Apprentice 1st 2007 grow-op (pot of gold,swazi,K2,white lady)

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by TheApprentice, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    This is the last of my 5 update picture posts..nxt time u see them they will be 12/12OK here is the last of all the updated pictures,if youve just tuned in iv been updating my recent pics from 30th to the 7th to the 9th/10th,this is the last post out of 5 so if you wanna see all the updates you'll need to go back a page or two. The grows going great,no males,all femmes so far so id reccomend 'pot of gold' to anyone cos 3 outta 3 is good stuff,as for the K2 time will tell,but unlike the POGS iv been showing you over the last 5 posts today the K2 are a good few weeks behind so i cant tell their sex like i can with the POGS so im just gonna go ahead and flower and keep my fingers crossed i get at least one K2 female,they both differ so im hoping that means iv got a male and female cos i wanna use the K2 genetics(white strain) to mix with my feminised BIG BANG if it ever pops its head above soil,iv got plenty seeds/strains so im gonna be crossing a few strains in the coming months and stocking up on more strains,etc Hope y'all enjoyed the update now the real work begins..FLOWER TIME:potleaf:...take a good look cos as i said about 3 or 4 posts ago next time y'all see them will be in flowering,already the smell and aroma is a beautiful one and i se bud site formation and iv not even went 18/6 yet for a few days nevermind 12/12,lol.Peace:potleaf:

    Img Pistilate Hair.jpg

    Img 1POG and 2POG.jpg

    Img K2b.jpg

    Img K2a and K2b.jpg

    Img POG1234 right half growroom.jpg





  2. Bud Greenright

    Bud Greenright In the garden, you?

    Right on schedule.:bigok: You have grown the plant about 8 weeks and sexed it and now you can give it the flowering stage. I agree that is a pretty plant looking very sativa based. I hope it lives up to its name, and all the hype the shoppy gave it.:potleaf:
  3. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    The lights go OFF tonight at 10.30pm for the 1st time.

    You and me both Bud-G,iv tried to do it as good and proper as possible and not rush the veg period,although the K2 could do with longer but they arent my main concern,the POGS are what im concentrating on so anything from the K2 is a bonus besides they only cost ten pounds from nirvana but the POGS were three times that amount...

    I gotta say though im not happy with the feminised BIG BANG strain/seeds i bought from Greenhouse Seed Co. cos i germd it in water and planted it and it never popped which has NEVER EVER happened to me so the fact i bought cannabis cup winning feminised seeds and they aint popped is pising me off:angry7:...but concentrate on the positive,on with the grow...the POGS have a VERY strong aroma already...anyway y'all iv decided to not bother with adjusting from 24/0 to 18/6 and then 12/ just going straight into 12/12 cycle so the lights will turn of at 10.30pm tonight for the 1st time since the grow started:thumbsup:

    The daylight doesnt disappear until 9pm ish at the moment so im doing it from 10.30pm till 10.30am and iv made sure there are no light leakages,etc.WISH ME LUCK:wink:
  4. danke

    danke Hermaphrodite

    props on this TA.

    You grow some god damn bushes.. literally :punk:
  5. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    Nice lookin plants man. Cant wait to see what they look like with some nugs on em. Keep up the bushes!
  6. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    PPL who seen it close up thinkits looking great,iv taken my time with this POG ..

    Yeah UrBigBuddie came round mines today to share some of his b/berry harvest with me and he took a look up close and was impressed at the plants,clear :female: signs on the POGS,as for the K2 i should know within the coming 7 days or less,i'll update the pictures in a week or so to show y'all how thr grow is progressing,iv gave them their 1st does of the bud bloom aswell as still giving them small doses of bio grow... iv noticed these POGS dont eat as much nutes as my last grow(PURPLE THISTLE),maybe its cos im now using proper organic soil from bio-bizz who also make all my nutes and foliar sprays( Keep y'all updated,pissed of i accidentally snapped of a lil end of a branch today,it had a developing buds site on it aswell,sigh,cant even get a clone out it now.Peace:potleaf:
  7. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Looking Great TA!!!

    Looking gooooooood brotha!!!

    Very nice n BUshy, with some PHATT PHATT foliage leaves on there, WoW.... Thats gonna be a HUGE yeilder my man...hhaaaaa:punk: :punk: :punk:

    Yehaaaa, Hope you ehjoyed the BB x SAGE and the Super-S???

    Anyway, the afgaan is coming on well and the white lady are just sprouting bro, and the BB O.G Clone is UP n Rooted and Growing very strongly, a little more than the Mommy!!!heheeh:punk: :laughing5:

    Anyway, il be smoking that shit wit cha soon bro, just gotta get this shit Crackin, n HARVESTED bro....:sign13: :) :punk:

    All is GREAT looking on YOUR side bro, all looking GREAT!!! (Some issues in the PH at VERY 1st, But now? is GREAT!!! :) :punk:

    That Bio-Bizz Soil's is also working wonders,:punk: and i can even see all the yellowing that was there(even though it was a Very little amount) that its all cleared up n Nice n Green again, :) Very Bushy,:sign13: n waiting on these Thick NUGGS coming soon to a Plant near me!!! lmao:laughing5: :punk:

    Peace Out for now,

    RESPECT bro....

    UrBigBuddie...........:sign13: :) :punk: :punk: :punk:

    P.S, Grow on Cuz.....:punk: THATS A FLIPPIN INDICA, iff ive ever saw one!!! And a very Very nice one indeed. my cuttings "BROTHA"???? lol:rolleyes2: :laughing5: :) :punk:

    GRow on bro, be up soon to have a close/Better look......:punk: :punk: :punk:

  8. iheartmaryj

    iheartmaryj Begun Flowering

    great plants apprentice... gonna be some good f'n bud
  9. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    12/12 update MY Feminised BIGBANG is growing!Thanx....iv only been 12/12 for a lil while but heres some updates..insie the POGS is like a jungle,real bushy compact plants man.Im in love:love4:

    fem BIGBANG.jpg









  10. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER


    RANDY, my friend, ive been inside the grow room of the apprenticeand its all good my man, totally, i would LOVE that amount of space too!!!:sign13: :punk:

    But, TA, that is some fine growing this time round my mannnnn....:punk: :punk: :punk: :punk:

    Very exellently done so far anyway, that is a must to say so, GREAT vegging, and what a Yeild your gonne have, (well we'l have...lmao) Hint Hint!!! lol

    Yep TA, its looking even better evertime i get a new look at your grow... CAnt wait to try this up coming strain, thats way new to us all..... yeeehaa

    Keep it up mang,Great work brother....

    UrBigBuddie............:sign13: :) :punk:

    P.S, that shit is P.I.M.P'ed up Mofoka!!!:notworthy: :5cool: :pimp: :pimp: :potleaf: :potleaf: :potleaf: :bigok:
  11. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    My newest strain im growing... it finally started growing!

    Big Bang (Greenhouse Seed Co.) Skunk#1 X Northern Light X El Nino



    Greenhouse Seeds Big Bang (5seeds)

    €16.00dw{feminzed b/bang}



    Awards: 3rd prize HTCC 2000.

    Genetics: Skunk, Northern Light, El Niño.

    Effect: very known for its medicinal

    properties, it is sold in the Dutch

    pharmacies as prescription medicine. Relaxing and calming effect.

    Flowering indoor: 9 weeks will guarantee the full range of cannabinoids. Commercially ready in 8 weeks. Yield up to 800 gr/sqm. Very good on SOG and ScrOG systems.

    Flowering outdoor: ready at the beginning of October in the Northern hemisphere and in April in the Southern one.

    Yield up to 1000 gr/plant.

    THC: 15,5% CBD: 1.5% CBN: 0.4%

    OK peeps seeing as i now have a new strain in the growroom i thought id give y'all the lowdown on it ,its a feminised strain which for parentage has award wining strains such as EL NINO,NL#5 & SKUNK#1.All the details are above,i am hoping for good things from this strain,like the POG,it came HIGHLY reccomended from the guys who own the seedshop and the hydro store and these guys were growing before computers were even in the public domain,lol,real old skool growers,i keep trying to get them to join up on here but they got their own little secret place they working on an invitation:wink:

    OK peeps so theirs the lowdown on the BIG BANG im now officially growing:thumbsup: My plants are looking great,a lot different from my last set of pictures but i'll be adding more soon,very soon now the computers up and running,lol.Peace y'all,thanx for the goodwill,the positive vibes must be working cos so far this grow is perfect by the book type of grow,cant wait till end of flowering.The b/bang takes 8wks from seed to harvest so it'll catch up with the K2 and POG,it'll be the 1st time iv ever flowered from seed so its a new experience for me.Peace:baked:
  12. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    12/12 one week on.... VERY STRONG AROMA NOW,very noticeable1OK peeps that me been flowering for exactly 10 days now and although i hadnt given my K2 long enough to veg iv identified a :female: and a suspected male,maybe,its not as mature as the other K2,as for the POGS,i now only have two in the growroom as i have kept one isolated as a mother and the other is a male which is ideal as i'll be crossing it with my feminised big bang strain that i mentioned above,iv got HIGH hopes for these POGS,bud sites are forming ALL over and they are such a lush healthy green colour,they like a few days drying out in between watering,etc ,iv still got plenty POG seeds left but i might take a clone tonight or tomorrow for UrBigBuddie who says hes got a S.A.G.E x Blueberry pheno for me(UBB HOLLA AT YA BOY!:wink:)... Anyway here is my 12/12 update or should i say the 1st pics since flowering beganm just over a week ago now.Peace:potleaf: PS: Does anyone know any good tips for finding yer way out the jungle when your lost in the thick dense foliage?:biggrin: Im just following the rainbow all the way to the pot of gold:roll:










  13. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    :stop: Wheres MY CUTTING?????????:confused: :qbluewacko: :punk: :)

    TA:sign13: Ive got your BlueBerry all rooted and Vegging slightly, wheres mine? "MY" Pot Of Gold??? ( Boy il be coming after you with a machete if you dont come accross soon u mofokaaaaaaa!!!!!:5masked: :eusa_shifty: :) :punk:


    Peace Out my son, keep that jungle going man, il be UP soon brotha,

    UrBigBuddie............:sign13: :) :punk:

    P.S, Strait P.I.M.P.I.N Ni.............!!!:punk:

    P.S, Need some Bio-Bizz soil just enough for one grow of AFGAANI!!! :) :icon_bounce: :punk: :) PLeaseeee???? lol
  14. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    BOTH K2 plants are now confirmed females,iv been real lucky this grow!

    "Big P.I.M.P.I.N with U.B.B, he just a ganjaman who likes to toke and grow Blueberry weed":pimp:

    UBB iv only got a little bio bizz soil left,i ned to hit the hydro store again myself for some new skool shit iv been hearing about,new bio bizz products!Yeah iv got a beauty of a clone ready for you,iv not cut it yet but its almost like a fully formed plant ,these pOGS as you have seen are pure jungles,who knows what results id have gotten if id LST'd from day one although i could still LST a bit and produce some top colas but im so in love with this POG strain that i just wanna let it grow the way nature intended....apart from growing indoors under hps lights:roll:(DISCLAIMER: i gotta point out GKers that me and UBB do not talk about trade or soliciting sales on GK,we talk on the phone or face to face as he is my sisters man and father of my nephew so we live near each other)

    GROW UPDATE>>>>>>>>: My 2 K2 strains/plants are now both confirmed :female: i finally spotted two smal hairs under the scope just there,im telling y'all guys if y'all dont own a loupe or a scope then you are slowing your grow down considerably or even harvesting to soon,threfore doing yourselves a dis service,these are ESSENTIAL! Time to celebrate the 5 females i got flowering:animbong::sonar::rocker:Peace y'all:potleaf:

    PS: The big bangs doing fine too...
  15. rayray420

    rayray420 Germinated

    thanks alot for the info and would it b possible to get a full pic of your grow room so i can get some ideas to set up a grow room.. and y are hermies bad will they perduce buds.. they get all the sun of the day im in r.i so i mean they get it all until it goes down.. thanks fo the reply
  16. iheartmaryj

    iheartmaryj Begun Flowering

    nice work every time i look at this thread i just become more and more impressed
  17. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Great M to F ratio!!!!!!

    The Apprentice has done a decent thread in the FAQS basically tellin ya all ya need to know about a closet growroom which is what he's using,skip back to the start of this thread and read each post his growroom is pictured from all angles and if you click his Members Gallieries under his name beside the GK garden bit then you can see all the pictures he has recently uploaded,i gotta admit he's got a good grow on the go as Pot Of Gold can be hard to grow PROPERLY,these pix are exactly the way the strain should look at this stage and not one defficiency throughout the whole grow so far i have observed.

    The strains are mouthwatering,especially the BIG BANG as the genetics are El Nino which is a great black label strain and skunk#1 and dont get much better than that,thats the plant im really interested in,especially seeing as its being flowered from seed,i wonder if the feminised seed is strong enough to not go hermie on ye?

    Nice bushy plants man...altogether now " he's got HIGH hopes,he's got HIGH hopes...."I have heard its one helluva mighty good smoke BTW.

    Im also impressed by the M to:female: ratio especially considering they all from different seedbanks.

    Just shows ya if ya give yur plants T.L.C they return that with T.H.C! Cant wait to see the flowers:icon_flower:You only get out what you put in, karma works:5yinyang:

    Just try and keep dem bushes under control now ya hear:5bullwhip:.:clock:Da clocks ticking,8wks veg 8wks to flower? All good so far:icon_thumleft:.. :new_smileyb:happy to see happy :potleaf:plants.Bonsoir :eek:fftheair:
  18. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Update:pix Taken An Hour Ago!OK heres the latest flowering pictures,according to my grow diary i keep iv now been 12/12 for exactly 13 days.ALL my plants are :female:,i now have 2x pogs,2x K2 and 1x fem BigBang....:happy: Iv got an unusual thing where i had a POG that showed pistilate but also male 'balls':5masked: ... the calayx's and pistilate are only on two nodes but the top of the plant is a mass of balls so i took it out the growroom thinking it was a male but now i see more small pistilate hair so im thinking i must have my first hermie on my hands,it came from a female clone so i dont understand it,the only thing i can think of is i left it in the small 'cup pots' for too long and it got rootbound before i replanted it? Anyway it is out of the grow room but being grown elsewhere,its one of the stranger things iv seen in my growing life,i was hoping it would be a male so i could extract and use the pollen for future parenting but if its a hermie then i'll be happy to get seeds that will have an okay chance of being femmes cos they will have come from what used to be a clone from a female mother but through stress it hermied out. Anyway the rest of the grow is all bitches and the POGS re gettin better and taller and bushier by the day,heres a few update for y'all just taken there.Peace:potleaf: PS: Thanx for all the goodvibes towards my grow, i believe they are working so keep 'em coming:wink:








  19. iheartmaryj

    iheartmaryj Begun Flowering

    damn it seems like they have been on 12\12 for more then 13 days or maybe im just so anxious to see this beautiful harvest all thumbs up apprentice
  20. calisfinestBUD

    calisfinestBUD New Sprout

    Awesome TA!

    everything looks awesome meng. Can't wait to see these beautiful pots of gold forming right on the tops of the colas. MUcho positivo vibes and i am anxious to see what awaits.

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