African Americans for Obama

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ResinRubber, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Hey Bush took vacations to his ranch that's what you do when you run a ranch. I didn't like Bush either But it sure is funny anytime someone talks about Obama somebody else has to bring Bush in to it. Where talking Obama Not Bush .Next I guess I'm racist .-Bud
  2. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    No, its because people blame Obama for everything when it all started happening during the first Bush/Clinton era. About ten different bubbles have burst since then, and now that Obama is in office he is the problem that caused every economic issue in America. Simply is not true. You need to get rid of the Congress, they are the problem. You need to get rid of your local reps, they are the problem. The president has little power compared to the other branches when it comes to our everyday lives.
  3. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    Never was truer truth spoken. It really pisses me off when these presidential candidates say they are going to do this and that. No, what you are going to do is what congress says. Period. I called Kerry on this at a rally once and boy did I get dirty looks and a bunch of damn mumbo jumbo.
  4. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Agreed. When it comes to the Pres ignore the calls of who's fault it is. It's congress'. The power of the Pres is who holds cabinet positions, what executive orders they have issued and who is appointed as Dept. Heads. Of course the current administration would have us ignore those items which leaves the debate at economics which they can obfuscate well enough to emerge successful.
  5. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Congress as passed plenty of bills but Good old Harry won't even bring them up for a vote in the senate. -Bud

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