a little (lot) fishy. But i guess we'll find out.

    12/12 'forces' the plants to flower (choose a sex and possibly make bud :angel8:). Going strait to flower is a time saver, nothing more.

    Allowing the light to stay on longer (say 18 or 24 hours) will 'force' the plant into a 'growing more stems and leaves' stage.
  13. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    earlier in this thread

    I don't expect this to have an effect on the amount of males. i cannot promise you any pics. maybe ay harvest. this being the end of my growing for a while I have 1 picture show left in me and I owe that to mrgreenjeans.

    this is NOT the first time this has been done. there's a long thread from a good while back that discusses this same thing. i believe it was randy high.
  14. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    hey wawo-

    dont use a contasiner over a gallon....a 44oz big gulp works fine.

    dont feed bloom ferts- feed only when first lower leaflets start to yellow....feed veg nutes for around 2 weeks and then bump it into bloom when they start showing sex around 3 weeks. bloom all the way until hairs stop showing new growth and the majority are dying/dead......

    you can end up with colas from the size of beercans 12 inches long to ones 2 ft in lenght with just a few weeks veg.

    i would veg them at least a week even two if you can get away with it. and flower 2 months n pull if you have to be short....

    it could take a month for them to show....

    gl bro :D

    so much worth it in the end.....
  15. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    geat info smarmy army

    i wouljd not put my HIDs on at the begining either, I have also never tried this but wouljd do flos for atleast one week if not two to just get things going, but if you have it really hot on those strains it may be fruitful to get more females on a dryer hotter condition straight away. the wetter and cooler the envio makes well more males in my trials
  16. Jake

    Jake A Fat Sticky Bud

    Cause they're stoned Wa, that's why. I was laughing everytime you had to explain yourself, again. Actually I wanted to ask you why again myself but didn't want to send you over the edge! I got clones right to 12/12 but never seeds. Guess that doesn't help you much. However I do use veg ferts once into 12/12 then 50/50 veg/bloom then after that just bloom. You'll also have alot of veg growth even in 12/12. With the Fox Farms soil you'll be good for awhile but I'd at least go half veg ferts for their first feeding. Bloom thereafter. I've noticed if I'm shy on N with my clones that go right to 12/12 I'll get some older leaves withering up. With a single straight stem like you'll probably have as well you don't want to lose any fan leaves (even lower ones) so keep em fed. I take a 3 inch clone to 12/12 and it'll end up a 2 foot single cola. Went to take some pics of current grow but batteries dead and don't have anymore. I'll get some later in the week. Your Grapefruit are never gonna make it in time. They're a 10-12 week flowerer. The rest you may do OK with. Will the little woman give you a week or 2 extension if you need it?
  17. greenkitty

    greenkitty Full Flowering

    Good luck Wawona on the project and the baby. As to the project. Nature will take care of it's self as for as the no veg time as it normally takes 1-2 weeks for sex to show no matter how you do it with seeds. After 10 days to 2 weeks i would think you should start seeing what you have as far as sex. Do you plan on removing the males? I do remember something about this a couple years back. The closest i have come to this is 12-12 at fifth node. I have a few herm seeds of NL and am in 12-12 now and also have a little Ocean Forest. I will drop a couple seeds in this morning and see what happens. Say you are a few weeks from doing this? I will start them in one quart pots to start with and let you know the progress as it happens. Good luck. GK
  18. greenkitty

    greenkitty Full Flowering

    Just checked my seed stash and have NL and mistic blue seeds i'm willing to try with. A couple weeks difference in flower time on them. Should be interesting. Putting them in this morning. Will update on progress.
  19. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    To be HONEST people, the 12/12 "thing" from the "start", is NOT "always" thee BEST thing to do with seartain strains. Some need the extra 2 weeks of vegging, for the Plant itself to produce ANYHING "worth" SMOKING and spending 9-10 weeks doing!!!

    When you can give the Plant it's natural lil vegg time,I.E, 12-16 days maybee(should be enough to get it up n strong with at least one set of alt nodes...) Then bring your babies whith their, more photosynthesis trates, that they have just formed,(the little that they will even..) Put em all strait into FLOWERING NOW!!!

    This way for "some" strains is most probably, "the best way to do so" for an MJ plants Production to even happen "worthily", and get some good enough YEILD and Quality, Just simply by letting 2 weeks of this So called "normal" (almost) way of FLOWERING from START, in MY own "personal" opinion, as i feel that this is a better, more efficient way of producing more YEILD and better BUD production!!!

    Peace Out,

    Hope this HELPed ya my man,

  20. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    To be HONEST people, the 12/12 "thing" from the "start", is NOT "always" thee BEST thing to do with seartain strains. Some need the extra 2 weeks of vegging, for the Plant itself to produce ANYHING "worth" SMOKING and spending 9-10 weeks doing!!!

    When you can give the Plant it's natural lil vegg time,I.E, 12-16 days maybee(should be enough to get it up n strong with at least one set of alt nodes...) Then bring your babies whith their, more photosynthesis trates, that they have just formed,(the little that they will even..) Put em all strait into FLOWERING NOW!!!

    This way for "some" strains is most probably, "the best way to do so" for an MJ plants Production to even happen "worthily", and get some good enough YEILD and Quality, Just simply by letting 2 weeks of this So called "normal" (almost) way of FLOWERING from START, in MY own "personal" opinion, as i feel that this is a better, more efficient way of producing more YEILD and better BUD production!!!

    Peace Out,

    Hope this HELPed ya my man,


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