Apprentice 1st 2007 grow-op (pot of gold,swazi,K2,white lady)

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by TheApprentice, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Im stoned so heres a quick answer but im gonna do a thread for the uninitiated

    Just re-reading my signature thread on closet grows and saw this question,apparently the geezer only posted to ask me this one uestion so a few years later heres MY answer:roll:

    Ok hermies.Theres a school of thought and a lot of breeders like SOMA who believe hermies make feminised sees,IMHO and limited knowledge they dont,it aint that simple or we would all have femmes galore.Usless posted a great and proper method with gilberric acid and shit but he warned its not for the noob to attempt,in fact he STRESSED that point cos gillberric acid is dangerous.You get it from your lightbulbs among other places. hERMIES INTRODUCE A GENE TO A PERFECTLY GOOD SET OF GENETICS AND imho MUDDIES the genepool.HENCE why useless dont rate GHS in any shape or form. I have pollentated one bud on a plant before but it takes skill to make sure you dont pollentate your whole plant.Anyways without getting into great details,you dont want hermies when your growing females.If you want females then clone the females your already growing,simples:bigok: Theres better growers/breeders on hee than me who can detail this process in much more details and info..I just thought id answer a question i saw on my thread there.Im half hazed so maybe noit best time to answer this question but if i get a response i promise to do a full detailed explanation.Better still,using GK growers knowledge i may even start a thread on this very subject about the difference between feminised seeds using the SOAM method and feminised seeds using the correct method.Peace:jj:
  2. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Ah you mean the big bang,etc.The POG was vegged to perfection

    Huh? Ahhh you mean on the big bang and other seedlings i just threw into straight 12/12:ponder:The POG got the best vegging i could give them hence the bushy and general good look to them pre-flowering.Yeah your right man id have got great results if i did all the strains the same but TBH i just wanted to do a little 12/12 from seed experiment of my own,you know how it is.Im looking into outdoor grows for this season so im gonna be picking the brains of the best outdoor guys we have to offer.Peace:jj:

    Kinda sad to realise this is the last fully documented grow thread i done on here,i did get a bit paranoid for a while and then life took over.I cant grow where i am just now,too much to lose so outdoors is the way ahead:rocker:
  3. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    Hey Apprentice. Intresting. You said you are looking for a respones, I am very Intrested, so throw it at me :) :read2:

    So say Yes, if I got this correct...

    1.Do not use the seeds or the pollen from a hermie plant, because that will cause the feminaized seeds or future cross breed to have Hermie traits.

    2.And its ok to Use Acid to make Hermies, because that way you are making Healthy Hermies to make feminized seeds or future cross breed, with out the Hermie traits.

    3.Why are they using Gelberric Acid? Is this a new way of producing femed seeds?

    I though they used Colloidal Silver water?

    4.And Uselss hates GHS, because they are fucking up the gene pool? Arent they using Acid to Feminize seeds? So no Hermie traits are passing on?

    The only thing I can see, is that there will be no Males to cross breed it with, thus the clones, and future clones, just get weeker and weeker, down the chain.
  4. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Your right about Useless and others opinions on GHS. They do have some cheap and cheerful strains even if they do muddy the genepooll a little.Not everyones a purist ,im open minded on new techniques but useless has sold me on the reasons he dont dig GHS.All i know is iv grown a few ghs strsains,some were shit some were really good above par strains.

    Re reading this thread,im mortified and emabrrsed to habe said big bagn was beter than POG,i musta been wasted cps the POG is in my top 3 strains ever and likely my fav ever rown for resin an stone. Theres no way the big bang was btter than the POG,the pog had an 8 week vegand full flower,they were perfect looking back and they cloned easily,Respect as always to the flying dutcman

    Im A little tipsy so best answer each point tomorrow but the issue i refered top was SOMA fem seed method is not in lineewith many breeders thinkin .The gillberic acid,i forget that thread but im sure i found it amusing:bong2:

    silver nitrate method-

    Gilberric acid method -

    SOMAS method-
  5. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    I just thought Useless hated GHS because Arjan's a douchebag :eusa_eh:

    What's the skinny on the gene-pool polluting? I just don't get it. I'm guessing one has to know a lot more about genetics than I do to dislike GHS for the right reasons.

    I must say I've grown out (or seen grown out by a friend, and smoked) about 8 GHS strains, and out of them all at least 4 were above average smoke. The GHS version of Great White Shark that we had was amazing. We got a great Church and Cheese too, but then the next time we went from seed those two were total shit.

    I just always assumed if a plant hermied, whether from stress or genes, that the seeds were shit, since they would all hermy if grown out.

  6. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    Not always. A few years ago, I had a plant that hermied, I grew out one of those seeds and that plant hermied (expected). I then planted 9 seeds from that 2nd generation hermie, got 3 different phenotypes and not a single one hermied. At the time I really wanted them to hermie because I was trying to run an experiment, but that messed up my plans.
  7. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    OK so is the probability really high that a hermy seed will produce a hermy plant? You said you expected that...
  8. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    Yup. From my experience.
  9. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    So what's the difference between the acid and the colloidal silver when it comes to feminization? Supressing the male hormone from being expressed is what it is isn't it?

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