no dont worry berry your cool man, well in my books..unless ur pulling my leg about me not thinking u meant it..assit:
Hey Berry, he has issues with the word "gay" Swed420, berry would beat you down with her big buds!
i am relax as they come, and high as they arnt, if that makes any sense.. nevermind that last part, as long as it doesnt seem gay
Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh pokin fun at the gays huh Swed420??? TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK ....................waiting for Berry....................... TICK TOCK TICK TOCK TICK TOCK
Chris, this is the ONLY day we have not had rain...ughh I hear ya bro on the monsoon! Not putting my babies out until the end of this month so they have a head start. Swed, no clay on my property. Just blueberry dirt as we call it. Now there are area's in my state and no I would not plant if I lived in those parts unless I replaced all the soil and used boxes as I do my veggie gardens. I still replace the soil I dig out before planting as I live in a heavy wooded area with nothing but huge pine trees with some oak and maple trees here and there. Never have issues with the soil or my plants getting the proper nute's. Only issues I have is weather and friggin deer. Now we installed an electric fence (my dad and I) so let's see how well that works. He owns acres that are smack next to mine so we just put it around the part we want to grow. Did not want my kitty or dog subjected to it so only ran it in one area. I do not know if this will work better then the barb wire which I really hated to do since then you drawing more attention to your plants. Never know, some dogs will take a zap and go right on thru so chit maybe these ambitious deer will as well. May have to go back to the fencing around them if they do get past the shock. Last night I had about 13 deer in my yard feeding on the clover and the food bins I have set out for them. Which is why I wish being I feed them so well, they would stop being piggies and eating my plants!!! Sometimes I think they invite all their frds to come party at my house. :icon_confused: One jumped the fence to the pool and fell in but made it out. Ripped a hole in the cover I have on it as I did not open the pool yet until the last pollen tassle falls. My little bro came to put a taller fence for once the pool opens, sure do not need them falling in again or ripping the pool liner(those are pricey and this is a new one too) Love deer but gawd they are on my shit list when they eat my tomato plants, flowers and especially my buds! Anywhos....hang in there Chris with the rain. Sucks and had to mow AGAIN today while it was dry. More rain in our forecast but at least this is not a NorEastern so I should not whine too much. Happy Growing! Mermaid my money on Berry taking Swed out.
Chris...almost forgot to ask? You didn't put them outside yet?? Was just thinking bout all the rain and sure hope yours are indoors getting some height and strength. If you have that much you get many ppl on it? See I don't......have private property signs hung all over on the outside where it begins and usually ppl are too afraid to venture into these woods. One could get lost if they do not know the area. Never had a trespasser to date thank goodness! Just deer and lots of them. Should have more pics to show you all of these crazy looking deer. Now the white albino and the white tails have made bi/racial babies over the past years. They are so cute and look more like a bunny rabbit marking with brown spots and then the white. Pure white albino deer I have look like goats...haha
Yea I put em out yesterday.........dug 3......... 8 foot long trenches.........a few in each trench.......all clones.......3 white rhino, 4 cali orange bud, 1 hindu kush, 1 strawberry haze, 1 northern lights re-veg and 1 pure power plant re-veg........ Yea I have one family that rides horse thru a corner of the land but thats going to be coming to an end, I will be posting new signs and putting barriers up to stop them. We also have lots of deer like most northern states, I use wire mesh sheets for my concrete driveways, had like 8 of em laying round and used them to build a makeshift fence the entire way around my grow area, the sheets are 8 foot long by 5 ft high, so I just pounded some 5 ft rebars into the ground and wire tied them to the sheets to stand em up, held em against the ground nicely. Hopefully this works out! Its been raining here a good bit but not a pouring rain, more like a misty piss, so the ground isnt getting that saturated, I also threw some plain ol rhino seeds in a hole a few feet from the grow spot and they already popped up from natural soil and are doin they're thing too
wat i use for deer well for the first month or two is i make a spray out of water , garlic and cigarettes , maybe hot peppers miz it all together in a 2 litre let it sit for a night after shaking it a bunch, all the tobac and stuff should fall to the bottom. then i jus poor into spray bottle. seems to work fine for jus about any animal but id never use it during flowering
Chris....good luck with your crop! :thumbsup: Exciting isn't it? I think for us who are into outdoor growing, we have to pray to the ganja gods for a good season and yep mother nature can always put a spin on it. Glad your putting up the me they will help! Most do not want to get fined for being on private property and if I were you also add signs with guard dogs and such for that too will scare them Just started to mist here too....ahh well everything is certainly GREEN which is why I keep changing my mind on when to put them in the ground. May next week if it looks good on the weather channel. I really do not mind even the hard rain as long as it is not for days and days but those high winds I get from NorEasterns when they hit the coast (and I am pretty close to the shore) are what have destroyed my crop in the past. Hail and winds exceeding 50 miles per hour combined with rain being dumped in buckets for a couple of days will pound the shit out of a new crop being they are not as strong. Swed.....yah tried all those methods and with NO success. You do not know the deer that hang out Nothing skeers them away and they are just too tame now. Hell a few will eat out of my hand and come up to my window. Not the youngins but the older ones. I think the electric fence and tomato cages will help during the first stage. Still think I may have to put up 8ft fencing with barbwire around them later on if I see any getting thru the zapppp's! Happy Growing!
well you could always...STOP FEEDING THEM!:icon_confused: lol that could be a start i imagine if u got one of those bear bangers they are like 10 bucks (make a huge bang to scare away bears) and everytime u see them let one off, its about as loud as a gun or louder, so theyll be scared ,and probly not wanna come back if theyve ever been shot at or even if they havent i think itd probly scare them off especially if u did it everytime u saw them. other then that u may have to use electric fence.. p.s- maybe u didn t make the spray strong enough also u have to spray more on after each rain or they will eat them.. anyways good luck with your deer problem
Nahh I made it strong enuff ... Look when deer are this tame, they are just used to all scents including piss or human scent. They literally walk up to my window and even my dog does not bother them so they like him too. Sure I could stop feeding them but I love the deer that live on my land and have grown attached to them and so has my daughter. Even tho they are ripper's this time of year.....I will figure how to keep them away as always. If the electric fence does not keep them out, the other fencing with barb wire surely will and has in the past. Was just trying to avoid having to throw it up if I can avoid it.
ok master grower, do it in your property. let me know how it feels when they come over and ask you questions about your patch when youre stoned in the morning. unless you're a cop and don't worry about those things.:welcome: ok? What have you grown? Wheres your pics at sunshine? Whats your credentials read? Look around this site a bit, I LEARNED everything from here and the kind folks plants shine like the sun theres so many trichs on em! Number 1 : I dont live at the property I grow on.........that would be stupid.......kinda like your half assed comments.......... Number 2 : I could hustle your socks off your feet if I wanted, I run a concrete biz.....I work hard and hustle harder........I could sell a snowcone to an law enforcement is not my lifestyle and the presumption of such is very immature on your part, but your hiding behind a desk so I understand your emotions Any more questions big Querty Quert???:welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
Qwert...why all the hate in your posts? I can see your the new guy here.....we love new people and if you got to know many of the growers here, they all help one another. Please post MORE positive comments or ask questions with less sarcasm as it can be a real turn off. You may need help one day from a grower here ....maybe not. Usually we all learn from one another so I am guessing you joined to learn correct? We have many members here ....some kick ass growers with tons of info to share and help any new grower. Very nice family feeling here on our boards as it should be. I already see you had negative comments on the purple thread, why? Key word..... GROWKIND Good movie to watch is Bambi... As thumper's mother told her son... If you have nothing nice to say...well then say nothing. Anywhos....back to happy growing.
nah, nothing like that, come on, just trying to pick up some useful info which I have done. really knowledgeable bunch here. I lurked for some time before posting but there are better gains when one participates in the discussions.
....ummm...I don't know if there is more to it than this, but Chris, why you calling him a retard? That comment seems pretty harmless to me, and on top of that its true! If the cops catch you with marijuana on your land, and if they can prove that its yours, then they can confiscate your land. So really he's got a point, unless there is something I missed?
The info I gave to Concrete Chris I got from a page which I read some time ago and haven't been able to find again, excel info. Anyway, I din't do it, whatever it is.:welcome: