
Discussion in 'The 'Kind Kitchen' started by snickelfritz, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    Try an electric slicing knife

    The taller/narrower the container, the easier it is to cut.
  2. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    excuse me?

    we've had enough of that attitude here in the past and it will not be tolerated here any more...consider that fair warning.
  3. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    That's definitely strike one!:nonono:
  4. somebobyinsomeplace

    somebobyinsomeplace Veggy Stage

    I apologize. I didn't mean to come across as such an asshole. When you quoted the instructions, followed by a smiley face, I thought it was like saying "ya, see, thats why i told you to use a tall container." Thanks for the advice about cutting though. The problem was i couldn't get it out of the container so I had to hack away little pieces at a time.

    Anyway I hope you and everyone else can excuse my ignorance. Sometimes its too easy to miscommunicate with our fellow beings, ecspecially when done over the internet. Thanks again and Sorry again :sorry::cry:
  5. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    that IS the truth. and trust me, nobody understands that more than myself and the rest of the mods and admin, but there's a right way and a wrong way to handle yourself. thanks for the apology. i am sure it will go a long way with the offended parties.
  6. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    It's all good bro... We just try to keep this place a [​IMG]zone as much as we can.

    Actually, since I posted this a while back... I've found that it is a bit easier (but messier ***) to put it all in a medium to large mixing bowl (depending on how much ur making) & refrigerate for a few hours...

    After the butter sets up "fairly" hard, simply press down gently on one side & the "plug" of butter will shift & it can be removed in one big slippery piece, so be careful!

    Discard the crap water left in the bowl & freeze the butter until you're gonna use it. (If ya don't,it can get moldy just sittin' in the fridge... I know :angry:)

    ***Don't forget to lick your fingers afterwards!!!*** Yuuuuummmm! :smokin:

    Dunno why I didn't think of saying that before... I guess my short term memory's gone to pot. :laughing5:
  7. allsmilez

    allsmilez snow bunny

    Womans' tool, lol...

    :suave: Get a butter knife, and work it into the middle of the butter, and it should crack it, and then you'll be able to scrape it off the top of the ice....:smokin:

    I like to let it melt just a hair, as well, helps the ice seperate from the butter easier....and then let the butter melt a little and form back into shape so it's easier to measure....But do keep it in the freezer,:icon_confused: it gets real funky if you don't....:smokin:
  8. dooobster

    dooobster A Fat Sticky Bud

    So the butter and water separate while the mixture is warm, and the butter floats to the top? Then when you freeze the whlole thing, you have a layer of butter on top of a layer of ice?
  9. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still


  10. dooobster

    dooobster A Fat Sticky Bud

    Gotcha :D

  11. dooobster

    dooobster A Fat Sticky Bud

    Gotcha :D

    Sounds easy
  12. somebobyinsomeplace

    somebobyinsomeplace Veggy Stage

    I will definitely try that next time around. The fridge is a great idea. Thanks for the advice, i'll bookmark this thread.

  13. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    Best to turn the fridge down to it's coldest setting (without getting a hard freeze)... The stiffer the butter, the easier it is to handle.

    Otherwise it can be like trying to pick up a greasy turd out of a quart of motor oil. :tvlaugh:

    Also, if ya got something like a turkey baster or irrigation syringe, you "can" simply let it sit out to cool, then syphon most of the goodness out of the container after it's separated... then refrigerate it to get the last globs to congeal enough to scoop out of the muck.

    Lots of ways to get the job done... Do whatever works best or seems easiest for you..

    Just remember to keep the finished product frozen until you wanna use it, so it won't start growing hair if ya forget about it for a while.
  14. Big E

    Big E Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I'd like to add...don't use a cheap plastic container..when you strain the hot butter into it from the stove, the container WILL melt, resulting in waste of time and bud ;)

    I found myself in that situation, squeedging the mess off the
    Gratitude likes this.
  15. lukesmommy

    lukesmommy "lil doobie"


    Hey Snick!

    I made cannabutter last night using this method... so we'll see how it is when i pop it outta the freezer in a lil while! Gonna make some yummy baked goods for my birthday!

    Thanks again for this recipe, and i'll letcha know how it all turns out!


  16. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    Using about the same amount of water, four cups, plus 20 gms or so of finely ground trim, 11/4 stick of butter, I do the whole proxess in my Crock Pot slow cooker, set on LOW, over night. For one thing, this produces no smell at all in the house. Next morning, I strain and pour into a container, stick it in the fridge til it cools. Remove the butter from the top and toss the yucky liquid.
  17. link420

    link420 Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    The easiest way to separate the butter from the water, is to set the container into the freezer (this probably works in the fridge too). The butter will get stiff before the water freezes, so once the butter is hard, simply pour the water out and you're left with the butter. In my freezer, it takes probably around 40 minutes to an hour for the butter to get semi-hard, but the water is still liquid. No scrapping butter off ice ever again :thumbsup:
    JuggaloKing420 likes this.
  18. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    Thanks for the info. The ice scrapping is the hardest part.
  19. lukesmommy

    lukesmommy "lil doobie"

    You make a good point, Link. I had a heck of a time getting it all to pop outta the container once it was all frozen. Next time i'm gonna try the fridge method fo sho!

    The brownies turned out very good... they were creepers too...


  20. cjb03

    cjb03 Full Flowering

    Can you use margarine instead of butter?

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