AlienBait goes Ghetto

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by AlienBait, May 31, 2010.

  1. coconuthead

    coconuthead Begun Flowering

    Dude, I saw the ghetto light traps and smiled. I saw the two lamps on their sides and LOL'd. Then I saw the fan and was fucking rolling laughing. And to beat it all the damn plant is looking nice and green. A real trooper. Kudos, you really are doing the damn thing.
    AlienBait likes this.
  2. ScottyG420

    ScottyG420 Marijuana Handler

    Man, that set-up is fucking genius. You MacGuyvered the fuck outta that light box. :roffl: Complete with active exhaust! :thumbs-up:

    Bloody well done! :flyy:
    AlienBait likes this.
  3. buds4ever

    buds4ever Lost in the woods

    :beerchug-2: this is great!
    AlienBait likes this.
  4. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    nice man. this is cool.
    AlienBait likes this.
  5. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    Kron! Good to see you again, bro. Just last week I was wondering what happened to you. My wife picked up a box of [​IMG] and thought, "I haven't seen Krondikebar in a long time." Hope all is well.
  6. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Now that's some Ghetto shit -Bud
  7. big t double

    big t double i finally changed this

    :roffl: that is fuckin awesome!
  8. link420

    link420 Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

  9. StinkyBuds

    StinkyBuds TooStonedToPost

    AB your still cracking me the fugg up 5 years later bro. You best inv me over to smoke whatever comes outta that thing!!!
  10. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    This grow is doing awesome. That is some funny shit, but DAMN, it's working.:not-worthy:
  11. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    Thanks for the input guys. I'm happy there is so much interest in this grow. :popcorn-2:

    I thought it might be time for a new set of pictures. We are at the end of week 5 / beginning of week 6. The buds seem to be a little behind schedule. That could just be because I'm flowering under CFLs, or perhaps it's just all the crap this plant has been through.

    I did have to buy some flowering nutes. These cost about $9 for the bottle (about the same as the veg nutes). I only used about 5% of the veg nutes, so I have a lot left. I suppose I could have purchased a much smaller bottle. I'm sure the usage will be about the same for the Flowering nutes. Oh, well... I'm still under $20 for the total cost of this grow.

    Here are the nutes I'm using:


    Top view of the Ghetto-Girl:


    Side view:



    Chiefblood, krondikebar and rasganjah like this.
  12. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Too cool! I love this ghetto grow! She looks great! :good job: +rep
  13. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Awesome lil plant there dude. :thumbs-up:
  14. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    nice work alien

    damn that thing is looking pretty good. how dense are the buds? still pretty fluffy?

    and thanks for the thanks earlier! keep up the good work:alienwink:
  15. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    :alienwink: hell ya that plant looks great and looks like Ice or White.:alien11:
  16. Naturalistic

    Naturalistic Developed Alternating Nodes

    I just read your whole thread.

    All i can say is thank you.

    I have not laughed so hard in a long time. haha.

    I can't believe it made it !
  17. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    The final stretch...

    This should be the final week. Saturday was the end of week 7, beginning of week 8 and I plan on chopping this coming weekend. I am watering with only Tap water. I have not yet checked the PH. :mashed:

    Here are the pics:





  18. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    By the way, thanks for stopping by and for all the nice comments everyone. It's been a fun little grow.

    To answer some questions...

    The strain is DP Fem White Widow, and suprisingly the buds are quite dense and solid; not fluffy at all.

    I don't plan on smoking these buds (well, maybe one or two just to see what it is like). They will just go into the Hash pile.

    Tune in next week for the chop. :alienwink:
  19. Stash2.0

    Stash2.0 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Between D-9 does africa and Alienbait goes ghetto..i was expecting to see more black women in this thread....:affro:
  20. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod


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