Apprentice 1st 2007 grow-op (pot of gold,swazi,K2,white lady)

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by TheApprentice, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    rapid update..........

    Quick update...i'll upload/edit in the pics later im rushed due to the mrs being in labour/maternity ward in hospital.... basically i have now added an original feminised blueberry clone to my flowring grow.Pics to come tomorrow...ya wont belive the changes!:icon_thumleft:peace:smokin:
  2. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    quick recent picuteres update..These are not the most recent up to date ones ,i will do them when i get back from the maternity hospital(labor has indeed begun they say),but here are recent unseen pictures that iv been taking but havent had the time to upload,but wait till ya see the ones ima put up later on,my ladies are in bloom now and they wont take long till the buds are gold!!!Peace i gotsta rush ,driving to hospital in 3mins:eek: PS: The smaller two plants are the K2 from nirvana,and the big ones are the pots of gold from flying ducthman but iv not had time to take a pic of my bigbang and the original blueberry clone UBB gave me but i'll be uploading pics later.:potleaf:










  3. splyph024

    splyph024 Blazin daily


    Lookin good TA. im having dreams of that pot o gold man. cheers friend:punk:
  4. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    B/berry clone added to my grow,alls well in apprentice grow land!OK peeps here is the latest updates....sorry the pics aint better quality but i'll be taking my plants out the grow room soon for some "portrait pictures2 with my sony cybershot camera cos its got 5megapixels compared to my nokia N80 which only has 3.5 megapixels.I'll be doing some good close up shots so y'all can see what the plant looks like in all their splendour. The POGS are doing great,the K2 are surprising me soooo much cos they were 6wks behind the POGs vegwise yet are rapidly catching up! The feminised big bang is taking its time but is growing away,i also have a small potted original bluberry clone from UrBigBuddie in exchange for a cutting from my lower POG branches,remembers peeps we dont swap/trade on GK,we know each other VERY WELL in real life.The buds are finally coming and the AROMA is really summit else,its the strongest smelling grow iv ever did,im actually thinking id better go buiy a carbon filter cos i can smell it outside of my grow room area...really strong!:5eek: Well iv got 4 strains and 6 plants growing away now,all female and in their 2nd week or going on 3rd week of 12/12,i'll need to check my grow journal/diary that i keep safely hidden to find out exactly how long...they are guzzling my nutes like a mustang guzzles petrol,lol.Cant complain,this really is one of my favourite and better grows,i havent had one single defficiency during this whole grow and the temps have been kept at MY optimum levels,using all organic bio bizz nutes and soil.The soil has made a huge difference id advise anyone who aint using organic soil to go get some cos it defo makes a huge difference to your grow IMHO.Peace GKers:cool: PS: In the2nd and last picture the small pot you see on top of the larger pot is the b/berry clone already rooted and the other small seedling/plant you can just make out is my feminised big bang.










  5. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Beatifull BUshes man!!

    Those are FAntastic looing plants all through, from the bottom to the TOP, look all green and healthy bro, NIce one my man........ :) :punk:

    CAnt wait , what is it? 5 weeks left Approx? Maybee 6 iff neccessarry? At MOST?

    Looks like it , and what a YEILD you WILL have my brotha:punk: :sign13: , Such wonderfully Vegged , through the HPS :sign13: (400watt) for 2 months? cool!!! (Thats the way to do it bro.... :) :punk: )

    Totally a Fully Blossomed Bush Garden You got there TA, Il be UP soon to show you the NOW, rooted P.O.G Clone You kindly handed down the family TREE to me!!! :)

    Anyway, Much props for that grow there TA, very wel vegged indeed and total healthyness to add to that!

    CAnt wait for the finished product, asa the BUddage is looking like there will be colas all over your TREE!!!!! WooooHooooooo.... :) :punk: :punk: :punk:

    Peae Out n Speak soon bro,

    Keep that sjit up mang,

    UrBigBuddie...........:sign13: :) :punk:

    P.S, Look after my Ll Baby i gave you, shes a REAL peroducer Indeed, (As YOU well KNOW!!! hehehe)

    RESPECT!:punk: CAnt get over how green n healthy they actually are bro, very niceee indeed!
  6. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Pics from yesterday..... close ups,etc.Heres a few updates...a few close ups of the plant and top cola,etc.I'll add a few more on the next post including the pot with the fem big bang and b/berry clone in it,all POGS female doing well,all K2's female ,doing well and the original blueberry clone and feminised big bang strains are obviously female,alls well in the GK garden:icon_salut:










  7. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Last Nights Latest...A few pics taken last night,its on the dark cycle right now cos i had to change it due to timer malfunction so these are last nights,tonights will be even better.Thats me been flowering on 12/12 now for exactly 22 days...damn the harvests gonna end up coming before this damn baby,lol.Peace y'all:potleaf: PS: Pic#2 is the big bang and the lil potted plant is the blueberry clone from UBB...pic#4 has the K2 and the POGS in the same picture although the K2 have caught up that fast to the untrained eye its hard to tell which strain got vegged for 8wks and which strain got vegged for a few weeks...the big bang has been flowered from seed and the b/berry is a rooted clone.










  8. subcool

    subcool #1 strains

    hope you get a good smoke... great pics ive grow k2 before its was a great smoke for about two years
  9. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still

    very nice, TA!

    And that is a problem, how?? :ponder:

    But seriously.......everything is looking AOK, TA!!

    I'm glad you had better luck with the K2 than I did. (all males) :icon_confused:

    Personally, I HATE week 3 of flowering...buds are really starting to show form, but are more of a tease, than anything.

    Keep up the great work, TA, you'll be swimming in bud soon!

    :beerchug: :animbong:
  10. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Hey AP, your garden is coming along nicely!![​IMG]

    When the baby comes We'll all fire one up for you and the family! :)

    I'll just be glad when I have plenty of bud in a couple of months! later man.:punk:
  11. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Buds sure are a tease at this stage mr-d!:ebert:Cheers peeps:beerchug: Im hoping for TWO healthy harvest in the coming weeks:potleaf: & :binkybaby:,lol.Flowering is going great although one of my K2 plants has stretched tremendously compared to the other K2 which is more compact like but the one with the very long stems has plenty buds as do all the strains apart from the big bang im flowering from feminsed seed and the blueberry runt UBB gave me or clone as he calls it,its an ugly fucker but hopefully it'll cheer up and take a growth spurt,it was rootbound when he gave me it but iv now repotted into bio bizz organic soil.Anyway heres the daily fix peeps:potleaf: :pS: Here are pics of each of my 2 pogs and 2 of m,y K2's along with a pic of the bigbang and the blueberry clone from UBB










  12. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    ...heres some more.Heres some more of the updated flowering pics/strains...sorry bout the picture quality im still messin around with my digital camera settings thats why i took a plant or two out the grow room to see if they took better pictures and i used both portrait and landscape settings so apologies for the quality. Here are pictures of my top colas so far,teasing bitches:love7::love4:










  13. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    ...and some more,lol..As you can see taking pictures isnt my forte:rolleyes: but growing seems to be,lol,dont even ask why the flash came on inside a growroom when the light is on:bduh:I was just messing with all the many settings,lol.Peace:potleaf:










  14. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Smokin bubblegum,getting stoned,lol...Heres some pics of the grow ,different views and a look at the blueberry runt clone UBB gave me which iv now repotted in bio bizz soil as it was rootbound in a sandy peat soil full of perlite,tut tut UBB and i gave you a beauty of a POG cutting:eusa_naughty:(im just saying this cos as i type this he is stoned out his nut talking shit :5headache: to my fiancee as we smoke some sweet bubblegum,lol,only kidding UBB love ya really:eusa_shifty:) The big bang has came on,that plant is :stop: STRICTLY for future gentics as the parentage is el nino,skunk#1 and NL#5 plus it came from a feminised seed so its gonna get cloned and used for future purposes/ventures.Peace:smokin:Bubblegum:potleaf:










  15. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    A few views of the bigger flowring strains...










  16. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Heres the last of them..finally,lol... NOW LETS GET STONED!To summarise alls going well and my thumbs are feeling greener but dont wana jinx myself,very superstitious...shit i dont even want the mrs to set up the baby stuff just in case:eusa_shifty: :qbluewacko: .Hope this thread takes us where i want it to take us which is to a mutha f***in meaty harvest:biggrin:Peace out for now:icon_salut::potleaf: PS:UBB is still talkin shite:roll:...only messing UBB if you are reading this tomorrow but thats what you get for bringing me round a bit of weight(bubblegum)thats underweight:5masked: .... Iv killed for less:laughing5:










  17. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Bubblegum and screensavers...BTW here is my puny share of the bubblegum i got...:eusa_think:Hmm never did get to see what UrBigBuddies bit looked like,lol,jokes UBB is shady in no way apart from when hes impersonating Marshall:wink: The weed is good,here it is,friggin 5.4g for a qrtrt!:angry7:...aint his fault but im not a happy chappy but rather than get my money back i just wanna smoke it cos its decent,lol..Just thought id include picture of my new dell optiplex GX620 and my vista upgrade screensaver,lol...yup im stoned time to sign out,lol.Peace y'all:pimp: PS: I'd forgotten just how much a good bubblegum strain rocks:rocker::cool:




  18. Bud Greenright

    Bud Greenright In the garden, you?

    SO whats up with the POG's? lots of pics in your past posts but I cant figure which ones were the pogs and how the buds are looking.

    So you gave UBB a POG clone for a runty blueberry clone? Bad trade? Depends on how the POG smokes and if you can get the blueberry to grow. I'v had runts in the past that only took up space in my garden and never matured into much of anything smokeable.
  19. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Been strain shoping....Yeah Bud it wasnt really a straight trade..UBB has been sharing plenty of his recent harvests and he has been begging me for a POG clone for ages so its nice to be nice ya know,the b/berry runt dont lok like shit and it aint even grew yet,if no improvements i'll be giving him it back,my grow rooms got enought to deal with,especially seeing as i just bought two new strains:#1 is PURPLE#1 from DUTCH PASSION and the #2 is ICE from NIRVANA. UrBigBuddie bought papaya and a few other things, a good day out plus i got a tattoo of my fiancee come home and her waters have broke,lol,a day in the life of the apprentice:bduh:,lol.Peace:potleaf: PS:Iv included the top of one of my K2 STRAINS.




  20. Bud Greenright

    Bud Greenright In the garden, you?

    Take care of your lady and the new little Apprentice.:punk: I think its a good thing that alot of yuor grow is coming into maturity right now, because your going to have alot to do here in the near future.:angel8:

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