Chim Chiminey Genetics testing

Discussion in 'Grow Log Forum' started by Mrgreengenes, Aug 20, 2017.

  1. Greengrower12

    Greengrower12 Member

    So I planted 3 bagseed back in the spring outdoors all 3 grew 2 were male and destroyed I had the 1 female I didn't have any nutes to give her at the time I just watered regularly and used my home made compost, it did get a couple seeds in it so I'm guessing it got some pollination from somewhere not sure? This was my first grow attempt any ideas on why it got seeds it showed 100% female sex the entire time could it be from another non canna plant or tree pollen?

    Attached Files:

  2. OldSmokey

    OldSmokey Registered Users

    Non-canna plant pollen or tree pollen only works on their specific plant. Cannabis needs cannabis pollen to make seeds.

    Bugs or wind can carry pollen quite a distance. Or one un-noticed male part can be the cause.

    I've had an outdoor plant with one seed on it before. Hard to say for absolute sure...
    Greengrower12 and nippie like this.
  3. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    could be in the genes, it could be you didn't catch a male in time as they usually shoot their load very quickly into flower, or it could be nearby male

    outdoors you have little control so you are at the mercy of nature, but nice haul
    Greengrower12 likes this.
  4. Greengrower12

    Greengrower12 Member

    Thank you very much I was just wondering what I did wrong ya know lol
  5. Greengrower12

    Greengrower12 Member

    Day 14 flower last Smurf punch still looking full female 20171108_111734.jpg 20171108_111836.jpg 20171108_111935.jpg 20171108_111926.jpg 20171108_111902.jpg
  6. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    I like that bud and the drying rack is cool.
    Greengrower12 likes this.
  7. Greengrower12

    Greengrower12 Member

    Thank you it's a cardboard box with bamboo skewers through it, worked out really well
  8. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Its easy. Simple and wont have me cussing while trying to build it like all my other growing projects. Lol
  9. Greengrower12

    Greengrower12 Member

    Yes sir I'm not sure where I got it from just kinda popped into my head when I was like how could I do this cheaply
  10. Greengrower12

    Greengrower12 Member

    20171114_143850.jpg 20171114_143858.jpg 20171114_143905.jpg 20171114_143911.jpg day 20 flower for the Smurf punch

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