Baghdad Falls!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RkyMtnWayHigh69, Apr 9, 2003.

  1. SUPERclosetgrowth

    SUPERclosetgrowth Germinated

    ranger, your making a fucking ass out of yourself. you lost your war - pack your bags and go join that coward saddam and his ba'athing gay boyfreinds
  2. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Those numbers are factored ranger, because there none existent! We are in day 24 of the war. Most of Iraq has enough food to last another month, and water and medical aid is being brought everyday. And what is Bush stealing? The oil? How is that ranger? Explain how he is stealing it? Or have you liberals re-defined the word stealing, like so many other words. Like the word "is"
  3. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    I am feeling more and more, that Ranger is just an aggitator. He has been proven wrong, and each time he conviently changes the subject, to fit his agenda! I finnally got Ranger to admit he wasn't happy for the Iraqi people! So I have come to the conclusion, that he is very, very, selfish! Ranger is unwilling to give anything of his to better another! He would rather run to Canada than fight for our country! These aren't my views, these are quotes from Ranger himself! I am ashamed that he feels this way, but it takes all sorts, to make a world! Ranger could have done a better job, as the Iraqi Info. Minister, than "Baghdad Bob" did! Ranger can come up with some real dooseys! Did you 2 go to the same "spin university"? I don't consider Ranger a part of my country, he's apart from my country! I am not at all proud of Ranger, or his Anti-government views! Peace clones!

  4. SUPERclosetgrowth

    SUPERclosetgrowth Germinated

    ranger hates the U.S. because the government cut his monthly social security check a little short

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