5 Weeks into Flowering - Pics

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by JustAGuy, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    Resin Rubber, i got a question

    Does cutting the leafs during flowering bad?

    Because if im waisting my nutrients by cutting leafs off, i would be sad.

    That Advanced Nutrients Bottles are expansive. I payed $100 for one of them.

    So should i rather tuck good leafs?

  2. spinkler

    spinkler Game On!

    Hey bncooldude,

    Yeah, take it easy with the scissors when you're late into flower. As Lion said, once you see bud the only thing you should really do is tuck.

    I'm also with RR on the experience thing. Take it easy with the scissors your first few times, learn how she grows and shapes herself.

    I think the best piece of advice I can offer on the matter is that even once you have garnered the experience necessary all cutting should have logical thought process behind it.

    Once you have the experience, and you sit and look at the plant and think about it logically, it will start to become clear which branches need to go.
  3. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    Dont do it....bend it whatever you have too:passsit:
  4. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    I know you were asking RR about this but I will quote my earlier post on the subject. Enjoy for a second time. RR would pretty much agree with me on this one. :thumbs-up:

  5. ScottyG420

    ScottyG420 Marijuana Handler

    Hot damn, Ras. This paragraph should be in a grow manual!
  6. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Ras-you and I are in agreement.

    Lessee Bncool, You run a SOG so trimming is a necessity. I don't grow that style but understand the basics. You're not wasting nutes by trimming the under canopy in a SOG. But rather than taking leaves you should be taking entire shoots that won't reach the the canopy level. R. Clarke noted in "Cannabis Botany" that the removal of small unproductive branches appeared to be less stressful to the plant than removing leaves.

    IMHO any full fans that are attached to flowering branches in a SOG grow should be tucked rather than removed. It's less stressful to the plant and maintains a store for mobile nutrients. But hey...if you got a better way I'm listening. Never to old to learn and like I said...not a SOG grower here so always willing to be schooled.

  7. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    Ok, cool.

    Thank you guys for the good answers.

  8. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    My how times have changed. Now we're defoliating like mad 2 weeks in and growing with LED's. :)

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