Cloning 101

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by TheApprentice, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. ScottyG420

    ScottyG420 Marijuana Handler

    See, this is where I get confused. There's the complicated method described below. Then you offer up an easy explanation and procedure. What am I supposed to do?

    Oh also, do I leave the clone in water w/the plastic bag over it until it begins to grow roots?
  2. nobogart

    nobogart Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    yep leave it until you see roots. but hey just offering up a method that works for me.

    try several methods until you find one that works well for you.:passit:
  3. shaitand

    shaitand The Dark One

    *sigh* Dude, reread my post. You shouldn't end up with a plant in water at all. You end up with a plant in freshly watered soil. It will take between 7-14 days to root. If you see the leaves start to lighten or yellow it means roots are starting to form. Don't forget to remove that plastic bag once or twice a day to let fresh air in.

    Water in the window works but it doesn't work every time. If you stick a dozen clones in water in the window you won't ever have 100% success. You might have 40% success, you might have no success depending on the strain. Some are more difficult than others.
  4. ScottyG420

    ScottyG420 Marijuana Handler

    Dude, I sincerely appreciate your patience. Thank you for all of your help thus far. Cloning is the next step for me and I'd like to be prepared for it so I'll know what needs to be done, when and how.

    When the leaves begin to change in color as the clones take root, is that the time to begin leaving them uncovered, or do they still need the humidity set-up?
  5. shaitand

    shaitand The Dark One

    Yes, you can uncover them then because at that point they are just like seedlings. They have healthy roots, leaves, and stem of their own and are therefore each are complete plants. Water them with half strength nutrients for a week or so until they have recovered from the stress of cloning and then grow as you would any other plant.

    The great thing about clones is that because they came from a sexually mature plant, they are also sexually mature. Most people choose to veg for awhile but you could put them under 12/12 light to begin flowering the day they have roots if you wanted to. With seedlings you need to wait for alternating nodes.
  6. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Its important to bear in mind we are growing a weed,it aint rocket science.

    Yes,there are several methods and essentially its important to remember we ARE growing a weed which flourishes in all manner of conditions over the millenia. Iv had branches snap of a plant and simply stuck the branch in soil and lo and behold it rooted so yes theres simple mthods but the methods posted here are for beginners who might not have the 'rub of the green' that more experienced growers have.

    Heres a great site with info and videos on cloning and how easy it is:thumbsup:
    ScottyG420 likes this.
  7. ScottyG420

    ScottyG420 Marijuana Handler

    cloning confusion

    OK...I thought that light, yellowing leaves was a sign of problems. But with clones it's a good sign? How can that be? Is cloning an exceptio?

    Also, I thought that plenty of fresh air was an absolute must. But with clones, it does not sound like they will be receiving much fresh air with the plastic covering them so much of the time.

    Again, is this some type of "exception" to the baasic tenets of growing plants?

    Surely somebody can understand my confusion.
  8. virago420

    virago420 Excommunicated

    Yes cloning is the exception to the rule. Clones require high humidity while they are trying to root because they have NO roots in the beginning so the only way they can intake water is through their leaves. The yellowing is a sign that they are starting to root. The reason for this is as you obviously know they need nutrients to survive and flourish, but because they arent receiving any nutrients during the process of rooting they have to cannabilize themselves to keep alive. So they use their stores of nutrients in the leaves to maintain themselves. Once they have roots you can put them in your medium of choice and give them a light veg feeding and they will green right back up. Hope that helps. Peace

    Edit: You will need to harden the plants off once they have roots. Take off the humidity dome for a half hour, if they dont droop let them go longer. Once they droop spray em down and put the dome back on. Do this for a couple days and then they should be good to go. Good luck!
    Gratitude likes this.
  9. ScottyG420

    ScottyG420 Marijuana Handler

    ok i get it

    Do special cloning domes xist for this very purpose , to make it easier to make several clones?

    I already have my moms from each strain picked out. Ity might be 6 more weeks B4 they are ready to give healthy clone cuttings. But I'm trying to anticipater so that when cloning time comed round, ill know hat
  10. virago420

    virago420 Excommunicated

    They do yes but you can use anything. I use two clear sterilite containers from walmart. Both the same size. I fill the bottom one with rinsed perlite and put my clones in. Then I add about a half inch of water to the bottom for the perlite to wick. Then I flip the other one over and put on top for the humidity dome. I mist them twice a day for the first 7 days. Then I start weening them off the dome 1/2 hr a day. After 10 days they have all rooted for me so far. 17/17. Good luck :thumbsup:
  11. ScottyG420

    ScottyG420 Marijuana Handler

    tyhanks virago

    I really appreaciate the help bro. This really does clear things up.

  12. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    The force calls to me!I really didn't plan to do this cloning thing untill after my first successful grow but I ran across some bagseed with such good genetics that I have WAY too many flowering nodes to flower all of them unless I had a 1000w HPS or somthing. I've got 10,050 lumens of cfl's fuckin Ninja'd in a helmet like formation around it. And every flowering node not only has light but hairs already except these two on the bottom in like a canopy like area undre the plant that dosent get good light unless you put a fuckin bulb laying on the fuckin dirt or somthing. The force is calling out to me to clone at least these two flowering nodes not only because it would be a horrible waste to just flush them but, the way it's growing I want to keep some of these traits! I can't let this one get away from me! In 10 years or so yall might hear about a fuckin fire ass North American land race genetic line called "BlackPrince Kush"! I like that!:smokin: I'll try to get a pic under 110kb to post but it's next to impossible with this fuckin camera phone. My .jpegs age a bit too big for GK's limit. Wish me luck!

    v 0181.jpg

    v 0189.jpg


  13. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Dude- good luck on the grow.

    Definition correction. A landrace is an indigenous strain specific to a geographical region. You cannot "create" a landrace. Not bashin....just making sure we all know what we're talking about.

  14. ozzman667

    ozzman667 New Sprout

    first time clones....i'm nervous

    ok guys,i've read this whole thread about 19 times,and finally took some cuttings 4 days ago.they are all still alive and actually lookin good.I know you guys want pics. but i'm too paranoid and computer illiterate to do that.anyway they look pretty healthy except 4 of them are getting pale(not really yellow yet but headed that way)they are in solo cups with a second cup on top to create a dome.I think i might be going a little crazy on the misting.I was doing it like 4 times a day,now i cut back to 2 maybe that too much or too little.I water the moms when i think they need it,and thats been working great for me,but these little fuckers scare me cause they seem so fragile.I'm probably just over thinking it but it would be great if i could keep em all alive.any input from you vetrans would be greatly appreciated.
  15. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    I FINALLY have 1 cutting with roots growing. I can see them through the cup it's in.

    Question: This cutting has a lil mini-popcorn bud on top of it with not much below in the way of leaves and nodes. How will the plant veg out this way? I'll take pics later to show.
  16. ozzman667

    ozzman667 New Sprout


    rollin2....congrats on the roots man,how long did it take til you saw them?mine are in clear cups so i think i'll see them when they show.i'm only at day 5 now,i'll give it til 10 before i try more.
  17. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    About 7 days. Now they are everywhere. Here's a pic I posted in another thread. Just took the pic a few hrs ago.

  18. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    It's going to take two two three weeks before you see any new growth starting than about another week or two before the cutting goes back into full veg again. :smile:
  19. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    ........and it's probably going to look more like basil than pot for awhile since it was cut while flowering. At least that's what always happens in my garden.

  20. ozzman667

    ozzman667 New Sprout

    happy birthday...8 weeks

    hey rr just to clarify i havent flipped em to 12/12 yet...they are at 8 weeks from seed today.I want to switch them real soon but i want to make sure these cuttings are gonna make it.yes some actually do look like basil...a few i left a little big,just to see for future applications if they take off better small or longer

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