no offense but i take it u didnt readthis,the only person who put anything relatively close to what i said, was wizard... otherwise they only mention putting it in a bucket or just the ground.. thats maybe why i was surprised no one had put it, cus its common sense. i realize chris didnt have time to dig holes so i mentioned that if he only dug small holes and used containers he could still get huge plants. also if u read it ud see chris was wanting to hear opinions, that was mine, next time someones asking about something i know ill keep my mouth shut. geez man u need to chill.. smoke some weed or something or maybe not so much.
I own an 11 acre piece of old farm land bout 40mins outside of the city, which is bout 15mins from my house where I live now. Theres a 10ft wide by 200yard long running creek thru the middle of the property. Theres a few natural springs as well. The entire property is barbed wire and wooden posted from end to end. I've has this land for a few years and have not noticed any type of quad or walking being done on the property. Normal animal traffic. Now where I had to tap into the county water supply, It was bout 400yards away. I took a backhoe, cleared a path on the backside of my land that was 10ft wide by 400yards long, dug a trench, ran the water lines for my new homesite. It would be like making 1 cleared path with a lawnmower in your yard, just 10wide and very long. Its fairly overgrown again now. I have cleared an area of 8 wide by 30 long so far. Its a very secluded and 100%safe area, I have grown here a few times already. I did pick up a small TILLER to help with the backpain and sweating. I will be doing most in a tranch and a few in 5gal buckets, to see what happenes..........Bout another 2-3weeks and its guna be time!!!!!!!!!!!!
i put clones out already for like 3 days now and they havent died, its only around 12-15C at the highest,do u think its too early still? it goes down to like 1 but they are still alive..
don't do it dude, only if you get busted. otherwise keep streaming cause we need the info here. wow again my quick don't work, heck
Ok so at the risk of you getting more hurt feelings, I take it you are paranoid. You see, there was absolutely no reference to anyone in my cmment was there? Now see if you had been around long enough you would know by now that I like to cause hate and discontent, and you my friend just took the bait... hook line and sinker. You see I have been watching and you respond to all comments in a really personal way. If you had any clue what I do for a job you would get that I am having a busman's holiday with you. Got a little bored and I thought I would poke you with a stick to see if you were still so sensitive. guess so.... Now all that said, I will leave you be. I think if you look at your rep score you will see that it is from me, so think about it. You are like my sister, it was worth getting yelled at by the folks just to see her react. Ok now I will go and move the furniture on my blind dog, that makes me laugh too. assit:
Hey Chris let's see if I can help you out alittle. One thing no 5gal buckets they will stick out like a soar thumb in a secluded lot & just draw attention. You never know if some old fuck is walking his dog around there or someone riding a dirt bike. Plus Leo can spot it from the air. Next but your plants around evergreen trees .Why because most plants will die before your pot plants & Leo will be looking for that. Leo uses infra-red to pick up heat from plants pot gives off heat but so does evergreens that's why you want them around evergreens. Here's one more tip use Miracle-Gro time release potting mix yea I know MG but it outside & will be out there for over the 3 months time release nutes to be used up during veg.
HeadCase....could not agree more bro! Just saw this thread and sorry but also did not read all the posts but here is my take on it. Bucket's are ok if that is your only option due to having to relocate them. Here is another thing you need to factor in besides it sticking out like a sore thumb....just way more work then if you plant them in the ground. They love the soil and the fact they will be stronger for their roots will spread plus they will get more water in the ground. You would have to check on them all the time and I think plants which grow in the ground are bigger. Seen ppl who did the bucket and sure it will work but your not going to get as much as you would if you can find the time to dig those holes. In the long run, factor in how much MORE work it will be if you now have to check on them and transport water to them? I know it may be time consuming to dig, but hey it is well worth it. I spent a day digging holes to get them ready to transplant in a couple of weeks and I am a chick and it may be work but I get so excited this time of year. Now this week it will rain for days....actually almost all week. Hope no one on the east coast planted in the ground yet. Can you say water logged..?? Been there did that a couple years ago, frigging NorEastern wiped out my grow ....ughhhh so it is always like playing russian roulette when you grow outdoors and they are young for the high winds, hail and tons of rain will drown and smash your plants to the ground.:roulette: That is why I believe planting them in the soil, makes them stronger for their roots will grow deep and spread to a water source underground. Good luck and happy growing!!!
Your a lucky guy to have all the land to grow on! I have to scout out good land. Sneaking onto posted property, under the cover of darkness or rain, but hey thats all part of the game.. IF I were u, I would take a nice hike out into your property, and find some good ground. Take a small shovel and turn up the soil here and there until u find some nice dirt. It sounds like u got everything worked out Chris! I wish u the best of luck this year, and dont forget to keep us posted! GFam
I feel planting in buckets are indeed not the best idea but does the job if the need to move them, comes about. They will infact still get big BUT not as big, if it was planted in the ground. I will not plant in buckets (bucket in the ground)this yr because of the constants watch and water consumption. It all boils down to what do you need the most?? security or yield? If you need both, one or both will have to give.
Agreed, security and safety first!!! I just thought it was due to not wanting to dig all those holes which yah 50 would be lots. So guess planting most in the ground and some in buckets will still give you plenty and see which way you like best.
im from the eastcoast and i truly agree about the rain, but i dont agree about the ground, about 2 feet down is thick ass clay. the first year i was here , i dug 3 foot deep holes by about 3 feet wide , lugged out all the soil had them all planted and where doing great then 2 weeks l8tr, i get 2 weeks of steady rain, and they flooded right to the top of the holes, i even went dug them trenches empty them oon a daily basis for the 2 weeks, and they did not live..the only way to grow i find(around here) is in growbags then just in the top layer.
im from the eastcoast and i truly agree about the rain, but i dont agree about the ground, about 2 feet down is thick ass clay. the first year i was here , i dug 3 foot deep holes by about 3 feet wide , lugged out all the soil had them all planted and where doing great then 2 weeks l8tr, i get 2 weeks of steady rain, and they flooded right to the top of the holes, i even went dug them trenches empty them oon a daily basis for the 2 weeks, and they did not live..the only way to grow i find(around here) is in growbags then just in the top layer. haha that was clever berry glad i give u shits and giggles
QUERT, you are a retard it seems, get off my thread!!!!!!!!!!! Go play in the sandbox or give some information out ( if your educated) THANKS ALOT!!! Headcase, Gfam, Mermaid....etc...... the rest..... Its like a monsoon here in PA this past week and upcoming week(s), I'll keep ya posted
Ah come on guy, take it with a grain of salt. You would not believe the shit I took when I first got on the site. I responded to everything like it was a personal attack, and the fellows had fun with me until I learned to not take everything to heart. In front of the whole list....I am sorry I hurt your feelings.:roulette: I was a jerk. You have my most heart felt apologies.:sorry:
hey i smiled and said i was glad that i gave u shits and giggles, dont worry ill take everything u say like a grain of salt inlcuding ur fake ass apoligy lol j/p
nah no pissing match chris. Dude doesn't know me, and he hasn't a clue if I meant it or not. It's all cool.