A day in the life...

Discussion in 'What song is GK listening to?' started by ResinRubber, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Depending on who I think you got it from, that's a Fusion LemonBerry tester. You're gonna love that strain.

    JCIO- Like this?

    (not my pic)


    I grow lots of stuff. The lilies are my second favorite next to cannabis though.
  2. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Yep these are it!! My dog jumps in them catching lizards but the plants are hard to kill, i never see bug problems with them either. I also got some other funky purple flowers come of like a skinny palm plant. I need to take some pics to send you, maybe you can help tell me what they are. Got rare white carnation bush also. It only blooms once a year if the sun dont burn them up. I got cool short palms and those big elaphant ear plants also. Great for throwing some 3 gallon pots with auto next to them. :roffl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2015
  3. greenjah

    greenjah A Fat Sticky Bud

    Thats a bird of paradise. Make sure your dog dosnt eat any of it. Im pretty sure they are poisons to dogs. One of my favorite flowers though.
  4. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod


    What the fuck happened to summer? :icon_confused:Time to take the devil pup for a walk and see what's up.


    A couple new visitors making a stop. Sandhill cranes are not a usual sight around here.



    The ponds look good. Lots of local ducks for season opener.


    Back to work...gotta keep up with chores. The hash bucket needs cleaning, which is a good thing.....


    Then check on the garden....






    Everybody seems happy so it's time to enjoy the fruits....




  5. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod


    Time to clear the pumpkin patch.


    "I am Ninjadawg". Doanchoo be fuckin' wit my punkins.


    Some early fall sativas.






    peace. :redbong:
  6. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Thats doggy heaven with all that room to run.
  7. bigbudztoo

    bigbudztoo growin the good stuff

    Nice tour of the place and some great looking plants.

  8. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Nice pictures as usual Resin. The Sandhill cranes were nice to see.

    Great bud shots to.. Hey theres a bud shot contest this month. I hope you got some pictures, because ( Im not entering this round ) :bong-2:
  9. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    looking good man!
  10. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod


    A rather enlightening introspective day today. Some not too deep thoughts and confirmation of already known personal preferences. Some things just are, but it never hurts to sometimes check. So, I guess I'm not gay. Not that there's any judgment pro or con. Just a confirmation.

    Now before I get started on this revelation let me first say that any douchefuckery judgment will be dealt with accordingly. Suffer my wit at your peril motherfucker. This be honest stoner thought. If the mere thought of some fucker sticking his dick up your ass causes you to shriek in terror....look away....now.

    So going to the local Dairy Queen once a week for lunch has become routine for superpooch and me. One day this summer I stroll in for the $5 lunch, a chickenwrap or burger, fries, pop, and sundae. Pooch gets the sundae, I get the wraps, and we split the fries. Anyway, I stroll in and catch a glimpse of this smoking hot black chick working the counter. Way too young (20?) but tight! Her back is to me and then she turns around and she is a he. An absolutely stunning young transgender guy.


    Summer goes by and this young cat gets familiar with my routine and increasingly friendly, as people do when their routines regularly cross. Until today. Today I was flirted with outrageously as she fawned over the pooch. Leaning into my "space" to talk about how "nice it must be to be so spoiled". Then coming out to chat a minute when she brought out my tray. Now it's been awhile but I've been around long enough to know when my attention is being sought and being sought it was. This was quite amusing. First, I'm not gay so her radar must be a bit off. Second, I'm almost old enough to be her grandpa. Third, in Dairy Queen?

    So I banter and flirt back. What's the harm? I'm not gay and not interested so nothing's going to happen. My ego gets stroked. The chick/dude gets a giggle. No harm no foul. Finish my lunch, grab the pooch and go home to garden. Never gave it another thought until tonight.

    While making a late night sandwich during a stoner munchie stumble I thought about the encounter. "Could I have done that cat today?" Let's figger it out. I imagined her young hard ass up in the air. Me coming in from behind. Then the thought.....what if his junk slapped up against mine? You know like his nutsack slapping yours in the doggie rough and tumble?

    Um......nope. That's out. I'll admit the cat has a nice ass, but possible ballslap rules that one out.

    A little head? She's pretty. Absolutely. But she's got the facial features of a cover model for GentleMen's Quarterly scrunched up into a Maybelline ad.

    Um.....nope. Scratch that. No head.

    "What if she wants head?" Fuck. .....oh fuck. I imagined myself looking eye to pisshole with a dick. Any dick. Big, small? It don't matter. All that rushed through my every nerve was........um. No. No thanks. I got one too and I don't suck that one either. Tried once. But hey...I was twelve and thinking about Sally Lundeen in the basement.

    Buddy jerk? Surely a buddy jerk wouldn't be a problem. But why? I got a dick. It's a pretty good dick. Looks pretty good in my hand too. Can't really imagine another dick looking better than my dick in my hand so why bother?

    Eh....just double the mess for the same pleasure. Not interested.

    Well this is certainly looking like I'd be pretty shitty at being gay, or even banging a good looking younger transgender cat. But there's still offering up buttfucking. What about a buttfuck? Never done it. Well that wouldn't be correct, never been entered would be more accurate. Have had a few ladies put a finger in there before. While not a fan myself, they seemed to like it, so who am I to ruin their fun? It doesn't hurt. Just a goofy "Hey doc, we done back there yet?" kind of feeling.

    So what about a dick in the ass? Finger, dick...dick, finger? I don't know how some women do it, but a finger is all that's gonna get past this sphincter unless there's a full on TSA forced anal probe. Pretty sure that's not by choice. I'm guessing I got some sort of one way check valve that restricts access because even the thought of a dick makes it clench so hard I almost pass out.

    So I guess I'm not gay. If I can't get past a gorgeous 20 year old transgender chick how would I fare with a 50 year old bear? It's good to know who you are. Glad there's someone for everyone and we get to figure this shit out for ourselves.

    That settled, time to check on a garden. Week 7 Trainwreck scrog. 2 weeks until cut.



  11. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Nice pictures! Your drunk or supper stoned or both. :bong-2:
  12. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Rofl... 12tce-THLUE
  13. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    I claim hash induced psychophreniadelic mind wanderings.:redbong:
  14. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    I know this is off topic but do you sell those pumpkins? Only reason I ask is I know some one who ran a patch this year and made $25,000 in a month but it was 2,000 pumpkins. The rotten ones make good pig feed and the guts make good wine.

    P.s. Dary Queen might of been that guys/girl handel. :jj:

    I love that place, best choc malts and double cheese burgers.
  15. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Topic? There's a topic to this shit?:eusa_eh:

    The pumpkin field was rented out to a guy with a bunch of farmer market veggie stands. I'm guessing he pulled 10,000 plus pumpkins with a loss of about another 20% that got plowed under after harvest. I had no idea how much $$ these things bring before.

    Dairy Queen:roll: How'd I miss that. Quite the unintentional pun.
  16. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Extra Cheeeeeze with those burgers


  17. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Yummy extra cheese. :bong-2:
  18. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Is that White Castle?
  19. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    prob will get a delay in him answering if it is, prob busy shitting.

    man those things seem like a good idea sometimes, but then it seeps out your pores and your ass for a few days:icon_confused:
  20. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Yup, White Castle sliders and cheese. A guy has to give in to his more base temptations sometimes.

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