Apprentice 1st 2007 grow-op (pot of gold,swazi,K2,white lady)

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by TheApprentice, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    One last look...Take a last look at these two pogs cos next time you see them they will be in flowering,heres two pics and also some images from inside the 'jungle',lol,i had to hold back loads of leaf:potleaf:peace:smokin: "HERES TO MANY FEMMES:love4: AND MANY TRICHS AND RESIN":beerchug:










  2. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Change of Plan...postponing 12/12 top let K2 seedlings develop properly for a bit...Ok flowering hasnt started yet,its now week four of veg and the two K2 seeds that i planted in the same pot(yes thats right im growing two in the same pot,they will be flowering within a week of veg so therefore wont be big,i have done this with other strains and if ones a male i chop it and if i get a femal or even two then i'll still get a decent return for my purposes),the K2 seeds dont cost shit,it was the POG that was expensive,anyway my two K2 seeds have came topside of the soil yesterday so we'll see how my lilk experiment goes.Im gonna post pictures then immediately post a few more posts of pictures taken just now of the four pots and 5 plants(2 strains K2 and POG) in the growroom,which i had to dismantle and rebuild in a day all cos of a landlord inspection but iv built it up just as good,thats the beauty of stealthy closet grows,iv added a small miller fridge on my top shelf beside all my string,gardening plyers,scissors,pots,rockwool,etc and in the fridge i store all my seeds,genetics,all my nutes and bug killers,etc.The following posts will show you each labelled pot.. pog1,pog2,pog3(clone,i have two other clones elsewhere) and the pot with the two K2 seedling which will be getting flowered from next week along with the rest of the grow.I have already pre determined sex,i am pretty sure,and iv defo got one female POG(number2) and the clone(POGnumber3) should be a femme cos im pretty sure i took it from POG2 but i'll need to refer back to my 'grow journal' i keep for each strain i grow.I think POG1 does look as though its showing sings of what UrBigBuddie is positive is male pollen 'balls' but im gonna be a lil more patient cos POG2 looked the same at one point then started calayx formation and other :female:signs so im not gonna take UBB's word for it,we are usually both right when we pre-determine w/out going 12/12 but there are occasions when our opion differs but even if it is a male i'll be happy with 2 :female:pOGS and hopefully at least one K2 femme.I plan to cross the K2 with the POG so any males will be put under constant veg in my floro grow area hidden away in my residence.Im starting to build up my genetics from other growers and great strains from my local seedshop which stocks all the best shit from all over... i should have 20 odd:potleaf: strains in my collection by winter and prolly a few new strain harvests.OK im gonna post my whole growroom set up and each numbered pog and beside it i will post an overhead ,frontal and insie the jungle picture of each numbered pot and strain,it'll take a few posts in a row so if anyone reading this could give me ten mins to post all my posts and pics in a row uninterupted it would be appreciated:stop: .... BTW the cycle stayed 24/0,i will go 18/6 next week then 12/12,this is purely due to the fact i dont wanna risk the K2 going hermie on me cos im flowering them so young,they need to veg a bit and get some fan leaves,etc so iv had to postpone my 12/12 changeover but only by a week and a bit.Peace:potleaf:PS: Im uploading all the plants in their order starting here with POG1,which UBB is convinced is a male and u have to say id agree but wont rule it out just yet,you guys decide...

    POG1 .jpg

    POG1 FRONTAL.jpg

    POG1 FRONTAL pos male.jpg

    POG1 SIDE VIEW.jpg






  3. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    POG~2...sorry iv not turned them or editied them folks but im in a rushHere is POG2 which is like POG1 4weeks old and im 100% sure its a female,again i will let y'all decide to see if you all paid attention to my thread on determining sex w/out going 12/ still on 24/0o:potleaf:

    POG2 CLOSE UP.jpg

    POG2 FEMALE.jpg


    POG2 FEMALE WITH white hairs.jpg

    POG2 FEMME 4WKS.jpg





  4. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    A few more POG1 and POG2 pics...Heres a few more pics from different views of POG1 and POG2:potleaf:... ...and an overheaed view of pog3 the clone...



    POG1 AND2 Pos Male and 2is female OVERHEAD.jpg

    POG2 AND POG3clone OVERHEAD.jpg




  5. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    POG3 of a few.Again sorry iv not rotated and flipped some of these pics but im in a rush to get stoned ands up early to see my girl in hospital,no news is good news i suppose,anyway back to the grow room pics :potleaf: HERE IS POG3 CLONE


    Female POG3clone and pot with 2 xk2seedlings OVERHEAD.jpg

    POG3 CLONE.jpg


    4pots 2strains 5plants.jpg





  6. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    This si the K2 i only germinated two days ago,they came topside last night.I have planted two K2 seeds in one pot,yes iv done it before,i wouldnt normally advise new growers this but im doing this cos my POGS are ready to flower and my K2 will only be receiving a week maybe 10 days vegging so the two K2 will both be able to live happy in the same pot,besides i like a bit of roots fighting each other for space:wink: Iv done it before with good sucess.Peace:potleaf: PS: My K2 will be getting used to X with my POG or other strains im getting soon and UBB has got blueberry blones for me and has started growing his afgaan and white lady so we'll do a lil exchange next time i see him.

    K2 zoom.jpg

    K2a closeup.jpg

    K2b close up.jpg

    Overhead K2 one mid left one mid right.jpg

    K2 x2 seedlings in 1pot.jpg





  7. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Finally...Well y'all have sen the lower half of my grow room in this thread with my chrome tiles and steel ceramic tiles,mylared walls,dehumidifer/heater/fan,etc so now i thought is show y'all whats above my HPS lights and the two fans i have attatched on either side of my ligths which rotate down to the plants and back towards my bulb. I store all my seeds,nutes,bug killers,foliar sprays ,etc in my lil miny fridge and on the top shelf i have my scalpel,loupe,scope,gardening tools,string,straws,scissors,plyers and other shit.Peace,just thought id do a final update ,next time y'all see my POGS i reckon i'll have 2 femmes and a male and i reckon the K2 will both be femmes cos iv already had some K2 males so hopefully these are he females.ALL will be flowering so we'll see how well i predicted the sex or not when i update y'all agree with my opinions on the sex between POG1 and POG2:ponder:Peace:smokin:

    Bug killer Foliar spray and nutes.jpg

    Top growroom.jpg

    Top left.jpg

    Fridge4nutes seeds Top shelf growroom.jpg

    Bio bizz organics.jpg





  8. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Quick Update... NEW STRAIN ADDED...BIG BANGOk i went and stocked up on essentials the other day(bio bizz soil,nutes,magnifier loupe,etc) and i decided to buy some feminised seeds, so seeing as the last reccomendation the seed guy gave me on the POG and K2 i decided id ask him for advice on what his fav strains at the moment were... He pointed to a massive cardboard promo for greenhouse seed co. and there were around 20 odd pics of buds on it and he said pic the best looking bud(they had a lil info beside them aswell) and he wrote down what he thought then asked me what strain i thought best... i replied the feminised BIG BANG looked best as the pic was amazing and the parentage was:skunk,northern lights and El Nino.. the yield was good,etc. He showed me what he had written and it was BIG BANG so that was good enough for me,so i have a BIG BANG germing in water now for 2 days so i will pot it in the organic medium tomorow morning so now im growing 6 plants,3 strains in 5 pots.Looking forward to flower time:wink:Peace:potleaf:

    G house fem strain.jpg

    Feminised BIG BANG seeds.jpg

    Hilkinson Ruper extended 2magnifiers.jpg

    New pots and biobizz organic soil medium.jpg

    Hilkinson Ruper Loupe.jpg





  9. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Sorry for the delay in reply but, If I could remember everything I do I'b be rich. LOL!

    Well actually if the tiles are heating that sends a red flag up for me.

    I would want a cool soil.. So I'd get them off the floor.

    Then again I don't know what your enviroment is like so it's just a thought to share.
  10. Bud Greenright

    Bud Greenright In the garden, you?

    Those POG plants seem sativa mostly. Maybe you said that allready and I missed it. Good looking start for sure:punk: I dont think your tiles heating up will cause any problems. as long as your humidity stays normal.
  11. 420

    420 KING

    Looking great TA, bushy plants make big buds!

    I'll be waiting to see those harvest pic's.
  12. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    repotted all plants.The 3 POGS are ALL female.Iv seperated the K2 seedlings aswell...

    Yeah iv got more recent pictures but my new computer aint letting me install my bluetooth device so i cant send the pix to my PC...unless anyone knows how to fix windows installer:ponder: Iv tried downloading it from microsoft aswell as downloading a toolbar but it wont let me do shit...hmm need to see snick and stinky bout this one:wink:As for the plants,all 3 POGS are now CONFIRMED female,the pistols are clear to see even w/out the loupe,my 2 k2 seedlings are coming on really well and im just waiting on my new BIG BANG feminised popping its head above soil anytime now.I have repotted ALL my plants into the new BIO BIZZ soil as i was told seeing as im using BIO BIZZ nutes then it makes sense they would compliment each other and they do... cos my lil POG was drooping slightly and after repotting it just keeps going from strength to strength.You may all wonder why i have repotted,well if you look at my pics you will see i had plenty more room in my pots for soil and i noticed that the POG roots had already hit the bottom of the pot and iv not even begun flowering yet:eek:So i repotted them all and iv seperated the K2 seedlings into their own pots,so i now have 6 5gallon pots in the grow room,i have room for an esy 2 more strains but i am worried bout smell cos i only need to brush against the POG and the whole place stinks of weed so until i get a carbon filter,etc then 6 is my limit.Im working on getting my pics uploaded right now,in fact i might just hook up the old computer so i can do it.PICS TO COME A.S.A.P. Peace:potleaf:
  13. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    They dont heat up too much,just warm..

    BUD-G/RANDY, yeah humidity aint summit i really worry too much about up here in scotland,i mainly just keep my temps in check but all the pots have plastic pot trays under them anyway just in case... so far so good:wink:Peace:potleaf:
  14. danke

    danke Hermaphrodite

    You getting any errors with windows installer? If so put them up (I'm one of those IT guys).

    There is a fairly recent virus out there called ntos or ntdos (go to your task manager and check your processes for it) that will corrupt your windows installer, along with your whole computer. If that is the case, it is a BITCH to get out.. it injects itself everywhere.. So reformatting would be my first call.

    Otherwise, windows kernel got fried or something to that extent.

    Give me some details.. I love a tech challenge :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce:
  15. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    UPDATED PIX (STARTING FROM 30th april)Ok peeps as promised here are the pictures from the other day/last week and some taken today and two days ago,i'll try and post them all in the order i would have had my bluetooth been working(Danke im using my old TINY pc just now while i format and put a clean xp pro install on the new DELL that had corrupted installers and tons of corrupted/missing .dll files amongst other unconfigurated shit,i'll PM you once done for a lil help,meantime i'll PM you my msn handle tomorow:thumbsup:) OK i'll upload the 1st five pics from last week then i'll follow up with one or two posts with more sets of recent pics right upuntil the pics i took earlier tonight.Things are coming along nicely,all POGS :female: and the K2 plants are coming on daily,they are thriving in the organic bio-bizz medium(with added dolomite,vermiculite,guaon,worm castings,etc) along with the bio-bizz nutrients and foliar sprays i use. As for the :female: BIG BANG seeds i bought from Greenhouse Seed Co.,the one i germd in water then planted has failed to come topside of the soil after a week:5eek: Sooooo i have germinated another and this time im gonna put it in the floro chamber(basically a modified aquarium with mylar,etc) to see if that produces a better result,all i know is the swazi stretched a lot under floros which is why i gave it away and concentrated on the POG's which grew in 5gallon pots under the HPS from day one and they are all now showing pistiliate hairs so i wanna begin flowering A.S.A.P. The only thing thats stopped me doing so is the fact i wanted the K2 seedlings to get at least a week maybe two of vegging instead of practically flowering them from seed thereby increasing risk of hermies,so these will prolly in fact most definetly be the last pictures y'all see of my plants in veg(i mean it this time!!:roll:)as im switching from 24/0 to 18/6 tonight then in the coming days i will switch to 12/12,this is what i usually do b4 going 12/12...just give them a little period of 18/6 to introduce them gradually to the dark periods giving them time to adjust.On with the grow:potleaf: 1st set of attatchments from 30th april then onwards,etc...

    Img Growleftside 30 april.jpg

    Img K2a 30th apr.jpg

    Img K2b 30th apr.jpg

    Img Grow repotted labelled LAST WEEK.jpg

    iMG gROW Repotted labelled 30 april.jpg





  16. SmokeWizzleEveryDizzle

    SmokeWizzleEveryDizzle ~Movin on up'

    Lookin good homey, this is the stage where I wish I had some sort of time traveling device to take myself forward 8 to 9 weeks at a time. But I guess I'll have to wait on all that technology, and do it the old fashioned way. haha, ttyl peace
  17. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    More Pix (30th April And 7th May)Heres some more of the pics from the other day/last week:potleaf:

    Img POG4 overhead 30 april.jpg

    Img POG2 frontal 7th april.jpg

    Img Growroom left half overhead 7th april.jpg

    Img POG inner 30 april.jpg

    Img POG overhead 30th april.jpg





  18. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Picx From 7th April OnwardsMore recent pictures and onwards....:smokin::potleaf:

    Img POG4 overhead.jpg

    Img POG2 overhead 7th.jpg

    Img Lastweek 7th april Left half growroom.jpg

    Img Lastweek POG1 frontal 7th april.jpg

    Img POG3clone overhead LASTWEEK 7th april.jpg





  19. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    TODAYS PICTURES part1 (POGS)OK peeps thats us up to date,all pics from here on in were taken earlier so these are the most recent pictures,these ones are all POGS...Cheers for the compliments Wizzle,iv got HIGH:smokin: HOPES:pimp: for this grow....especially if the FEM BIG BANGS would hurry up and come topside of soil,3 strains 7 plants...sounds good to me,i could grow 10 but i get landlord inspections at the place i grow these so i cant afford the odour to be too strong till i buy a carbon filter which i will soon,just got priorities with the :binkybaby: on the way.Peace:potleaf:

    Img POG1234 right half growroom.jpg

    Img POG3 CLONE 9th april.jpg

    Img 1POG and 2POG.jpg

    Img 3fem POGS 1POG clone.jpg

    Img POG stem close up.jpg





  20. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Latest Pics part2More pictures from last night....iv just fed them and they are all standing to attention...DAMN it why didnt i feed them b4 taking the pics....they look much better when their standing to attention and leaves reaching for the sky...the POG is a gorgeous MJ plant,iv fell in love with it but the K2 is growing on me now as it goes through a growth spurt...the feminised big bang is the only strain letting me down so far but i cant complain,planted 3 POGS and got 3 females and a female clone,well worth the extra price tag ,i was well advised on this strain,cant wait to see how it flowers...still keeping my strain/grow journal:thumbsup:

    Img K2a and K2b.jpg

    Img POGS and K2 x2 and BIG BANG feminised.jpg

    Img POG4 and POG3 Clone.jpg

    Img POG2.jpg

    Img POG1.jpg






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