Apprentice 1st 2007 grow-op (pot of gold,swazi,K2,white lady)

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by TheApprentice, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    True..wise words...

    i her ya there bud...responsibilty is gonna take on a whole new meaning now:eek: but im man enough to deal with it,afterall i used toi think i was sterile so this is like manna from heaven to me:eusa_pray: So both grows started,one succesful :binkybaby:harvest and now just my 4 strain 6 pot:potleaf: harvest to come:wink:Peace y'all:smokin:
  2. calisfinestBUD

    calisfinestBUD New Sprout

    Hey TA, looks like its going to be a plentiful harvest.

    How much longer until the girls are going to be ready?

    P O G looks like a very sexy plant , i wish you the best of luck man ! everything looks superb!

    We have all had a good time following your grow.

    You have inspired me ! Happy Growing/harvesting soon!
  3. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Plentyfull and way more too.....yeeehaaaa!

    Yo The Apprentice ma brotha, this grow is way above the standards ive saw in a long time(So far anyway mang!), the vegging is TOTALY FANTASTIC indeed to say thee Upmost least on that!

    And as for the whole look to the plants in general, it Gives a new meaning to "BUSH GARDENS....lmao)

    Peace n REspect and CONGRATS on being a FATHER ma brother,(Your babies UNCLE(UBB) CONGRATS my frind, and bro in law,

    And keep that growing up all the way bro, looking totally fantstic)as i say, "Thats to say the least, that its FANTASTIC"!!!)


    UrBigBuddie............:sign13: :) :punk:

    P.S, Chers for the Clone brotha, rooted EASILY, and nice to see YOUR O.G Blueberry Clone is coming on GREAT too bro, keep it Up, lets get these USHY'S healthy trill the END!!! :) :punk:
  4. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Cheers...all in my garden is golden..not rosy, smells real strong!:eek:

    Thanks for the compliment Cali~ the POG is sooooo resinous and crystal coated with golden buds(but the smell of that and the flowering K2 is over powering i better get some sort of carbon filter or a temp solution....ANY IDEAS GKers:ponder::idea:),iv got some great bud shots i will upload once the craziness of the new baby:binkybaby: has settled but even my K2 buds are loooking AMAZING!

    The feminised BIG BANG is coming on nicely but the b/berry runt from UrBigBudie aint doin shit,lol,iv also got a few new strains,i think i will keep them till next grow,they are ICE from Nirvana and Purple#1 from Dutch Passion,i'll post strain info when i get back from hospital,gotta dash back laters ppl:eek:fftheair:
  5. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    A few more updates...note the big bang feminised seed iv flowered from day 1 is coming on well now that it is taking the nutrients... and loving them.Im gonna post up next some info about my new strains i bought called Ice and Puplre#1 from Nirvana and Dutch Passion.Peace [​IMG]PURPLE#1 A strong plant (50% Indica, 50% Sativa), easy to grow. Purple Afghan seeds have been crossed in Holland with Indica and Sativa varieties since 1983. The plants are fully adapted to the Dutch climate and have a respectable yield. This variety has calyxes that turn purple, starting at the beginning of flowering. Up to 90% of the plants turn purple. Has a rough but subtle aroma and a very good high [​IMG]Ice (Nirvana) With Ice we have successfully attempted to bring quality and quantity together. Ice has ancestors of Afghani, a very special Skunk, Northern Light, and Shiva. An intense selection process of thousands of plants was used in finding this special mix. Ice flowers are richly covered in trychomes and have a dense consistency. Buds form along main branches and there is a high flower to leaf ratio. Fastastic for hydro and soil applications. The stone is heavy and the aroma is almost like fuel. Ice is a winner of the 1998 Cannabis Cup. Plant height: Medium- Indica/Sativa mix Stoned or high?: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz THC level: Strong 15-20% Flowering Weeks: 8/9 Yield (Sea of Green on one m2): 500 Harvest Month: 8/9Shipping restrictionsWe cannot ship this product to Australia, Brazil, Finland, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland and United States.










  6. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    LOving the BIG BANG brotha!!!

    WoW, Now Im getting very Impressed with your BIG BANG strain bro, its coming on GREAT now.....

    The foliage leaves are FAT and Short, meaning a LOVELY INDICA(My personal FAv's!!! Anyway, that is just gave a nice lil Burst of GRowth since the other day, and its looking very nice ro, CANT WAIT to se that when its at near MAturity as your POG strain too! mmhmmmm...

    BIG BANG! :) :punk:

    Peace Out for now bro,

    Respect to ya brotha,

    :pimp:UrBigBuddie...............:5cool: :) :punk: :punk: :punk: :potleaf: :potleaf: :bigok: :eusa_dance:
    saxby likes this.
  7. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Flowering latest...Heres the latests pictures since the lights went on this morning,iv got a few more of the blueberry runt and the feminised big bang flowering seedling/plant which i'll update later...gotta rush,time to go pick up my son from hospital:eek:ccasion16:peace y'all keep on growing harvests:wink:










  8. saxby

    saxby I Smell Pot

    Looking great TA, how's your new baby doing, "Dad". Sorry I was late getting here. I'll be around to the end of the show now though. Impressive grow you have for sure.
  9. bus

    bus New Sprout

    Looking yummy, how big is your closet?
  10. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Its a larger than usual closet Bus,im gonna take proper measurements in fact.

    Im not great with sizes off the top of my head but i could comfortably fit around 6 ppl inside it nevermind plants,lol,it is totally different to my last closet which would hold around say 3 ppl,its got great height,im 6ft5in and iv got plenty room to reach up to my top shelf where my fridge with my nutes,genetics,pollenetc is all stored in self seal bags,etc.Iv laid stainless steel and half chrome ceramic tiles on the floor and i went through 4 large boxes,so quite a lot of tile... you know i might actully measure it up cos iv never actually did that,but its a fair size.

    BTW peeps UrBigBuddie ordered me a neat little piece of cultivation paraphenelia online from our usual UK lighting source( ).Its a heat shield that i attatch onto my bulb attatchment,its basically a kind of metal fly swatter shape thing with two sloping sides like an upside down V letter and two mini poles hold it firmly in place about an inch or two below the actual hps bulb and what it does is "eliminates 'hot spots' and 'shady edges',promotes vigirous growth on plants!It actually makes your plant closer to the light which is ideal for me to save me lowering and raising them at times and apparently its proven to increase your yields by up to as much as 50% although i'll reserve judgement on that sales pitch for now:wink:

    It was very cheap but UrBigBuddie got himself one and says its great so i'll hook mines up when the lights go on in the morning and take a few pixs for y'all,its nifty looking,fits perfectly and works optimumly on any hps wattage from 250w to a 600w,heres hopng it will boost my already blossoming garden.:beerchug:Peace y'all,thanx for tuning in,i update regular as y'all see,lol.Peace:potleaf:

    PS: The blueberry runt is finally growing,more out the way than up the way but growing all the same,the big bang is structurally mature and should start flowering good real soon,its feminised so i'll be taking a clone A.S.A.P even though iv flowered it from seed,iv got plenty more of the fem seeds left as i have with all the strains i have mentioned in this thread,i go to the seedshop aiming to buy one strain and buy like 3 or 4 and not all cheap ones although i always buy a set of nirvanas,never let me down.:icon_salut: The K2(only one of the two) is getting some LST(low stress training) and the pot of golds are not far from harvet time,im watching the trichs with the loupe AND scope closely. I'll update pictures soon,iv got a carbon filter now so the smell aint as bad anymore so thats a relief!PIX TO COME VERY SOON.PROLLY TOMORROW OR DAY AFTER.
  11. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    top colas...still in tease mode but getting there...Heres a few pictures..a couple of my 2 POG top colas and of my 2 K2 top colas,my grow is just a mass of buds hiding under the fan leaves although one of the K2 is basically all multi colas and more bud than leaf.The new heat shield is coming in real handy,it sends light to parts of the growroom where it dont usually go and it reduces heat and apparently promotes growth that much that it increases yields up to 50%,lol,i'll reserve judgement but from called powerplant heat shiled costing 313.99 its a bargain.I'll post a picture of it after this post.Peace:potleaf: PS: PICTURE NUMBER 2 IS THE K2 THATS ALL BUD NO LEAF.










  12. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Heat shield...Heres the new heat shiled i attatched to my lights,it is like lowering your lights without the heat affecting your plants,it also sends light of in different directions around the growroom and bounces of the mylar creating even more lumens in the grow room,it also claims to increase yiled by 50%...we'll soon find out if that advertisment claim is true in a matter of weeks cos the K2 is already a heavy yielder as it is and the POG can yield a lot so heres hoping:beerchug: PS: As promised im gonna take pictures of each plant so you all know what strain is what and im gonna do some nice bud shots,etc...just aint had a lotta time with the baby,etc.


  13. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Hey Apprentice how did your Pot of Gold turn out I was thinking of getting some .What do you think about them Thanks Bud.
  14. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    POGS nearing the end stages....

    The pot of Gold are almost done,they really do have golden looking nugz,the thc is all over the leaves and the plant is very very for the smoke,not long now:wink:Peace:potleaf:
  15. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Updated Pot of gold pictures...sorry i been procrastinating,lol..Im waaaaaay behind with my updates guys,sorry but the baby been hogging my attention,lol,thought id post a few pics of the POG top colas and close up of the golden buds.The plant is a heavier yielder than first thought but i gotta say its been a pleasure to grow,dont worry im gonna post all my pics in the order i would have had i not been so busy.There will be harvest pictures,etc to follow in the coming days.... or weeks knowing me,lol.Peace:potleaf:

    POG lower buds.jpg

    POG ariel view.jpg



    POG1 and POG2.jpg





  16. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Updated K2 pictures....and heres the k2 ,both of colas and lower bud and a recent picture of my jungle of a closet grow...

    K2 middle cola.jpg

    K2 TOP COLA.jpg

    K2 bud.jpg

    Other K2 top cola.jpg

    Overall garden view.jpg





  17. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    BIG BANG and updates...and just in case you all wondered how the big bang feminised that iv flowered from seed at the start of my 12/12....its actually taller with wider fan leaves now but as i said i'll post my recent pictures in the order i would have posted them in... In the 2nd picture which was taken last week(a lots blossomed and changed since then like the bb runt for example) the three plants along the back from left to right are #1 K2,#2 POG,#3POG and the three in the front are in same order,#1blueberry runt9now producing lots of buds),#2 my other K2 plant(nice and compact with dank nugs) and#3 the feminised BIG BANG that i have flowered from seed so its still to reach maturity where it will produce buds but it aint far from it. Remember picture #2 was taken a while back,well it seems a while back cos my plants are sparkling with THC coated resinous leaves and nugs and the blueberry runt is finally looking like a MJ plant,lol,the BIG BANG has been twice cloned now and im currently cloning my other strains seeing as they have all been successsful grows.Peace:potleaf:




  18. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    Looking very nice Apprentice.

    So, now that you have been using that heat shield for a couple of weeks, what is your opinion? Is is worth it?
  19. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    defo worth it...

    ...for the money and heat reduction?100% YES....whether it increases my yield by 50% remains to be seen although now i come to think of it,since i started using it my buds have defo got real dank like...but then again i have upped the phosphurus and potassium levels seeing im at that stage of my grow but iv got nothing but praise for it,it actually does send the light in directions it wouldnt normally go and it has the effect of lowering your lights without the heat prob... so yeah id reccomend it to anybody looking for cures to heat probs,in fact any grower growing in compact places,etc.Peace:potleaf:

    PS:There is a bigger version for 1000w hps lamps so who knows how much yield that one claims to increase,lol,but its a bigger one from what i have seen.
  20. Cybele

    Cybele Working with MotherNature

    k2 looks yum yum!

    :hello:Im a big fan of K2,its readily available to me for sale or from friends,i like the whole stone and think your K2 pictures are pretty,nothing better than a female in full blossom,lol,TTFN(ta ta for now):wave:

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