A day in the life...

Discussion in 'What song is GK listening to?' started by ResinRubber, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Propane heat with a protein skimmer filter. Thinking of putting a UV sterilizer on it to keep the water fresher. The current heater is an old gas grill I cut up and welded to the bottom. By fall there'll be a wood burner box welded to the backside for winter use since heating h2o at -10F would take a shitload of LP.
  2. OldSmokey

    OldSmokey Registered Users

    A wood burner box... What a convenient way to dispose of grow waste. LOL
  3. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    And alert any local noses that there is a giant joint somewhere nearby....:shocked:
    bigbudztoo likes this.
  4. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    I am thinking the two gas tanks under it in the pic holds a clue...lol...I wonded if either way would heat the metal up and burn the sensitive skin? :erm: is there a good barrier between the tank and rear?
  5. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Put a rwdc pump in action with wood burned hot water, get a fast pump, some tubing and insta hot tub jets, bubbles, or put in a air stone in the tub and a good air pump! You guys always get me thinking.
  6. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    A 150gph aquarium pump runs the skimmer and circulates the water so the metal never gets hotter than the water temp. Plus it's got a wood slat floor. I'm just going to route some steel tubing through the wood box and hook it into the filter for winter use.
  7. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Just more chores. Transplant day and I get back to the LemonBerry grow down plants. They been on my mind too much lately. Still cheating against that single mighty clone MrGj showed off last round (and still hurting from the slap down..)

    So whatcha think? Here's profiles and close ups of the 5 plants that made the cut for possible hero plant to go up against the alien. The plants have just been upped to flowering pots. One transplant from the original nursery pots. Same soil mix and regular old T5 lighting. They'll stay and veg for two more weeks then move into a flower garden....or maybe I'll put a light in my bedroom and fuss over them until the end....dunno...kinda rattled by MrGj's confidence on this one.


    Left to right. Methinks plants 1 and 2 look like possible contenders, 3 and 4 look a little light to be putting up against the boss. Now 5, she's my pick. Full, robust and fat. Me likey fat plants.



  8. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    How did I miss this!!
    ResinRubber likes this.
  9. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Nice looking plants, great color, whats the nutes? Just the soil mix you whip up?
  10. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Just the mix. Only time I lift a fert bottle anymore is for older moms that haven't been transplanted in awhile.
  11. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    Buy Your Federal Duck Camp Today!

    By the looks of that kayak and those decoys, some ducks been buying the farm.
  12. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Decoration mostly. A guy gets tired of being cold and wet at 4am in late November hoping to god you don't freeze to death before the sun rises so you can bag a duck, when Mr. Pheasant is waiting a 10 minute walk away from the back door in the fence row at 10am. I be a lazy man at heart so ducks be safe. Mr. Pheasant on the other hand...
    SuperMoChombo likes this.
  13. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Ive had wild duck a couple of times and didn't care for it but I suspect it was something they were eating because it was kind of fishy. Pheasants on the other hand, now your talking. We are surrounded by rice paddies and wheat fields here in the fall, lookout.
  14. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Don't you guys have turkeys running around like rats in Cali agriculture areas? That's my favorite wild game fare. The flock here is really thin so we avoid taking more than one or two a year.

    Ducks are funky and taste exactly like what they eat. There's only a few I'll shoot. Generally puddle ducks like Teal, Mallard, Redheads. I avoid all diving ducks cause they taste like shit. Wood ducks are too cool to shoot but make great dinner if a guy takes one by mistake. Best table duck is a fat mallard that's been hanging around late season gorging itself on waste corn or grains in the fields. Broil one of those up with a maple sugar glaze and some wild rice, oh baby...guy would think he's sitting a Michelin star restaurant paying $200.

    But I'm still not gonna go get wet for a duck anymore. It basically has to run into me while I'm hunting something else.
  15. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Yeah, around thanksgiving in some neighborhoods you can hit the wild turkeys with a rock there are so many. One of the funniest things I ever saw a couple of years ago I was on a service call and a turkey was either trying to fuck my service van or attack it when I came out of the house.
  16. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Get a 22 cal. air rifle with a good scope and take a few. That's a legal hunting method in Cali. There's some guy who posts vids of California turkey hunts with air riffles. Looks pretty cool.

    I use the same air rifle as this guy for critters I don't want around the buildings. Thing'll do 2 inch 5 shot groups at 45 yds with a little practice.

    "Accidently" ran into a flock of wild turkeys with a full size chevy van once. We figured they'd fly off. Dumb things just stood there in middle of the road until...... got a bunch of good dinners out of the deal and only had to replace a headlight.

    Last edited: Aug 7, 2017
  17. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Les Nesman, rolling on the damn floor! I had one customer that would bait them and then pop them with a 22. Les fucking Nesman though. Now that was comedy gold.
  18. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    He was good.

    I have turkeys that I could kill with anything one can aim. Blowgun, slingshot, straw and spitball, spear, home made bow and arrow. They eat the birdseed at the feeders. and hang out under the kitchen window. I could rig a little door and reach and and throttle them.

    Deer too. Meat diet is unsustainable though. My fascination with hunting has long faded, and continues to. I'd rather pay into the machine and let others do my dirty work. In Russian they got it easy.

    I'm putting off going vegetarian as long as my conscience an sense of self preservation allows.
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  19. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    That's some brutal shit!

    I dunno. Kind of view rabbits, squirrel, pheasant and the like as extremely mobile wild asparagus.
  20. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Damn, they fucked that pig up.

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