Apprentice 1st 2007 grow-op (pot of gold,swazi,K2,white lady)

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by TheApprentice, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Post-Harvest K2 #1 plant continued.....Here is some close ups and cola shots taken a day after chopping.Iv got a few more to include in my next post following this one and then i'll keep y'all updated as to the final weigh in,etc... ...but iv already had to take about an ounce away from the cure for personal reasons:wink: plus iv impatiently flash dried some of my bud and had a few spliffs and:bong:'s to check the quality and potency and early signs were amazing and the fully dried cuttings i had taken previous to harvest once dry confirmed all i thought about the strain,its an all round goos smoke,easy to grow and great for LST,loves nutes and is perfect for SOG grows.Peace:ebert::smokin::potleaf:










  2. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    A bouquet of THEE best flowers mother nature provides for my mrs....Being the romantic that i am,and also cos i got myself a healthy harvest from my grow....and still have the now huge feminised big bang to complete growing before i start my next grow of purple#1,fem big bang and ICE and seriously contemplating another flying dutchman strain,maybe RealMcCoy:ponder: Anyway since iv got plenty weed to go round i thought id give my long suffering fiancee a bouquet of the finest flowers mother nature provides,lol...yup thats right iv gave her a bouquet of K2 buds to smoke,lol,iv kept plenty for myself and still have K2#2 to post pix of and post harvest pix,etc aswell as the POG's. It all turned out good so this is just a lil gift to my fiancee who indulges me in my cultivation hobby,she knows it keeps me chilled so sees it for its medicinal properties aswell,thats why the big bang is all mine cos its got great medicinal properties for anxiety and stress related shit,its parentage/genetics are el nino X skunk#1 X northern Lights.Anyway here is the pictures of the bouquet i gave the mrs from k2#1 plant,thats whats left after an ounce taken from it,i'll report the final weigh ins,etc at the conclusion of the thread and in my grow and smoke reports in the STRAIN SUBFORUM SECTIONS.Peace:pimp::biggrin:










  3. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Hey TA, That's some real nice bud there my fine friend!:punk:

    I still got 6 to 7 weeks to go to harvest.. I can't wait, I hate having to buy right now.

    There's just nothing out there like fresh raised Bud, you know what I mean? Any way nice grow there buddy![​IMG]
  4. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER


    They look great TA, and Cybele's totally correct,IMO, and the LOOK of all of them, INCLUDING the So Called "RUNT" Blueberry Clone, wow, has that PICKED UP bro, wow, cant actualy believe how much its picked up my man...

    Very Interesting indeed to say the least, i knew it wasnt a "RUNT" i just called it that as the FAN leaves were kinda Bleached a Lil tiny tiny bit, and it made the leaves look kinda weird, BUT, wow, its all good now bro, eh??? :thumbsup: TOTALLY!!! (Even just for the progress of the one and ONLY LAST BB CLONE with no mother left:icon_confused: , so well done bro, :) i NEED to sample that to See just how diff... it could go with another growing it eccept from me all the flippin time,lol, getting sick of it, that why I cant PRAISE you enough for the Pot Of Gold Clone i got from YOU TA, its Rooted now, and the K2 Clone you also gave me, that you were gonna through away anyway, is rooted aswel, and all is looking great with those clones, CHEERS BRO....(And the seeds are becoming lil PLANTS now... :) :punk: )

    Anyway, as for the REST of YOUR grow TA, it just plain n simply look STUNNING mate, Nothing LESS than STUNNING my friend!!!

    Makes me Jelous everytime i get a close up look at those delicous BUDS with all the THC around them , and OMG, the RESIN,wow, thats pheniminal, i HOPE i get half as much as it feels on yours, then i know immon to some FANTASTIC hashish/KEIF, or just some plain ol MAJIC bud in the names of POT OF GOLD and some Lovely K2 aswel...

    Keep that up bro,

    Much and More PROP'S for the grow all in all, very exciting to watch how all these have grown under the conditions we immproved upon, and everything weve added and as such >>>> EXELLENT my brother!!!

    Il be UP tomoro mate, see ya then , or just MAYBEEE, "Today", as long as the the MRS doesnt take you over her knee to Spank your arse for bring9ng me up to STINK the place out with BUD burning down all day..lmfao

    Anyway, see you soon bro,

    Props and Props and More Props for this grow,

    The BEST youve ever did, even though the PURPLE THISTLE was AMAZINGINGLY Potent as hell too.


    :pimp:UrBigBuddie............ :) :smokin: :5cool: :potleaf::potleaf::potleaf::bigok::potleaf::potleaf::potleaf::bigok::wav: "Very Nice grow brotha" :notworthy: :happy6: :icon_wink::thumbsup:

    P.S, Watch out for all "my Grow" NOW bro, as were off to a flier over here too, cheers bro, and watch out for the others too....:potleaf::potleaf::potleaf::icon_wink::thumbsup:

    HAd to change the WHOLE grow bro, but watch out for it , coming to a NEW thread near YOU......:icon_wink:
  5. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Grow Update Pix To Come Next....

    UBB from a totally cultivation point of view i attribute the superbness(for my standards anyway) of this most recent grow mainly to better ventilation,remember i had a bigger grow area than before christmas(wow what a strain that shit was remember:ponder:) and iv got a window right next to it and my grow door has hundreds of drilled holes at the top so i havent had the temp spikes that have usually seen me grow good buds at temps of 90 or above and id been getting away with it for ages aswell,even using standard soil but :eusa_naughty:NOT ON THIS GROW,I only used all organic medium and nute plus i added the heat shield to eliminate hot spots.

    In fact the only let down of this whole grow was the original swazi i planted under the floros,by time i put it under HPS it was just to thin and stretchy to survive.. i didnt like the look of it so out it went plus the review id heard werent up to much.The POG has been one of my all time favs and the K2 was a great surprise how well it turned out,which reminds me... I BETTER GO GET SOME MORE UPDATE PICTURES TO FINISH OF THIS THREAD.Cheers:ebert:
  6. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    I had to shut down the grow,luckily it was all done but one plant..Thought id try take time out to update the thread.Im sure i mentioned earlier in the thread about my grow location being suspected 'compromised' well it was and i had to chop and run,the K2 had already been cured and was done but the POG just needed an extra feed and a week just to make them buds even thicker but you cant afford to let greed get in the way or cloud your judgement so i bailed out hence why i havent been updating my thread as much,its been a real succesful grow,2 great yielding K2 plants and 2 great dank budding POG plants and thats not me including clones iv taken throughout,etc. The fem BIG BANG is still being grown just at a new location and i will update with the last pictures of that soon,heres a few pictures of the POG before i chopped it,iv got more but as you can see cos i was rushed the picture quality aint great. The story of what happened is all very interesting with drama,etc but i wont bore y'all... long story short>The grow location got fucked cos a friend who came to visit me there was under 24/7 surveillance(operation:robust they called it),he got busted outside the house and we soon realised his cellphone was tapped so i got para and chopped the lot,changed cellphone# and dissasembled the grow,cant afford to take the chance,i aint no use to my family in prison:angry7: END PROHIBITION :evil5: Peace :potleaf: PS: I didnt wanna say too much,im even starting to watch what i say online these days,you just never know...then again this POG may be clouding my judgement:icon_smile::smokin::pimp:

    dank POG bud.jpg

    pog1 top cola.jpg



    ounces of joy.jpg





  7. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Grow & Smoke Reports...

    Forgot to mention in my last post that i have done a full grow report for both the POG and the K2 in the strain subforum section,iv also done smoke reports...i'll edit this post later with some more pictures.Peace:smokin:
  8. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    POG reports in strains subforum>>>The fem BIGBANG's still flowering ...

    Yeah Chers AB:alien:.... the POG is a good strain but i gotta say if you aint a hash lover then it might not be yer cup of tea,its really really indica in smoke which is fine,i like to buy contrasting strains with different types of stone but i am a hash smoker at heart so yes if you like the harshness on yer throat of hash and the stone and aroma then POG is right up yer street:rocker:

    The fem BigBang is now taking shape,the top cola is forming and the buds are dankening out,its genetics/parentage are skunk#1 X El Nino X Northern Lights#2 or #5 and its a two times cannibus cup winner in amsterdam by greenhouse seed company.Its been grown in 12/12 since seed yet is totally massive in size(bigger than the POGS were at that stage) and the leaves are huge indica looking beauties and the buds are still white and airy but a few doses of my topmax will danken them'll be ready in a week or two and im keeping all this for myself...i got a approx above 15 ounce dry-ish(not fully cured) ounce from my 2 K2 plants and my 2 POGS and believe it or not but most of its gone already:wink:The bigbang is all mine,for medicianl usegae of course:wink::rolleyes:

    I'll update the bigbang as it gets danker,my pictures i took last time werent too good,not really post worthy but i'll post them anyway,ya need to click to see cos i didnt edit the pics or nothing.The 2nd grow of 2007 thread will be coming soon and the strains are ready..>>>purple#1from dutch passion,ICE and CRYSTAL from nirvana and maybe PAPAYA and seeing the POG was so good i think i'll buy more from the flying dutchman like the REAL MC COY.

    Iv still got POG and K2 seeds amongst others.So watch this space for the new thread,that'll be hopefully just as good as this one:icon_thumleft:THIS GROW HAS WENT AS GREAT AS CAN BE EXPECTED.....Apart from the interference from the scotish DEA at the very end:finger::evil7:peace y'all and heres to the next grow~:beerchug::ebert::smokin::eek:fftheair:
  9. iheartmaryj

    iheartmaryj Begun Flowering

    lookin good, keep it up
  10. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    SWAZZI???? OMG cumon , "GREAT Grow"!

    I TOTALLY hear ya bro, and the additions and ventilation was exellent for this particular growing session indeed my friend, I MUST add!!![​IMG]

    Anyway as for the SWAZZI, that shit IS the "SHIT" brotha, MOST DEFO too!

    SWAZZI RED BEARD is the Dog's Bollox me friend,lol:punk: and no- other, no matter who says what, we got REAL flippin good testers :laughing5: in this field and they had it at a HIGH of 9n half outta 10, if NOT 10/10 for the SWAZZI alone, nevermind the TRANSKEI too, which they LOVED BIG TIME too i MUST add

    Anyway this "grow" was the "SHIT" G, and none other can say different,

    Unless their having a fuckin BUBBLE! lmao

    Keep that shit up brotha,

    and keep that ventalation good too,[​IMG][​IMG]

    MUCHO RESPECTO on this grow bro,

    UBB.........:pimp: shit Fellow GKer...[​IMG] :) :bigok:
  11. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still

    Nice 1 TA

    Looks like you got a fine yeild, TA! :thumbsup:

    And yes, those pics don't do your POG justice. Kinda reminded me of reading the menu in a dimly lit restaurant. LOL (I DO need to have my arms lengthened).

    I must say, you are quite the gardener!

    Keep up the great work, but most of all: STAY SAFE!!
  12. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Yeah MANY lessons learned thru out the course of this thread....

    Yeah lessons are learned with every grow thread and i dont just mean photgraphy,i also learned to be a little more precautious during this grow and measures have been taken to ensure the safety of my new grow,i will stay safe for sure:icon_thumleft:

    My photography skills have a lot to be desired,iv got a half decent sony cybershot digital camera and printer aswell that hooks up to the pc but never get round to using it and its got a lot more pixels than the 3.2 megapixels on my nokia cellphone that iv been using so maybe for the upcoming new grow thread i'll do my grow justice by using the cybershot,i know UBB constantly told me that my pics looked like shit compared to my plants up close and in person.

    The fem Bigbang is getting better by the day,pictures coming soon.My next grow will start in the coming week or two and will be the same as in organics,soil and closet grow,etc but i wont be using the same strains although iv got plenty of these beans left from this grow,nevermind clones.

    I will be growing one feminised BigBang in the next grow and a feminised The Church strain from the same seed company(greenhouse) thats kindly donated from UBB.I also have the purple#1 and ICE aswell as Crystal and i cant decide between the NYC DIESAL or the CHOCOLATE CHUNK X STRAIN so i'll let y'all know soon as i go to the seedshop on tue or wed,i always end up buying more than i planned,lol,like a kid in a candy store,amsterdams like a theme park to me:roll:

    Cheers for tuning in guys and i WILL follow this thread up by finishing the pictures of my fully mature big bang strain in the coming weeks,i took pics a few weeks ago but they too dark,i'll edit in fresh pic on this post tomorrow hopefully.Peace:smokin:
  13. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    Great Thread...

    ...thank u for sharing your LEO circumstance....that is why I had to quit myself-4 yrs ago I had to tear down my grow-op 3x...and so I gave-up. I got so paranoid that I even deleted my growkind garden here...changed my e-mail&cell#...all that paranoid stuff! But now I'm back...and a little more wiser 2!

    Breakin' down a hydro setup was horrible...believe me! This time around....It's Organic Soil and much,much easier to break down my grow just in case LEO catches a sniff of my trail!

    You have mad skillz apprentice...and I'm learnin' alot from you& urbigbuddie everyday....!

    P.S....Congratz on you new kid!

  14. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Indoor closet easy and stealthy..

    Yeah cheers,:binkybaby: doin good and im about to start my 2nd grow of the year with 4-6 various strains,iv STILL got the fem big bang growing and some POG clones just to tide me over as usual,lol.

    Thats what i love about an indoor closet grow,when the heat was on me i was able to tear my grow down and not leave a trace in under 15 minutes,the longest part is gathering all the cord extensions and shit and the fridge i have on the top shelf of my grow room that i house all my nutes,etc inside of,indoor grows kick ass IMHO.BTW Carbon paper under the mylar is supposed to make it harder for the helicopters in the sky to pick up your heat signature of use thermal imaging,,,but if you got helicopters hovering above yer house then your prolly already fucked!:eek:

    I'll wrap this thread up after i harvest the last of my POG clones and my BIG BANG then straight into a new grow ,cant wait! Hellostupid , im sure your a greenthumb whether you know it or not:wink: so hopefully you'll get back to what you know and love and grow some killer weed.Cheers:potleaf:
  15. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    The BIG BANG... (winding down the thread)Just thought i would finish of this thread with the results of my big bang,its been harvested and although i wasnt able to post many pictures of it in the final stages due to unforseen circumstances and me being a lil extra cautious recently for good reason as stated earlier in the thread,i thought id post a lil pic of some of the big bang i was smoking last night so heres a few pics i took in a real hurry in the middle of the night while i was stoned,lol. The big bang is an AMAZING smoke and IMHO it FAR outweighs the quality of the POT OF GOLD,i HAD pre tested it but it didnt do it justice compared to a proper dry and a lil curing.The yield is a smallish but respective amount just short of 2 ounce. :stop: Remember that i grew this feminised seed under 12/12 flowering cycle from day one so im obviously gonna lose out on a massive amount of yield but iv got clones and more seeds so aint fussed,its a great smoke,not too heavy and NOW i can see why its used medicinally for anxiety and stress cos the stone made me feel as if i had just taken a few valium and thats what i like in a stone,me and the mrs had a great laugh and enjoyed it immensly,i highly recc this strain to all growers,not just those who may wanna try it for medicinal useage,its a cc cup winner so that speaks for itself,great genetics/parentage(NL,Skunk#1 and El Nino) Im gonna complete this thread by adding links or even adding in my grow and smoke reports for each strain i have grown in this thread(pot of gold,big bang and K2) in case anyone in the future does a search on these strains then at least they can see how my grow went in the conditions i used,etc.IT'S ALL ABOUT EMPOWERING EACH CULTIVATOR WITH THE EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE WE GAIN IN OUR GROWS IMHO.I will start a new thread titled 'apprentice 2nd grow of 2007' and once thats done i'll prolly MERGE that into this thread so that at the end of the year iv got ALL my grows for the year in THIS thread.Cheers:ebert: PS: The new grow is halfway underway,i have female POG's(clones from last grow) and also some big bang and Church clones under the :light: aswell as fem seeds if i need to use them..Im just awaiting the NYC DIESAL and Bubbleiscious(mr greenjeans got me hooked on that strain for sure:rocker:) and iv got purple#1,K2 and Ice,Crystal and some Afghanica to choose between but i cant grow them ALL at once so im gonna have to make some decisions,lol,these are decisions i dont mind making,lol!

    BIG BANG.jpg









  16. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    Right on Brotha! :punk: Congrats on the harvest. Better than the POG?

    Next time add a little veg time.
  17. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    No Doubt...

    Yeah for sure:icon_thumleft:,i kinda just threw one(big bang) in right about the time i started flowering my K2 and POG just to see what it would be like,too impatient ,lol, but yeah the clones iv got will be given a proper veg period and flower period this time round for maximum yield....but ah the truly is a delight.

    BETTER THAN THE POG?Well that totally depends TBH,the reason i like the BIG BANG so much is cos its NOT anything like the POG stone wise.The POG is VERY couchlock and its hard to go about your daily business while stoned on it but the BIG BANG is a 'feel good' type stone,very enjoyable to smoke while going about my business,no bad side affects just really enjoyable but definetly a more POTENT and STRONGER strain than the K2 i grew in this thread which i loved so much.The small yield is respectable considering the little time the plant had to mature and it also suffered some stress when the whole LEO thing happened(went w/out light,nutes for a few days,etc).

    All in all a great strain and i can totally see WHY its used medicinally as it gave me the kinda feeling i have when i take prescribed valium and thats about the best thing i could say about BIG BANG,it'll be a regular in my grows from now on put it that way.I done a smoke report in the strains subforums,im pasting it below.I will also be doing a full grow report on it aswell which i'll edit in later along with report links for the rest of the strains used in this grow.Its been a blast trying out these new strains and the POG was a great strain for when you want an amost narcotic type stone,the K2 was an all round high ,all over body buzz type stone.Iv enjoyed keeping a grow thread going,defo gonna do them regular from now on:thumbsup:Thanx for tuning in y'all:ebert::potleaf::eek:fftheair:


    (Ratings out of 10 per # aswell as comments)

    #1-Strain:> Feminised BIG BANG

    #2-Appearance:> Greenish buds,THC coated. 8/10

    #3-Taste:> Very nice,no harshness at all,smooth on throat and tastes like a finely cured strain would do. 10/10

    #4-Aroma:> SKUNKY but not pungent. 9/10

    #5-High/Stone type:> Very relaxing,almost akin to the buzz from Valium.Great medicinally for anxiety and stress but not too heavy or couchlock a buzz and not too cerebral,all round good feeling all over . 10/10

    #6-Source:> Greenhouse Seed Co.

    #7-Price:> £15.00 for 5 fem seeds

    #8-Potency:> Strong but not overwhelming.Great for medicinal useage aswell as a good stone 8half/10

    #9-Overall Rating:> Great,will keep this strain growing for a while,already cloned it well.Great for SOG,etc. 10/10

    #10-Overall Description:> Excellent strain,a happy medium between the cerebral stone,an all round body stone and a couchlock stone. 9/10

    #11-Would you Reccomend:> YES,Highly. 9/10

    #12-Smokers General Comments:> Great stone and not too harsh like stated above,great for med use as also stated above.Not too strong smelling either,very smooth smoke!:punk:
  18. bella

    bella New Sprout

    hey man i like your style, maybe you can visit me bella and answer some of my questions since no one else does greatly appreciate it man. loaded with info like yuor style bella...:icon_confused: :icon_confused:
  19. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast


    Nobody appreciates it? Hell of a first post, dude....


    I'm pretty sure most of us appreciate bud...that's why we're here, right?

    TA, per usual kick ass!

    Keep em' coming brother man.
  20. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    bella bella bella *in my best fake italian voice*

    :eusa_eh: Ehh Bella,i assume your a girl or a vain man with an italian name for beatiful:razz: ,but if you look besides your name it says you only have ONE post and thats in this thread so the PM you sent and this quote from you dont make sense bella:icon_confused:

    If you post ANY questions in beginners rather than PM 's then you'll get a plethera of GKers valued opinions and grow advice from their experiences,maybe you THOUGHT you were posting but you only have ONE post,as we say in glasgow" dont be shy,yer ma wisnae!":icon_lol: Post on the forum more rather than PM and you'll get lotsa help... me?I got a 2yr old to be lookin after,my current recreational activities regarding cultivation are strictly classified for safety reasons but i'll happily share any grow know how i have with you but you aint actually asked me a specific question here on this thread or via PM.Peace:potleaf:

    PS: Ahh this grow takes me back,lol:wink: Lets just say iv came a BIG way since then grow wise:eusa_shifty: But aye im *cough* retired:eusa_whistle:.....:jj:

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