Crazy Talk!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by blackprince11, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    1- Hank is NOT a protected class. He just treads the edges more effectively than many he argues with. We have discussed this trait thoroughly in Admin many many times and always come to the same conclusion. Live with it guys.

    Sometimes a guy simply has a better jab. Doesn't mean the fight is fixed.

    2. CC, chime in if you want. If it bugs you simply stay out. Because you don't like one of the participants (or all of them for that matter) is no reason to exercise your sig phrase without addition to the topic. I'm no Second Amendment scholar, but, for more than one cycle I sat on the board that crafts my State Republican Party Platform. Gun rights, gun control and the Second Amendment were not unusual topics. Some day I might serve a party again. It helps to be fresh on what people think and be up on the current arguments of the day. Jus' sayin, if it ain't yer particular cup-o-tea don't tell somebody else they can't drink it either.

    3. Personal insults or openly degrading one's opponent simply degrades your own argument.

    4. It's the Politics Forum boyz-n-boyz. If you can't handle somebody getting the better of you or being equally obstinate in their point of view, don't play in this sandbox.
  2. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

  3. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Hank and I are far from on the same position on gun regulations.

    Comparing our gun problem or laws to other countries is insane. No other country in the world has history or the constitutional promise of some sort of private ownership like we do what worked other places could work here, but it would take a not he twenty years. gun....not sure how to further state that.
  4. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    Hey I like talking about concrete. It's a heavy subject. Nice and solid foundation to start a convo.
  5. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'


    It's part of our society, ban talks are nonsense.

    But I stand by the hank statements, I guess it's not really a protected class, but you guys always defend him and he's always the one starting shit. We all disagree, but I'll be damned if I get called brainwashed, that I worship this or that, or that vets are fucking morons..etc etc

    For him to act holier than about anything is laughable, you can't hold a turd in your hands and at the same time say your hands are clean.
  6. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    But I took the turd out of a nice clean bowl with water in it. Of course it's clean. My hands may smell like shit and be full of shit, but it's a clean turd, damn it.
  7. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Where CC:good job:
  8. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    Maybe the choice of words I used was incorrect. I should not have used civilian disarmament because you are correct on that point. What would have been closer to the argument I'm trying to make would be to say use weapons of war as a society in an offensive nature. Japan's constitution forbids a standing army and instead has a Self Defense Force. So the fact that Japan has given up weapons as a society on just about every level still has to be reconciled with the real need for self-defense. The government takes that power unto itself and says that the cost of allowing it's citizens that right is too much. I disagree with that on so many different levels Hank and in my opinion you and the rest of your society should too. But the homogeny plays a role and the fact that for centuries the Emperor was regarded as a living god also plays a role. People have been conditioned to not question for a millenia even when things don't make sense. That societal characteristic is not part of the American culture or cultural history. That's why it just will not work here.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2012
  9. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Without question. It would make the battle over Abortion/Prohibition/ObamaCare/Taxation, all combined, look like peanuts by comparison. There would be dead law enforcement and dead civilians.

    It's simply the alternate extreme to the cat who wants to be able to mount a 30 cal. rotary cannon on the roof of his house.
  10. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    And what the extreemists on both sides don't realize is that most people aren't like them and the things that they threaten give the people who know how to manipulate and whip up frenzies the ammunition they need to do what they do. And to make the situation worse it seems that our society has given them a microphone and pay more attention them than cooler heads.
  11. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    I'll let RR do the talking from now on, good point, it's our right yada yada yada.

    feel strongly about this one, even more so than marijuana just because of the constitution, so sometimes I may be a little abrasive in my arguments.
  12. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    huh away man. Just know, when it comes to under the radar digs Hank be pretty damn good so best not to rise to the bait. Ever notice in football it's rarely the guy who snuck a punch in under the pile who gets flagged. Usually the second or third guy in flailing away is the one who gets the penalty.

    Jus' sayin' :passsit:
  13. teamster6

    teamster6 A Fat Sticky Bud

    JUst so ya know I thinks thats bullshit for what its worth

  14. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    WTF!!! No one told me that was illegal!!!
  15. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    T6 i dont know who you refer to about running from forum to forum,we usually pride ouselves on our knowlege in who people are from elsewhere,i may be mistaken but i dont know who you refer to.The TOA does apply to everyone and if teuth be known we have let MANY of the regulars away with lots of shi that woulda got strikes in the old days.I dont take hanks side per se.I can say this with a straight face in all seriousness,regarding nippies commnet.Nippie if you or Lv or T6 or Ccrete were getting doggged regular,lets be honest this isnt a once a month thing and look im not saying hank dont wind you all up like clockwork mice but point im trying to say is lets keep this place what we all love.From now on i'll stay out of any hank issues but i assure you other mods will chime in if need be. Maybe my drunken stoned ramblings aint comin acorss as they should be but guys i would defend any one of you guys if were other way about.Its not about hank,its about keeping GK a friendly forum.Sure we can bust each others balls,sure we can get fired up and let the odd comment fly ut,we all do it,mods included.What you guys dont realise is we see when tides are chaging and we oserve that certain things dont look good.Hanks a big boy he can look after himself.T6 i have no wish to quarrel with you or anyone else who thinks im taking sides ahainst you guys for hank.I like hank but iv banned members in the past i really liked,didnt like doing it but when asked to do so i did it. Nippie i can assure you man,theres no sort of hank protection going on and we let inults fly within reaons,we just try nip it in the bud before it becomes a trollfest. WHEN serveral people jump on one guy then it aint banter thats all iwas trying to say.I dont think my shit smells better than anyones,i just try be a decent member n=adn mdYou think theres times i dont feel like biting bck when members try to get a rise out of me?Course i do its human nature but iv got more pressing issues in life than forum fihts,all i was trying to say is the same thing i try to say in oither threads,lets play nice.Maybe from now on i will just keep sdhtum and let other mods deal with it cos it seems you guys are thinking im doing thi on purpose.Look man,iv had words with MG in an intro thread about conduct bvut i still rep the guy,respect him and would have his back if it came to it.Me and Lv had a misunderstanding one time,i forget what it was and so has he likelyc so thats all it is for me,make a comment and mve on.i BEAR NO GRUDGES AGANST ANY OF MY gk FAMILIA. I dont act like the big hoo haa or nuthing,i try stay humnle but try be fair.Come on any of you guys seriously think if you were getting flamed i wouldnt say summit to fan the flames a bit and resore order.You guys dont know me then.Nippie i fuckin got lotta time for you man.I bet half the guys i really get a kick out of on here think iv got an issue with them when i dont. Ofo,we have disagreed in the past but i still think hes funny as fuck and i'd go for a beer and toke with any of you guys .You got me wrong if you think im a mod who abuses his priveleges to take sides,thats not me and im sory if i give that impression out,sincerely:sad4:#

    As for guns,iv lost count of the times iv said clearly,if i lived there with my boy id have a gun int he house,i believe stronly in defending my home and my fmily.I dont look down on guns and TBH i wish more people would present arguments like res cos each time he says his piece i take notce,i always remember him telling me how a guy in the everglades or out in the hills is miles from cops and needs a gun,evr since then iv seen that POV totally.I also dont think2nd amendments should be fucked with.Re read hwta i actually say,the legible prts,lol,i sauy lets have a sensible cross party discussion,lets stop the media sensationalising this shit,lets maybe do a 3 year ban on assault rifles see if anything changes if not reinstate them again.More than anything its a gesture from the gun owners and lobyists of america towards the kids who died and the coutnless others prior to this.Look i'll never slate another nations culture no way man.I lap up all things american and im not shy to admit it.I watch cnn and fox news nightly,the global show with john stwart,i fuckin like Bill Maher immensley.Some of myt fav quotes i like and share on FB each week ae george carlin quotes.Really you guys only see one side of me here on GK and im usually wearing a mod hat.Come hang out with me at rollitup and you'll see im a totally different more chilled member cos i dont need to be acting all moderator.For real,im one of the guys and you may not think so but i know anyone of you would have a good laugh in my company stoned or drunk and i dare say it would go vice versa.You know at least when i try to act like a mod i try do it in a jokey inoffensive way instead of acdring like some mods elsehere whwo just lay dwn the law and aleinate their mebers. Im drinkng and smoking and right dont care about guns or japanese suicide.Can i just say though thatthe moment i said my piece the mood in thsi thread lightened and we all started busting balls,that good,we dont like censoring shit,but sometimes we gotta referee things before they get outta hand.T6 if you ever think me or any mod are letting others away with breaching the TOA thePM me and i'll be sure to check it out.Im a fair humble guy with no malice against any members.If i didnt like someone they would know,trust me,im not backwards at going forwards when i need tobe.I know hank pushes buttons and as long as he does it within the rules then he ant actually doing shit wrong,others can do he same back but when they do it usually reverts toname calling and shit.ANyways kick back have a beer and forget this shit,its buzzkill.Shadow coulda made a valid point THEN said stfu,at least that wouldnt have been ouright flaming.Ccrete has his digs but he has a laugh as he does it and usually includes some sort of commens on the thread,thats hiw to do it.I might not always agree with ccrete but i find it funny when he lughs abot te next president talking in this thrwadlol,co w ehave always had members ove the years back to 2006 when i joined who found it funny stoners can have opinions on anuythign serious.Hey not everyone gives a shit or wants to be serious,some people just work hard and wanna blow of steam hard,i get that and TBH i dont see whyhank annoys you all so much,Im almost scared to ask in case it starts another round but i have a tendancy to ramblke and talk shit when drinkn and toking and not sleeping too much,he fact im on prescribed meds just now,a form of benzo called oxazepam for some ptsd related shit prolly makes me less coherrant ut you know what i dont give it out but i can and will take it when its directed at me,as longa i see the jest in it and no malice.Anyways have a good time over next few days and lap up the fesivities. BTW i dont take hanks side,but im on his FB and hes a decent guy just lke the ones of you who think im a dick,if you had a weekend wth me drinking,toking and lating you would be like 'big guys all right' Forums are shit for telling what people are really like.Iv misjudged MANY of you only to see later on how wrong i was.Take a drink,habe some chicken friend rice,toke my joint.Its all good really. BTW T6 im not making light of your comment,i usy dont know who or what you meant but yeah the TOA stand for us all.Listen iv seen mods fall on their sword due to that TOA,several tobe exact and no ones immunes.Im always one fucked up post from bein asked to clear out my desk.I dont be a mod for a power trip i do it cos herb, a good mentor to me asked me to do it back in 2006,i came up with a solid crew and i fully supoorted MGJ and res to run this ship.Theres not a mod on here i aint voted for. I think i voed for alienbait over carpenter bbu tusn out AB wasnt interested at the time.Theres people on here who id vote mod and i bet they would be shocked.See disagreeing is good cos its the only way you learnYou know iv learned a lot from res whether it guns or fuckin woman issues or just life wisdom.I take heed to all his barry gldwater pater nd i go check it out for myself.If any of you say summit im not clued up on i'll inmvestigate it and try understand things more instead of playing ignorant.Iv never said guns should be banned and all iv said is there should be sensible cross party talks. Guns are here to stay end of.All iv ever said is what skuzz says,we dnt need them here in the uk.Sometimes peopple read wha they wanna hear instead f reading whats actually there. Iv lost count of the entusiasm iv showed for all things american,i love hearinf ccrete going on about the steelers and the eaglkes and shit.BYTW did you know ccrete the steelers and eagles merged one year:ponder: Bit of trivia i learned from a mark whalberg film lol. Point is if i dont know what you guuys are talking about i'll take time to find out cos i enjoy being pat of the forum.You guys dont know me except as a mod and even before that i was a daft young punk.Iv done some growing up ppast few years and i dont have the anger in me to get pissed at people.Im a content guy,iv got my sore points in my life,especially at this time of year when the love of my life killed herself cos i refused to go round see her one new years,others have jumped from high risers or just O'D'd.Theres more i give a shit about than whether guns are right or wrong in a nation that has little effect on my life.Same as i dont agree that china tells people they can nly have kids and that they censor google....i might bitch about it for summit to say on the forum but do i REALLY give a shit,REALLY?nOPE I DONT and thats my point.I shoot the breeze mainly just to keep the forum alive sometimes,other times i feel im not doing my mod job enough so i go ban a few spammers and check some shit out.This place is a hang out for me and i enjoy hangng out with all you guys.Period:beerchug: No im not drunk,but getting there:wink:
  16. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Hehe .I can take it man,its only words on a screen. You think i make a post that makes me sound like an asshole then feel free to say so,i wont be ofeneded.... but i will enquire why:roll:
  17. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Lol ta..

    I see what you are saying.

    But if everyone's jumping one person there's usually a reason. That being said your arguments are just as valid as anyone's but you're not putting yours out there like you are somehow better than us hank is trying to do

    Im sure hanks ok and we have found ourselves on the same side of arguments before....but I wont be belittled and certainly things were said to flame the thread by both sides..but only one side was told to play nice

    Besides two things I hate are hypocrites and snitches....well thieves also..hate cannot say a ban will work when you are growing a banned plant....simple logic is it not. Let alone its part of America
  18. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    Jeez man how about some paragraphs? I feel like I just read War and Peace on two stone tablets!:roffl:

    Can eyes get carpel tunel?:roffl:
    nippie likes this.
  19. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    lol, he does write walls of text. I've only recently started reading his walls of text and I have noticed that there are some nuggets of wisdom hidden in there. But damn it AP, when I've had a couple of jack and cokes and smoked a few bowls that shit is hard to read for sure!
  20. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'


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