12-12 from seed

Discussion in 'Advanced Cultivation' started by wawona, Nov 11, 2006.

  1. greenkitty

    greenkitty Full Flowering

    Did you grow those or is this pics that you found? The ones i started from seed are in the flower room under a Hort. 400w hps. They appear to be growing in a normal way so far. Look just like the ones under 24 hour light. Just wondering. I have some clones that went straight to flower that are probably going to look like that. The ones from seed are about 7 inches tall.
  2. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    lol what do you think? try looking throught all my photos and see my bathroom with all my plants, tops nuggs, and cured chopped colas.

    neither i photoshopped all of them!!!! :lmao: :rolleyes2:
  3. greenkitty

    greenkitty Full Flowering

    Was just asking because of the difference between what you showed and what is happening with the plants in the experment. Not questioning your growing or photo ethics or abilities. Triing to find out what made the difference between the two.
  4. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    stem pinching, keeping the light superlow, having plenty of lumens- and good ventilation/ good genetics. how are yalls buds growing? got pics?
  5. Texas Boy

    Texas Boy Guest

    Will I have any luck?

    Been looking at this thread a little bit cause I started mine into

    flower at about 2 weeks. Have 15 plants. Sex undetermined and 5 of them are around 30 days old while 10 of them are only 2 1/2 weeks or so. The older plants were exposed to a week or so of veg lighting but the smaller ones were pretty much put 12/12 from seed. I have good ventilation, growing in ocean forest/ perlite mix, using 270 watt hps kept 1ft 1/2 from plant tops. All plants seem to be healthy and all have been re-potted now.

    Question is the younger 10 plants are still small maybe 7 inches on avg. All have 4 nodes. Can I get anything off these. This is my first attempt. Anybody got any idea?:car25: Heres the link to Texas Boy garden

  6. ReasonSupreme

    ReasonSupreme Veggy Stage

    I had a plant that went through the same situation as those 7 inchers of yours. It had exactly 4 internodes. It responded very quickly to the 12/12 switchover, and was completely done (mostly yellow trichomes) within 7 weeks. It only, however, yielded about 1 1/2 - 2 grams of bud though, quite sad.

    You may find yourself in the same predicament, but then again you're probably using totally different genetics than am I.
  7. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    daym 2 grams? what lighting? incandecant?.....

    you should get at least a half ounce with four nodes. id say more tward 3/4 if you know how to grow. its easy to get an ounce off plants that have been vegged 2 weeks.

    they will blow up under flower if you take right care of them :)
  8. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    texas boy looking at your setup you need to drop the light some start stem pinching the stalks and raise alllll the lil short babies UP closer to the canopy of the other plants- rotate the babies every day and keep them HUDDLED close together as possible under the footprint of the bulb.
  9. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    even if you have to stick the babies in the cups and lil containers directly in the pot of the single plants potted in larger containers-(sitting on the soil) its better to get them under the light because inches drop lumens FAST!
  10. Texas Boy

    Texas Boy Guest

    Is this light to high

    I have the bulb of the light within 2ft of the shortest of the plants. I did what you said and had little pots sitting in the big pots but the watering of those little guys was to much thought I'd be better off in bigger pots.

    Some of the plants look to be stretching while others at same age are half the height like little shortys. I kind of want them to stretch a little bit I think maybe the taller plants might help a little.

    Will update w/ new pics when theres anything good to look at. Oh one thing I checked was the ph of my water and it was up around 7.6 from now on I will water with 6.5 ph or maybe even closer to six. Is PH that big of a deal I mean I dont seem to have had all that much issues yet?
  11. El Campesino

    El Campesino The Farmer

    texas boy

    TOA gave you some straight up good advice.

    why on Earth would you WANT a plant to stretch??

    the tighter those nodes the better
  12. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title


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