So I know I have asked this a few times before, but can any one check to see how we can get pics in pm post just like we can do here on the fourms/threads? Every time I put in media it showes in recent media pics (public). No real big deal just my submission is not "Anonymous" and its time consuming trying to figure it out each time. Then when I put media on private, members submission cant access pic from PM. Just saying for future reference. I know on other fourm sites with this set up (not just mj) on their pms you can post pics with upload file tab on pm page that can access phone or computer pics.
When you go to your in box and start a new conversation it gives you the option to download a picture and send it in the PM. just click on the camera above where you type your new conversation, then select your picture and upload then start new conversation.
Mr. G... Seems like when I hit the camera icon, it only allows selection from my media and not a direct upload from my laptop. Your's work different?
This is my wifes acct. Here is what she sees. is this note what you guys are seeing then we have problem that I need to fix. You can clearly see the upload a file button on the right lower side
That's not what we see. there is no upload button in pm's for users. Someone checked the box specific to her account, the user group she is in, or she has elevated user privileges she should not have. Period.
Your wrong about my wife having elevated privileges! Period! This is interesting. I logged in to Justcheckingitout acct as him with his permission and took a screen shot, and he has the upload button.
I have no idea what is causing this anomaly. It makes no since that the members can not see it but I can. evean when I log into anothers members acct I can still see it. Any moderators having this problem?
MR G, clear the cookies in your browser or try another browser. The problem is one of the things I said it was, I promise. You need to find the usergroup everyone and insure that the "allow group to attach pics in pm's" is selected. This may not be exactly how it's worded because I'm not that familiar with xenfro but I guarantee that is your issue. Also, if the box is checked make sure that the file size for the image is set properly. Some software sees a value of zero in the size field as "load as big as you want" while other programs will interpret the same field and value as nil.
Hey, wait a sec... Now I can see it in this thread too. Does the software restrict what kind of file can be uploaded?
Mr GJ. I just started a conversation with member submissions, was able to upload file for the contest. Did You receive it ? When i go back to my inbox, it does not show the conversation. I uploaded the file directly from my laptop. Does it need to come from my GK media files ? Slightly confused here.
I guess my question was more about restricting the type of file that can be uploaded. Do you really want .zip files to be uploadable? Sounds dangerous.... Any way to restrict it to just pictures?