2017 greenhouse

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by greenjah, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. greenjah

    greenjah A Fat Sticky Bud

    Thanks guys.
    I will do a couple different things next time. I will try doing some at lower ppms and some i will keep the same but flush every few weeks.
    It is very hard to have consistency from season to season in a greenhouse.
    Now that it is warmer i may have success with exactly how i was doing it but will have an extra day or two that they need water per week witch gives me the opportunity to give plain water more often.
    Its all an experiment every grow as the weather changes. Eventually i will have better environmental controls and can keep things more consistent. Heat durring hot summer days is a hard one but i will be able to keep the winters warmer and drier with giant dehumidifiers and the blackout curtain.
    The blackout curtain will be here on the third of next month, im definatly excited about that. Environmentally it will help also because i got tripple layer so it doubles as insulation witch means i can keep winter nights up where it really should be instead of 60 degrees without spending thousands more on another heater and propane so they will dry quicker and more consistent through the seasons and i wont need a different feeding schedule for each season.

    Mr GJ, i did start out not adjusting the ph but after the first ph drop and the flush i started adjusting it but it still dropped again 3 weeks later. Maybe adjusting from the beginning on this next round will give better results to. I will be keeping a good log on this one.
    ResinRubber and blazerwill420 like this.
  2. greenjah

    greenjah A Fat Sticky Bud

    Put up the dry room last week, it worked but the temps are uncontrollable and the humdity was in the teens even though i tried my best to seal it up. Due to the heat i had to open the roofs and the wind has been high so it just forced air through any unsealed spots.
    I made a evaporative cooler witch fixed the humidity but it still gets high 90s when the sun is out shining on the black layers. It is dry now, im going to start trimming tomorrow.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on a dry trimmer? The twister is not doing so well. When i run it through all the larger buds come out very leafy and if i leave it in long enough to trim the big ones good it eats up the smaller buds, im going to do some adjustments but i know there is some new dry trimmers out there and am hoping one of them will do a better job.









    Discorilla, nippie and blazerwill420 like this.
  3. OldSmokey

    OldSmokey Registered Users

    Nice looking cooler, Greenjah!
  4. greenjah

    greenjah A Fat Sticky Bud

    Thanks. Im gonna use the crap out of that thing in the summer. Im gonna put big wheels on it and take it wherever im working, throw some ice in the water and work right in front of it. Im guessing it blows about 4000 cfm, the fan with no water pads is 5700 cfm.
  5. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Nice diy cooler, very nice indeed.
  6. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Big grows mean big work. Fuck dude....does it ever end? Who needs a gym when you got a greenhouse? Almost makes me not envious, almost.

    I keep eyeballing trimmers and never pull the trigger. The good ones start at like $10k and that's so out of my price range plus overkill for my piddly shit.......just end up picking up the scissors and paying help while dreaming of inventing the perfect trim machine.
  7. greenjah

    greenjah A Fat Sticky Bud

    I got the mean green trimming machine today, it is not working very well.
    I think i am doing something wrong though. All the videos show a pretty good trim job. It is a bit over dry so that may be an issue but dont see why it would be. I turned the humidity up it the dry room to see if it will help. Also my bud shape and density is a bit low cause of flowering under longer light hours so that could be an issue. Could also be because i had to many fan leaves on when i hung them and the bud leaves got to layed down on the buds to work well in a trimmer.
    So many possibilities to work out but once i get it to look good im set, the quality is noticably better with the advanced nutrients.
  8. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    which model did you get? picture? I was just looking at them online
  9. greenjah

    greenjah A Fat Sticky Bud

    Its the IR20, it was the only one i could find, i wanted the one with the pollen screen.
    I bet if my buds were larger and more solid it would do good but i didnt prune and deleaf very well at all so that with the light hours just made for bad bud structure, the twister wont even give me a good trim.
    I will try to remember to take pics tomorrow.
  10. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    When you say the RH was in the teens in the dry room, is that a problem? I tend to lean towards drying quicker than slower these days.

    I've been spinning dry buds just a few spins and cleaning up the rest with scissors because it knocks them to hell if you spin too much. But I also noticed that rough/gentle handling with really crisp stuff gets you almost all the way there anyway and i wonder if it couldn't be fast enough if I kept going after i get rid of the fans?

    Man how many times before I learn my lesson about trimming out shaded budsites??!! I do a good job a few harvests in a row, then I shrug the work of it the next round and end up with huge piles of leafy ass popcorn crap and weeks on end of trimming madness. Can't spin it, and hand trimming is depressing as hell with like 5-7 snips of the scissors to get a peanut sized bud - one of 10,000 you have to get through. The tops are smaller too because the plant spent all that energy making the popcorn and leaf.

    What Res said about big grows and envy.
    Last edited: May 3, 2017
  11. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    can't you trim em wet?

    i just got a spinner, found out early it's easiest just to snip the fans of the whole plant, then snip buds off directly into bowl, 8 rotations knocks the vast majority of the trim off then dry. once they are dry just handling the buds knocks off any remaining leaves that need to be trim.

    supermo, how quick you drying?
  12. bigbudztoo

    bigbudztoo growin the good stuff

  13. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    Usually takes 5 days of hanging in a room with a dehumidifier that keeps the rh about 30%. The fans are crisp by then and fall right off. After I chop and hang I start trimming right away tho and do what everybody else does. Snip off fans then de-flower into spinner. I do about 30 spins each way when wet, about 10 each way when dry. The stuff that gets dry before being spun smells better than the wet trim stuff.

    Only works on tight nugs though. Any fluff to the bud and the spinner usually tears it up too much. With fluff your screwed no matter what. Hand trim it and takes forever, spin it you tear it up.

    I'm thinking for greenjahs sitch I'd dry it crisp first then just use hands. Crumble the leaves keep the nugs.
    Last edited: May 3, 2017
  14. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Can you imagine all the finger hash. I'm drooling thinking about it.
  15. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    You guys doing ithe that way for quality control reasons or is it just the way you like to do it?

    Ive tried trimming prob every way imaginable, because I hate trimming and now I make friends do it lol, but I think the easiest way we is what I described.

    You lose some quality during the process but you get a couple people and you can bust shit out quick and just use hanging nets to dry at Rh of about 50 for 5-7 then cure.

    What's fucked up is a few years ago every one always wanted the cali medical trim look, now you seen shit from cali and it looks like Midwest trim and the shit hear looks like cali used to.
  16. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Cali weed is trimmed all fucked up because it's usually outdoor that no one wants to pay over $500.00 a pound for unless it's straight knock you on your ass fire and then it never goes over $800.00 because there is so much of it everywhere. Ain't nobody got time for that.
  17. greenjah

    greenjah A Fat Sticky Bud

    Been some long days but finally can take some pictures that show progress. The main work was all the cables. The sides should be pretty quick and easy.


    The drive system kinda, ill get some closer ones later.
    Discorilla and OldSmokey like this.
  18. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    That looks really cool. What's the idea behind it?

    Sorry if you mentioned earlier.
  19. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Fugg! Might be worth the extra drive time.
  20. greenjah

    greenjah A Fat Sticky Bud

    Just noticed all the replies before yesterdays post.
    Yes i had way to much fluff, if i trim them up better while growing and take all the fan leaves off before hanging i think it will do much better.
    I was wet trimming until this run, i chose to switch because people seem to be finding that the smell and dencness are better when you hang the whole plant.
    Also when i wet trim it takes a couple weeks and some get over ripe, this way i can harvest all of them at peak time.
    Yes the teens for humidity is way to low, especially when the temps are getting to 100. Anything over 90 starts to ruin terpenes which is what makes the smell and also the faster it dries the less dense it is. I even sprayed them with water after denugging and again after the trimmer to rehydrate them and just while finnishing them by hand it was low of humidity it all got so dry it wanted to fall apart when touched.
    Discorilla likes this.

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