By the way Mr.Smith, we've been meaning to ask, which strain (s) did you germinate? The Kim's Abyss, the Smurf Punch, or the mystery seeds?
I did 3 Smurf punch and 1 Kim's abyss here are some pics sorry I've been super busy 2 Smurf punch are getting good size now. By the way this is my first grow I have grown tomatoes in the past but this is all new to me, they are growing really fast now the LST seems to be helping with getting the stems good and strong, I super cropped 3 and 4 there taller with a little more advanced growth 4 is the one that had most of the deformation but after super cropping it seems to be almost gone, Germination the Smurf punch and 1 Kim's abyss all germinated within 48hrs I had 1 mystery seed with them it was the only one that did not pop I left it for 7 days just to make sure but no big deal but 100% rate on the Smurf punch and Kim's abyss I only have about a 10x10 room so I didn't want to start too many I also have 2 bagseed that are maybe a month older that are taking up part of the space, if you need me to try anything with any of them just let me know and I will do my best Any way to change my name on here? 1st pic Kim's abyss 2,3,4 are Smurf punch
Greengrower12 Or anything other than my name would be great thank you so much sir How are things looking with number 4?
I am curious of the linage of the blueberry mother that was shown at the top of the page on the CCG pic.
Justcheckingitout here is the Genealogy on the Smurf punch strain maybe this helps the blueberry is dj short Blueberry
The seeds were purchased from Jackson County Compassion Club in Jackson Michigan according to the sales information that came along with the seeds they should be by DJ Short
First 2 are Smurf punch the 3rd is a Kim's abyss my other Smurf punch showed it was male :/ first grow any tips? They will be transplanted once I know who the ladies are...
Greengrower12, they look great so far! Just keep a close eye on them. I hope the rest are girls for you. The one girl I ended up with seems a bit stretchy. I still took one clone from it.