Apprentice 1st 2007 grow-op (pot of gold,swazi,K2,white lady)

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by TheApprentice, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke


    tu plantas are looking Bueno. how long until the chop.
  2. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    A "Runt" is what I called it!!!

    *The so called "RUNT" is UP n running very smoothly NOW!!!!! :) :punk: (Told ya my brotha) It would be allllll GREAT in the end, just as mine went whle i was growing it too!!! :punk: (Knew it:punk: :) , as im the one creating it and passing it on , like i do to TA, whenever i can, "Ive passed PLANT'S" on to The Apprentice, nevermind a flipin Clone or a good genetic seed, Which ive done also, that never gets mentioned,lol, just so ya all know, " im a very FAIR guy to say the upmost least about Myself, iff i do say so myself!"):punk: :laughing5: :) :punk:

    Il ty ya all very, it was a clone that i had vegged a lil, under ONLY floro's for him, untill he collected it, and it had some Tiny Tiny Lil "Bleached Foliage" on it, but as soon as it was potted in some proper BIO-BIZZ soil, whithin a Full week n half it was UP n growing like all the REST, the ONLY thing that makes it look less than the REST, is the FACT it was held in clone juice and then planted so its is wayy behind the REST of his grow, and i fucked the POG clone UP, and got another clone from TA anyway, all GREAT brotha, A BIG BANG!!!! (To top it all off Really, The "PROPER" exchange for the O.G Blueberry cutting i gave him that took me 2 years to create such genetics too il have ya all remember!!!...lmao:punk:

    Anyway bro, the BIG BANG is rooting well now, and ive now planted it inside some BIO-BIZZ medium, and its showing some growth already(Slightly, but surely, its getting there all green n healthy too!!!) :) :punk:

    TA REALY likes the way the BB is growing now, and feels NOW, that its a FAIR trade!!! Am i right brotha, or am i right?? least now, to YOUR OWN EYES even???lol)

    The bubblegum was given to me too, so ya all know, and i was given UNDER what it shouod have weighd in at, so all i did was HALF what we paid for between us, and we BOTH got the EXACT same.... :) :punk: :eusa_shifty: :laughing5:

    Anyway, lmao@ this, So nice to look at these BUSHY'S of yours The Apprentice.... Its FAntastic looking and smelling Beautifully strong and beautifull too!!!

    IMO, i think some peeps forget, or DONT even know, that WE'RE brother in-laws too, so that why we trade in the first place, and its ONLY ever between ourselves and NO-ONE else (I MUST STATE!) in the world or anywhere NEAR US at all!!! (BEST way to do it , iff you do do it!!!)

    Keep that growing UP TA and il be UP soon to visit the BUSH GARDENS!!!!! :punk: :5shocking: :potleaf: :potleaf: :potleaf: :potleaf: :potleaf: :potleaf: :bigok: (Let the frost:toothy11: commence now too!!!)

    Peace Out and Much respect for this grow brotha,

    :pimp:UrBigBuddie(Ur Bro in LAW!!!) :) :punk: :) :punk:
  3. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    The lowdown on my grow to date...

    The chop will need to go in stage..the POGS are ready....almost.I took a sample to smoke from it and only flash dried it but the stone is ,and i dont say this lightly,but its very intensly couchlock as in nailed to the bed type stone so i couldnt be any happier with the POG both in grow and smoke.

    They are for the chop NOW but i always like to put them in the dark for a day or two then put back under 12/12 as in the past when growing original blueberry (U.B.B's cross with Blueberries..or was it the O.G Kush,he does so much shit with his blueberry im always losing track of what hes up to next,lol) this has caused a last minute growth spurt,im not sure if its a unique 'trick of the trade' for original blueberry or not but i keep doing it and true to form my buds do seem to danken up more in the week following.

    The K2 will be chopped maybe a week after the POGS as they only got a couple of weks veg compared to the POGS 8week veg i treated them to but the K2 looks ready but when i zoom with the scope i see its not quite the way i like it yet but not far from it,im basically giving the POGS and K2 as much phosphurus and potassium at the moment as i can before they get flushed then after a week chopped,dried and cured.

    The BIG BANG however has a bit to go,it looks like a very well vegged plant and has bud sites but no buds yet,it is a feminised strain and confirmed female anyway,i have also taken a clone so the grow will continue till the big bang is complete as that is thee most important and potent strain im growing,the genetics/parentage alone is el nino,skunk#1 and northern lights#5,i aim to smoke it medicinally for anxiety and stress relief as its good for that.

    The blueberry "runt" UBB gave me true enough is now looking more like a proper sensimellia plant,the leaves have all turned(at the top) to typical spikey 5 fingered and 3 fingered leaves and buds are forming all over although they are light and airy,the blueberry was merely a thank you for the POG and BIG BANG clones i gave UBB,we swap genetics regularly and make sure we always buy different strains so we can swap,etc... it wasnt a trade per se.The POGS buds truly did turn gold,i see where they got the name now,stunning sexy plants!Keep y'all pictured and posted over the next critical and fruitful week.... or two,lol.Peace:potleaf:
  4. calisfinestBUD

    calisfinestBUD New Sprout

    congrats on a great grow!

    Hope you were rewarded with a plentiful harvest!

    I am not sure if you posted some pics somewhere else TA but i would love to see some finished POG's and K2's and whatever else you got going(i think some blueberry).

    Once again very good:punk: :punk: :punk:
  5. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Yeah i had some "unforseen circumstances" to DEAL with!

    Yeah iv got a good few pictures to update plus i wanna show harvest pictures,etc...

    ...Just had some problems with the law in my area,a few unexpected probs arose but all taken care of,cant be too specific but i had a close call put it that way due to a major SDEA operation going on just now.Had to do a little moving and chopped a few plants a little quicker than id have liked but it was all ready anyway really...updated pics to come soon,iv just been busy with the new strain sub forum and the new know how it is but i'll get them posted A.S.A.P.Glad you liked it cos i loved it and rate the POG very highly as you can see in my grow and smoke reports.Cheers:ebert:
  6. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Pictures#1OK as promised here are some updates.... iv been real busy dodging the dea while they have been busting the whole city recently,changing dirty diapers and all the usual daily grind. Im currently TOKING the pot of gold right now and it is way good shit,the K2 needs a week and the big bang has a bit to go...the blueberry clone is too small to have any impact but all the same the mini popcorn buds will go into the mix with my sticky icky resinous sugar coated pot of gold leaves to make a good shake:icon_thumleft: Heres some pics of my DANK:rocker: bud and nugz....shit my POGS had a good yield on them but one of the K2 plants is all bud practically...i'll post more after this:smokin:










  7. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    pictures#2Heres some more pictures of the K2 and POG's.The big bang aint produced buds yet but remember iv been flowering it from seed AND it WAS introduced into the grow room rather late,im now cloning it to fuck cos its got fabulous big indica leaves and just looks a good plant...cant wait to see the buds when they appear.Cheers:ebert: PS:I will post a pic of one of my big bang cuttings after this update.










  8. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Pictures#3 LAST OF TODAYS UPDATED PICS....Here is the last of todays updated pics but iv got more to come and some real sweet ones aswell.Dont worry i'll be keeping this thread going all through drying and curing right down to the first spliff i roll after curing,lol. The last two pictures below are #1 one of my big bang cuttings in the 'gel2root' medium and the last picture in the foreground is the little blueberry clone UBB gave me that i just flowered straight away,behind it is the feminised big bang plant that i only planted a few weeks ago when i started 12/12 yet it is fast becoming the largest plant in the garden!:rocker: For the new grow iv got more big bang(feminised) and i bought purple#1 from Dutch Passion and im gonna go buy me some ICE from Nirvana and if i see a strain that catches my eye then i might throw in another one but iv already got unused genetics/strains like strawbery cough to use and the one surving purple thistle seed that everyone said was the best shit they had smoked in ages so we'll see how that goes but i wanna finish this thread properly first before i show y'all the new growrooms and strains,etc.Cheers ppl,the grow is half done so heres to a half successsful grow:beerchug:,i'll have another toast in the coming week once the K2 is'll be pleasantly surprised at my harvest pictures me thinks,i know im happy anyway,lol.Peace y'all:smokin::potleaf::ebert:










  9. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    uh...well done and then sum...

    yo...gro bro...Apprentice...dude...

    ...fine display of seem proud as you should be!!!

    ...Don't ya' love it when a plant, uh, I mean, "plan" comes together:punk:

  10. krondikebar

    krondikebar In A Cloud Of Kush Smoke

    Man, That is bomb doggie. Your room looks happily filled, I bet you will enjoy ALL of those strains...In 2 months Ill Let you kno how my Purple turned out...
  11. greenlife420

    greenlife420 Flowering

    have u ever considered using L.E.D.s on a grow?
  12. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Great smoke...

    Yeah kron im following your grow mate....daze,cheers,yes i fel like a proud parent cos apart from the SDEA snooping around the grow has been textbook all the way,im lovin the variety,smokin some K2 and POG as i type mixed wirh good hash,lol. And no iv never thought of LED not that its bad but iv got HPS x2 so might aswell use them but alienbait showed me the possibilities so im up for giving it a go for sure.Harvest pics on their way soon peeps.:smokin: PS#: Im smokin some of these pic right now,the nirvan K2 is a real nice soy stone and the POG nails you to the bed,not bad when your missus is there:sex:,lol.Peace Image536.jpg









  13. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    Looks Great man! Congrats. That POG sound perfect. :punk:
  14. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    The K2 actually is surprisingly good IMO ...

    Yeah i assume you read my grow and smoke reports in the strain subforums?Yeah the POG is everything i wanted it to be,i mean im not gonna overrate it but it is most deff potent and HIGHLY resinous weed that has a great sleepy stone about it...

    ...The K2 has surprised me BIG TIME in both yield AND buzz.Im smoking it now and i feel all energetic and im cracking jokes with my mrs and a few mates,my mrs says i should smoke the K2 more often cos im funny and relaxed as fuck on it,its an allround body buzz but not a lazy stone,an energetic high where you dont mind going about your business,i'm gonna do a smoke and grow report on the K2 A.S.A.P. Peace:ebert:
  15. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Very nice work and GREAT end product too,IMA!!!

    No, seriousely bro.. that was nice that nuggy man, was very appreciated and wow, i can totally see where yer coming from in the smoke report depo, for the K2, it is very energetic and just as ya said bro, its nice smell to it comercialy, and an all rounder relly as ya say too...

    Good stuff bro, keep THAT shit up!!! :) :punk: :)

    Peace Out,

    Total RESPECT for that grow there man, you managed it alllll....hehe

    Peace Out,

    :pimp:UrBigBuddie............:sign13: :) :punk: :qbluewacko: :)
  16. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Pay It Forward

    Hey we gotta keep it in the familia dont we,lol,dont worry UBB theres more than that comin to you,im curing some POG for you,but the POG is 100%couchy stone and the K2 is a high energetic excellent stone,i think i harvested it just at the right time IMO...when the trichs were cloudy going on half amber,if id left it longer it might have went couchy...glad you like the clones and smoke i gave ya bro...dont thank me mate,just pay it forward!Peace:smokin:
  17. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    AS we do bro.....

    As we do brotha, as we always do!!!!

    Peace n Much RESPECT for the grow, The clones, and that nice lil sampler ya gave me too, very f....n nice stuff, cant wait to try the POG and the K2 when fully dried properly bro.....WoW!!!

    Peace Out,

    UBB.......... :) :punk:
  18. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Hey TA, Nice grow there!! Loved the way it turned out for you.. :)

    I' looking forward to growing the K2 I got from Nirvana.. Later Man
  19. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    More to come...

    Iv still got more pictures to come aswell as harvest pics and cure pics,etc.Due to unforseen circumstances the grow had to ended abruptly but it was all ready i was just giving it a week to dry out a bit and catch a few more rays:light: but im smoking the K2 now and its real nice mr-G,you'll enjoy it i'll vouch for that,a very pleasant stone,all round good happy feeling and puts you in a good mood,etc,im enjoying it.Im gonna do the smoke and grow reportsd in the strain subforums soon as poss.BTW Mr-G they get really lovely sugar coated,that'll be the 'white' genetics,the buds sure look sweet and they go dank and yield a healthy amount,iv not done the final weigh in and all that yet but watch this space y'all.Peace:smokin:
  20. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Last grow pics of k2 #1 before EMERGENCY harvest took place:eusa_clap: If you are reading this then "i wanna thank y'all i wanna thank ya...":ebert:Thanx for sticking with the thread whether from day one or if you joined in near the recent events..... :stop: BUT THERES MUCH MORE TO COME!I PROMISED A THOROUGH GROW THREAD AND I INTEND TO SHOW EACH PLANTS HARVEST AND CURE ONE AT A TIME. What i couldnt tell y'all recently was that where i come from there had been a major DEA drugs operation(operation:robust)in Glasgow and surrounding areas and a friend of mine got jumped on by them as he was about to chap the door to where my grow was,the drugs squad kept peering in the windows and i thought my door was coming in so emergency procedures were taken...but to cut a long story short i couldnt continue the grow much longer so seeing as the trichs and all were good enough for me i chopped,the only reason i was still growing was cos i felt another week then a flush would have really dankened up the plants more than they already were. Anyway i did it in stages and im gonna give it to y'all in the stages i did it in,so if you skip back a few posts to the last set of pix i uploaded you'll see one of the 2 K2 femmes i had flowering,well that was the first plant to get the chop,partly cos it had a good yield considering id barely even gave it much vegging and also cut short its flowering time..the plant was chosen to be chopped first cos it was looking ready and flash saples backed up that opinion,plus it barely had any fan leaves left on it and the trichs were cloudy/amber the way i wanted,i didnt want to heavy a stone from the K2 as the POG is a couchlock stone so i tried my best to make this an all round cheery happy buzz and iv pretty much got what i set out to try for.(another reason i chopped this plant 1st is cos i had already been snipping of big cola branches for smoking and also gavce UBB and a few other friends some to sample,just paying it forward as usual:wink:) So i will complete this thread by concentrating on each plant one at a time with pix before the chop and after aswell as the cure.So i will show below the last pictures ever taken of K2 speciman#1 alive in the grow room and the next post will be pictures of afterwards.I figure y'all would like to see the results i got per plant like weight wise,etc.BTW the POGS yielded amazing fruits and watch this space for results ppl,i'll be updating my thread every few days now till the end.Peace:smokin: PS:And thanx y'all for tuning in,i just noticed its the most viewed thread in the section so i hope you have enjoyed seeing my seedlings grow into bushes and now into buds as much as i have.:eek:fftheair:











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