Zactly. Libertarian vote here. Joe, we at least have to put our principals out there in some form. Silence while Rome burns is as bad as fiddling.
If you need 270 votes from the elec to get in.......then whats the point of civilians voting at all??? I mean, i get the whole "peoples voices" argument but in all literal thinking and reality ....joe schmoe is nobody and it was created that way DECADES ago, on purpose and if you honestly believe it makes a differance to your gov. or senator your fuckin goofy, let alone a p-didily goon local REP........all the general vote is, is a way to make the 9-5 guy/girl THINK he has power, so they feel a tiny bit of satisfaction like they made a splash in the pool of piss we try to live in...... And like i said, i know....i get IT ..BUT a spades a spade, they just dont want a revolt so we're weak as a whole, whatever
Well CC, there's four choices. Bury my head and do nothing. Go with the feel good flow. Work within the system using it to try and regain some of what we've lost as a citizenry. Take arms and start killing. The first two suck and I'm not ready to shoot anybody yet so it's number 3 by default. At this stage in the game, any regular Joe who supports a national candidate from either major party has got to be wearing the biggest set of blinders known to man.
I am torn. Budget wise the Congress basically decides what goes or not. I like Gary, but he ain't winning shit. Certainly I am not voting for mitt. Social issues are my big deciding factor this round. I feel pressured into Obama for the gay issue mainly, more so with my state making such a Christian pressed decision. Economics is math. It either adds up or doesn't. They all know that and use it to manipulate social issues through party platforms.
out of curiosity, what exactly did Obama do that makes everyone here dislike the dude so much?? and i dont exactly support either guy but I for sure think Romney is a maniacal lunatic, any dude that straps a dog in a cage on his roof and travels thru 5 states to go on vacation is fuckin looney bin material IMO
Some get it and some dont. The whole basis will run like this. The rich get richer and the poorer get poorer. When all the countrys assets are owned by the rich we will go down in a complete depression and start over. With the metality of the republicans towards obama if he gets another four years it will only get worse. Its too bad that somebody like ron paul could not have run with the ball and maybe we would have stood a chance. were fucked t6