Anti depression medication, what do you advise

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Cannagirl, Jul 13, 2006.

  1. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    awesome post skunky, making me think a lot. I don't drink, maybe like once a month. And yeah I quit that other stuff, that was messing me up. I mean I already feel better than I did when I posted it. There is really no cure but I know it will get better. I actually have been tossing the idea of quitting bud for a while. For this and also for the coughing crap. I'm gonna keep thinking about it. I don't have any right now to tempt me and I don't have plans to buy any this week. I am however going on a sweet vacation in two weeks down to hermosa beach and i think i will probly be smoking there. who knows, maybe the vacation will be what I need right now.

    Anyways, thanks again, you could be a motivational speaker.
  2. buddomi

    buddomi Banned

    Yes I think it is stupid, And yes I have done it.

    I also worked the night shift for about 6 years straight. And let me tell you between switching shifts, " I used to do it weekly, 1 week days, swings, mids" and it would switch EVERY week.

    Betwen trying to get your sleeping schedule adjusted, and being up all night when everyone else is sleeping. That is enough alone to put anyone into DEEP depression. Not to mention you ran out of smoke...

    Trust me when I say this, I absolutly understand where you are coming from 100%

    First thing you need to do is drop the job. Get a fulltime daytime ONLY job, you will be AMAZED at how much better life is when you dont wake up when its dark, and go to sleep when its light. Humans are not nocturnal creatures naturally.

    Secondly I would find a good connection of someone who can supply you with the normal everday shwag weed for around $20 1/8. There is nothing worse then the day after you ran out of weed.

    Running out of smoke is always just about enough to drive me insane also..

    But if it makes you feel any better after about a week of being dry it usually goes away, if not sooner..

    Hang in there, keep your head up. And dont sweat the small stuff.
  3. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    ur right but i need this job like a fish needs water. it's paying ok and i desperately need to move out. But i am going to bring up my concerns with my boss and hopefully it will be either or. Day or night, either is fine but both is insane. I'm a night person so I don't mind graveyard but I can't be doing the switching thing.

    wawona, i messaged you. Sorry i said hate, it was probly too strong of a word. you just royally pissed me off and i said some things that were worse. i have been pretty good at holding back stuff but you were the straw that broke the camels back.

    dude i can't find anything below $50 an 1/8. nothing, and believe me i have been trying for months and months. But with this job I have a job anywhere in america (denny's btw) and when I move i will be able to grow. So i just hafta suck it up right now, make the money, and then when it pays off i will have free weed like i did before when i grew.

    and just in case you wanted to know, i only edited this post so i wouldn't have to make a whole other one. god, who the f cares? I mean it's such a trivial thing.
  4. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Yeah well when you go on vacation i would say for you i wouldn't take any smoke. You just because of the way you talk about things you need to have a sober head for a while so you can try and figure somethings out. Ya it would be great to set on the beach and be blown, but you have somethings you need to sort out and get straight which is better now then later, enjoy the beach for what its worth! Also, just look at it this way to help persuade yourself if you take Bud with you you always have the possibilty of getting busted no matter what the chances maybe small maybe large you never know but if you got introuble on your vacation thats just going to make everything seem a hundred times worse to you like everything is just collapsing and your always going to be a victim no matter what. Yeah i would get a different job een if you wait tables somewhere else go for a good side of town with a lot of corporate offices and find a nice decently expensive place like SaltGrass, TGIFriday, Johnny carino's or something. IF could work some days or all days and in an area like that if you open and close lunch shifts you can make some pretty decent cash or you could still work at night. at one of those places they close at like 11 on Fridays so you wouldn't have to work the graveyard shift and could actually see friends and shit. Hell if you have any pappasitos, papaduex's. pappabros or any of those in your area go for that, you will have to dry clean your close and shit but they give you money for it and you will make good money there and they close at 10 on weekdays and 11 on weekends atleast they do in Texas shit I and everyone i knew that worked at one of those would average $100 or more a shift, and that was just average! Shit i've walked out one night after a 4-1/2 hour shift from the time i got there to the time i was pulling out of the parking lot and had $265 in my pocket, but i was working the banquet room so i made more than everyone else but if your good they'll give you those shifts pretty often.

    $20 1/8th?? HAHAHAHA thats funny shit i wouldn't pay more than $10 and we always sold 5 g dimes when i sold but we also sold 10g dubs so it didn't bother me any keeping it fat, hell it keep people happy and coming back. Shit i would never ever ever pay that much for some schwagg specially if dank is $50 and 1/8 might as well spend the extra $30.
  5. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    lexapro is a great little drug....your fucking house could gurn down and you 'll be like f^ck it!!!! burn biatch i gots insurance lol..anyways i take it for anxiety and depression..shit will knock u on ur ass though the first few times u take it..and docs love to prescribe it cause it's new...i have to take it now when i need it helps a lot
  6. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Yup mikey thats exactly what they put me on. I was doing ok but i just simply decided that i needed to learn to deal with things myself, that don't care attitude it gave me didn't help me out at all. Like sometimes my anxiety helps me get shit done like for example in school even thought i'm a head of probably 80-90% of the class i still study the info like i don't know it, i'll let that test anxiety drive me to do better and keep me on task which other wise i would probably just be like eh i already know that no need in studying and then make carless mistakes from my lack of persistence.
  7. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    skunky i need to be more like you. The first few years of college I have coasted through with pretty much all Bs, some Cs. Cept I didn't study, at all practicly. Now I know if I studied I could have had all As or close to. I'm pretty smart but I don't use it. I was pretty lazy but i am thinking/hoping that this next semester I will try harder. Previously it has been all general classes but now i'm all done with those. This next semester it's trig, microbiology and organic chemistry....all major/major prep classes for environmental science. I think i'm gonna have to study my butt off or face some consequences.
  8. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    I just wanna get in on this thread, been on xanax now for a few days, got small ones, and thank god, i wanna come off these fuckers painfree.

    i also got some other kind of pain pill from europe, but its fucking good.

    cant belive its been a fucking week, motherfuck felt liek it jst happened, still cant feel all my back yet, but those bruises are enough to write home about.

    loads of films, dvds, weed, pills, a chick or two, getting my food, bring ing me weed, or hash, washingmy back.

    I swear this is not normal.

  9. buddomi

    buddomi Banned

    I don't pay anything I get it free. But that's the running rate around here. And when I say shwag I'm not talking about some brown harsh nasty crap that has been sitting in a baggie in a freezer for 6 months... I'm talking not the dank, but not far off rom it either... It's green sticky stinky. just Doesnt look/smell/taste as pretty!

    But it deffinatly does the job. To each his own. I dont care as long as it gets me stoned..

    And i'm sure Canagirl would agree with me right about now.

  10. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    free? only time i ever get it free is a nug or two off my brother or if i grow my own. I guess I don't know the right person. But good things come to those who wait. This was my first plant (and her clones), I can't wait to see my second. I find that if I look at my pictures enough I can hold on a little bit longer, because I know it's coming again.


  11. buddomi

    buddomi Banned

    when you help other people out, sometimes there is fringe benefits..

  12. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    yeah thats the case of my bro...been helping him paint a house and whenever i have some, i give him some.
  13. matthew barrack

    matthew barrack Latae Sententiae Excommunication

  14. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    your signature reminds peach tree is almost ready. yummy
  15. buddomi

    buddomi Banned

    Uhh... What??

    The only thing I think I understood from your post, is that you like get fucked in the asshole?

    ewwww..... That's nasty!
  16. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Ya thats what i'm talking about too. Dirt weed man i could get an oz for $35, the schagg we get is still fluffy and has pretty good trichs on it, smells like straight up skunk. I wont smoke dirt that stuff always has a weird smell.
  17. buddomi

    buddomi Banned

    I guess it all depends on where you are located.

    I live in northern US, so we dont get alot of stuff from across the boarder up here.

    Location has a huge impact on price. And everyone around here has no problems moving 1/8 for $25 EASY! Infact demand usually outweighs the supply.

    If you live in southern US "Texas/Cali" Etc I know it is WAY cheaper down there.

    And you always have to factor in, sometimes somone might just know the right people...

  18. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    damn this fuckin sucks! I pay $50 and 8th and can't find anything else! I need to try harder or something....but it's just so risky ya know

    northern it suppost to be this hard/expensive?
  19. buddomi

    buddomi Banned

    HELL NO! It shouldnt be that hard at all.

    If you are in northern cali and you have to pay $50 1/8 for the normal shit. That is fucking outragous!!!

    Kick your contact in the nuts for me! LOL!!

    Seriously though, you can always see a stoner from a mile away. Go to some local head shops and hang out talk to people. Maybe go to the beach and try to talk to some surfers or something.
  20. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Talk to people at work you work at a fucking restruant! Everyone there is one something! Unless thats just not how it is in cali.

    buddomi, oh yeah i know prices are cheap here and it just cracks me up how much people pay for some regs in other parts of the country. Its insane!

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