If I could borrow the infamous, "hot tub time machine?" and go back to those halcyon days, long before Billy, the sands of time, all of the bullshit tainted that once bright, ambitious Wesley girl, she would have been right fine of a total score. Coulter; she has an incredible wit, without any regard to anyone's likes or dislikes of her deal, she is crack smart, and as a Barrister, aggressive and quick with that sharp tongue :eusa_eh: But she has one off putting build. I keep looking for the MIB guys to come for her, just an unfortunate body. So they're both VERY smart, strong women, it would come down to which of them would do, you know, everything :eusa_eh: and which one was strong enough to just outright take it from you, willing or not. Still leaning that it would be Hilldog, even if Anne is smarter. Just felt like throwing two cents around for the fun of it, Mates!
:roffl::roffl::roffl: See, Coulter is the dangerous skinny type that would bounce off walls and you'd be snortin coke off her tits. Hilary'd probably rollover and read some report while you spank her in the ass then ask if your through yet. Body type? KFC special, two small breasts and two large thighs. No thanks