Discussion in 'Grow Log Forum' started by Bigbud214, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. link420

    link420 Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    So, if I'm understanding this right, you let the beans sprout in paper towels, and then planted them in rapid rooters. And they never sprouted out of the rapid rooters?

    You said that the RRs were sitting on something warm, that they had heat coming from the bottom. It might be that the RRs got too hot, which wouldn't really be showing on your thermometer, because its measuring the ambient air temperature, not the temps of the rapid rooters. I dont know why they didnt pop, but next time just plant them straight into the rapid rooters. Skip the whole paper towel thing, it just seems that the paper towel method is just one unnecessary step too many. Better luck next time
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2011
  2. zog

    zog Developed Alternating Nodes

    Hey bb, im gettin ready to try the rapid rooters, now ya got me all nervous bro lol
  3. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Guess I'm not understanding your process or something..

    I papertowel my seeds in a baggie, sometimes i may put them in a window to warm things up a little but usually just a a day or so and they pop, then off to the RR and RW with popped seed. A day or two later, seed emerges.

    Never had issues, and never used a heating pad.

    If that's what you are doin Hupla is prob right. Air temp and soil temps can be dramstically different. Kinda like my water temps now in the rdwc get way higher than my air temps because of the lights and the pump.

    Sorry to hear about the bad luck. Never heard anything about being sick and it hurting your seeds before, my granny told me that women on the rag weren't allowed to plant though!:roffl:

    Maybe you should give it a day or two and try anew. If you can could you post pics of what you are doing? Best of luck, hope you atleast have some clones going
  4. Bigbud214

    Bigbud214 Ganja Guru Extreme

    no clones seeing it was my Blue Chocolate seeds and Death by Chocolate. I do have 1 BC and 2 DbCs from my first attempt. Si am hoping the Lone BC is a girl. 50/50 shot right. Also hoping at least 1 of the DbC is a girl.

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