It is quite simple. I don't think I've ever heard anyone on the gun regulation side argue that banning any particular weapon or anything else would remove it 100%, and I've never said that either. The point I've been repeating is making certain guns harder to get would reduce their availability. Their is a huge difference in being able to run down to the store and buy a bunch of ammo and guns if you are planning some kind of violent action, or having to go through a lengthy process/screening etc... where at some point the crazies will just give up or be screened out. Just like for pot.There is a big difference between pot being available in a store, or your trusted dealer having some, or having to buy off the street from someone you don't know. Some people just won't go the off the street route, because it's too dodgy. The availability affects the situation a great deal. The whole focus needs to be on reducing the number of certain types of guns and reducing their availability in society for the purpose of creating a safer society. Same thing I've been saying over and over. You can cry and tremble in fear all you like at the prospect of some stricter gun regulations, but some Americans would like to live in a country without so many crazy people running around armed to the teeth. Seems like you think you do, but you don't speak for all Americans, bud, sorry to tell you. And, if America doesn't change the path it's on, it will simply become a worse and worse place to live, imo. Also, my position is clear and hasn't changed. Nothing hypocritical about it, mmm kay? And what's with all the turd references? If you've got some kind of fecal fetish that's your business, but keep it to yourself. :jj:
Guilty as charged,i swear my computing porowess is fading.I used to type 50 odd words a minuye with no mistakes now i sit in the dark hoping iv hit the right key,some days when i wake up i read my previous nights posts and think how the fuck do these guys make had or tail or what iv been saying" Yeah back in the day there was a no novel rule imposed in admin soecifically for me,lol. Sometimes in the heat of a drunken thought or in a rush to get a point across i just type,dont even do spellcheck and post it without proof reading it.Its bad workmanship and past few nights i have noticed im writng walls of text with little or no punctuation or praragrahs,hell sometimes i jump topic mid senence,lol.I do that in real life too,i sit toking an drinking ith my bro and im deep in a conversation then i stop and im like "what was i talking about threre" Nippie i havent read this thread as much as i should have,i noticed some usual disafreements with hank and thought same old same old then saw shadow just saying STFU and i acted on it.Hanks not immune.No member or mod is.I PURPOSELY dont talk down to any of you about your own nation or culture,its rude and height of ignorance.Hank howver is an american and has more insight than me.I just always try be a voice of reason,maybe not always the right reason but i try defuse shit but still get a point across. Even if i know a post i make is gonna be taken in a way it wasnt intended i usually apologise or defuse it before i say what im gonna say and thats cos im no better or worse than any of you.Most of you know my skeletns and lifestory,iv alays been a kid of open book,too open sometimes but i know from PMs that other members have ben through the sameas me with drugs,drink,jail or whatever.I know of a few opiate addicts on here from then and now.Im from a working class Glasweian background,we dont look down on anyone,except Celtic fans I try treat people how i want treated.Its not my inention to lways get involved in american debates ut seeing this is mainy americans talking about american things on here i cant help but offer my opinions bu im ALAYS willing to be corrected.In fact i like it when my eyes are opened to things i was oblvious to.Herb used to school me on mmany things and opened my eyes.Res fills that same postiion.If i respect the ay a guy handles himself,not buy who shouts the loudest but by being subtl,to the point,showing just enough info in a post to l you know he could destroy you in an intelctual batle or debate but yet never goes in for the kill.Sometimes just knowing a snakes venemou is enough to make you keep our distance type thing.Res puts his arguments across in a way where he stands his ground but words it in ways where hes reall yasking questions and if you answer them questions then you'll see hes just got you to admit hes right,lol,Ofc ourse res can be blunt when he needs to be.Point is theres many ways to skin a cat and all i can say is we shouldnt be having arguments for arguments sake.If we disagree say so inffesnively and move on with the point being made.No need to revel in the being right.Thats not aimed at anyone,just things iv obsrved over the years from good mentors.Guys always remember the mods see all this hsit,we disuss it and try let it fizzle out,we dont like taking action or being referees in a playground fight.We wath pople for a while before we finally say summit,if you notice we try let you guy slug itout and move on a lot.Sometimes we need to step in cos it took some great mods a lot of time to get this place in harmony and we dont ever wanna see this place go back to trollfest again.Im ready to pass out,been shopping all day while my son bankrupoted me with nntendo3ds and ps3 shit,shopping ith kids is worse than wman i sear,lol.Catch y;all tomorrow.Peace out
Those were words? Thought my screen went blinky and all matrix on me. I fear as I ask this....Ap. Can you kinda, you know, condense it a little so I don't have to go back in my stoned stupor to try and read it again and have the room start spinning again? DUCK!
Awww, man! I thought you were saying we need a total ban like Japan. I guess Hank's reasonable afterall. False alarm everyone! It's all good! Now everybody lets go outside and pop a few off in the air like it's an old time jamboree!:kidding: When's the last time one of youz guys had a desk-pop?:roffl:
I did a comp drive-by. Does that count? Ap, we had words? Had to be over something stupid. I always move on and don't carry anything over to another conversation unless it calls for it. And you look down on Celtic fans? The basketball team or the Irish? Either way, YOU BASTARD!!:new_cussing: We'd get along fine. :thumbsup: Hanks cool. I like Hank. As with any one else on this site, I could care less how or what they think of me. Off this site and in the real world is where it matters and I could give a shit how I'm percieves out there also. In real life, there aren't many people I like enough to call friends. There are a few on here that I would like to meet outside of here, I think I'd be able to be a friend to them. I try to be civil to everybody on here, till my buttons are pushed, then, as in real life, I can explode. Except on here it seems all it comes out as is flaming as I've noted before, I can't type for shit and my brain just goes on to other things while my fingers are left learching in the background. I'm sure the ones I do like know it and the ones I don't (not many) know it also. Ok, now I feel like App, so I'm outa here.
Embarrasing isnt it Res,but splendidly so .... Resin i actually felt the urge to do one of my famous apology threads for my drunken diatribes and non sensical posts over the festivities but id only drone on for 2 pages,haha. Yes i apologise,my forum etiquette has been appalling with my grammar and lack of punctuation, paragraphs o even direction where my merry posts are going,but hey we all love threads like that the best right when a member is bouncing of the walls trying to post?That Gringo springs to mind.Hope the kid domes back when his age restriction ban is upIv always enjoyed peoples posts on forums when they are hig h on shrooms:eusa_clap: . In fact scratch that,my posts have been illegible drivel and i feel like repping anyone who actually responded cos that means they wee able to decipher what i struggled to decipher the following hungover day Normal service has resumedWell as normal as a scotsmans service can resume during festivities.New Years is usually the peak,hopefully i'll be out at a firewok display in London. PS: Just to clarify i have nothing against the celtics the basketball team,i mean THEE glasgow celtic football club,the arch rivals of my beloved The Rangers Football Club.Although the 'Tims' tend to take it tight from us Orangemen but they give a good as they get,lol.I jest,a majority of my friends are of the papery faith.LOL,i feel like one of them guys accused of being racist saying how he has black friends or worlmates or his cousin is married to a black personThe whole mother side of my family is catholic,the more respectable side of my Dads line are stuanch unionsists and orangmenand woman.Glasgows just another belfsst with out the bombs.Yeah fuck the scepti football club. RFC. We Are The People WATP:icon_saliut: Och there i go again slebbering ddrunk.Im waiting on friends coming round for smoke and some call of duty as iv not playe it for severl ays.Im past the cold turkey stage now:iconbiggrin: