Bud Candy

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by Chaz, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    I know you'll have fun trying, that's for sure.
  2. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    That shit is more than likely snake oil.

    I've used Raw before and it's basically the same thing, but I was using try and replace molasses...anyways long story short, didn't do anything.

    I talked to the guys at the hydro store and they told me that I didn't use it correctly because you have to use it through flush and all the way til harvest. Fuck that, I don't put chemicals on a plant after flush.

    Best advice, stick to Useless formula W/ Moab. If you want to add anything to that, use Liquid KoolBloom in weeks 2-4 starting at

    2.5ml/gal week 2

    5ml/gal week 3

    10ml/gal week 4

    MOAB week 5

    If you run side by side you wont notice a difference in using products like you purchased. Even if you did, which I doubt as I didn't see anything from RAW (but I didn't use after flush, but did veg through flower) it wouldn't be worth the money.

    In the beginning stick to proven formulas. They are cheaper and easier and fool proof.

    Lucas or Useless..can't go wrong (I prefer Useless)
  3. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Zactly! If you're using Useless' schedule why not stick with his preferred booster of MOAB. The recommendation is solid, we know the guy who tested it doesn't bullshit and it was tested using Useless' formula.

    In the nutrient label for Bud Candy you'll see discussion of sulphured molasses as bad (which it is) and unsulphured raw cane extract as a major ingredient. That's an indirect way of saying "unsulphured molasses" is a major ingredient which can be purchased at your local grocer for $3 a pint. Even though bud candy doesn't list an N-P-K, rest assured that any raw sugar cane extract will be loaded with potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  4. Chaz

    Chaz Excommunicated

    Thanks guys. I held off using the products. I'll just wait and see the results of the UseLess formula. Next time I'll try the MOAB

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