
Discussion in 'Politics' started by rangerdanger, Mar 23, 2003.

  1. Waitingfortheson

    Waitingfortheson Full Flowering

    StreakerUK... This is the comment that provoked my rant.

    "The US couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery."

    First of all. Organise?  

    Second... Dont expect to be left alone when you blast someones country like that!

    Our countries have a long history of working TOGETHER. If I were you, I would be proud of that fact.

    Dictators CANT be reasoned with. This is a fact people. They want to rule the world the same way that they run their countries. This is not my opinion, This is a fact.

    Do you think that Hitler could have been reasoned with? Stalin? Saddam has the same mentality. His idol was Joseph Stalin. He models himself by Stalin's values. Saddam's library is said to be filled with books about J. Stalin and communism. Again he IDOLIZED this man.

    Maybe you think that we could have talked things out with Hitler in WW 2 also. That wouldnt surprise me one bit.

    Please Mr. Hitler just stop burning people because you feel they arent fit to live. Please Please Mr. Hitler please just be nice.

    IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN! Saddam Hussein is just as evil as Hitler was. He just hasnt had a chance to prove it to the world yet. I say stop him before its too fucking late to do so!

    We sat around over here with our thumbs in our asses and let that situation get out of control before we did anything and it still took us being bombed by Japan to wake us the **** up to what was going on in the world. look at what happened! Have we learned NOTHING from our mistakes?      

    Try being PRO-active for once in your life Streaker.


    Somehow you must not see the logic in that.
  2. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Your allowed to show POW's on TV, but your not allowed to question them on TV. I posted the geneva convention for ranger last night, go read it.

    You anti-war people have no compassion for the iraqis. You listen to your arrogant selves, and ignore the cries of the iraqi people who have been screaming for liberation for decades. Your own people, a human shield, has documented evidence he recorded on VHS from interviews with iraqis who are already free that they would rather commit suicide then continue to live under sadda, they would rather lose thier homes then risk saddam hussein staying in power 1 more minute. Who cares what the reasons are for bush doing this, the many outcomes are the same. Liberation of iraq, removal of an evil torturous dictatorship, complete destruction of WMD's, stop iraqi funding of palestinian terrorism, End of human rights violations in Iraq, and yes, cheaper oil prices for the world to boost the worlds economy.
  3. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    "Dictators CANT be reasoned with. This is a fact people. They want to rule the world the same way that they run their countries. This is not my opinion, This is a fact."

    -Sounds like jr. to me.

    "Saddam's library is said to be filled with books about J. Stalin and communism."

    -Who do you know that's been in saddams library?  And if he adored Stalin like you said, how come he's not a communist?

    "Maybe you think that we could have talked things out with Hitler in WW 2 also. That wouldnt surprise me one bit."

    -Hitler was created by the armistice we (the allies) forced Germany to sign at the end of WW I.  If the name hadn't been Adolph Hitler it would've been someone else.


    -How do you fix something that isn't broken?

    "complete destruction of WMD's"

    -Don't you realize that the U.S. will supply whatever puppet gov't we install with wmd, just like we did with saddam?

    "stop iraqi funding of palestinian terrorism"

    -Palistinian terrorism will end when the zionists give Palistinians back their land that they now illegally control and stop killing them, and not until then."

    "End of human rights violations"

    -You mean like in El Salvador and Chile during papabush's reign?"

    "cheaper oil prices to boost the world's economy"



    (Edited by rangerdanger at 7:09 am on Mar. 25, 2003)
  4. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    ranger, you're sick if you can't see that iraq is broken!
  5. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***


    And you propose to 'fix it' by bombing it?

    Hope they don't fix my bicycle the same way.
  6. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    no kidding, mary throws her weight around like its super fat or something. you cry about people calling names, and you do the same. So quit bitching. At least constantly. Steer clear of the smelly **** if it makes you gag.
  7. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    look, you young whippersnapper. i have the right to say whatever i want on here, just as anyone else does. if you have noticed, the people i have said were assholes, etc. were kicked off this site!

    except for you, of course.
  8. Waitingfortheson

    Waitingfortheson Full Flowering

    -Hitler was created by the armistice we (the allies) forced Germany to sign at the end of WW I.  If the name hadn't been Adolph Hitler it would've been someone else.

    Is that what you think? That was the reason that he wanted to create a master race? I really think youre wrong ranger. That kind of dementia starts in childhood!

    "Dictators CANT be reasoned with. This is a fact people. They want to rule the world the same way that they run their countries. This is not my opinion, This is a fact."

    -Sounds like jr. to me.

    Sounds like anyone who knows how the mind of a madman works to me. Alot of psychiatrists would agree with me.

    "Saddam's library is said to be filled with books about J. Stalin and communism."

    -Who do you know that's been in saddams library?  And if he adored Stalin like you said, how come he's not a communist?

    I watched a special on Saddam Hussein on PBS (VERY informative). They were interviewing people that NEW HIM PERSONALLY! People that served in high places in his so-called government! This isnt just made up "propaganda" as much as you wish it were. Do you know that he had his youngest son Kusay carrying out executions for the regime at the age of 13? HES A SICK MAN!


    -How do you fix something that isn't broken?

    LOL! Whatever!

    (Edited by Waitingfortheson at 2:49 am on Mar. 28, 2003)
  9. The Dawg

    The Dawg Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Waiting was that on frontline (pbs)?
  10. streakeruk

    streakeruk Full Flowering


    1. Organise, sorry I speak the queens english not the bastardised vesion.

    2. History of working together, when vietnam? Falklands? Or just when oil's at stake?

    3. We the allies, sorry didn't know the USA as involved in WW1, but my history is terrible so please anyone correct me on this.

    4. Hitler was burning jews long before the US got involved, was that why you stepped in? Or just to stop the development of a larger super power?

    5. Dictators cannot be reasoned with, wasn't Sadman the leader in the peoples revolt in Iraq? he was put in power by the poeple over there after killing the puppet government we the allies put in, we dictated their original king and government.

    The UN tried to reason with Bush, who ignored the fair vote, and invaded anyway. Dictator type attributes?

    and finally 6. Russia was a big communist country, it put men in space and threatened the US for supremacy in many areas, some still believe the co-op set-up is better than the money worship the west have. No beggers and third class citiZens, each for everbody not everbody for each!

    Just cos you don't agree don't think you can impose your views by violence!
  11. streakeruk

    streakeruk Full Flowering

    And, sorry, i take it back.

    The US could organise a piss up in a brewery.

    But just how many tragic accidents would happen during the session? Bush has problems with eating, I doubt he is much better at drinking!

    I support all the troops there now doing a very messy job, and believe that eventually good will come out of it.
  12. Waitingfortheson

    Waitingfortheson Full Flowering

    Keep insulting my country if it makes you feel better! But it wont change the truth.

    Yeah Dawg, FRONTLINE. It was like a three hour special but I missed the first half hour. Very, VERY informative. I mean they were talking to people that were in his chain of command in the 70's and 80's and had deffected.

    But they're probably liars like Bush. LOL! Right ranger?
  13. streakeruk

    streakeruk Full Flowering

    waiting, see you answered my points throughly.

    Thanks for the intelligent conversation.
  14. Waitingfortheson

    Waitingfortheson Full Flowering

    Go away DUMB ****!

    Im an idiot American that cant even piss straight... remember?

    How could we have an intelligent discussion?

    (Edited by Waitingfortheson at 10:34 pm on Mar. 25, 2003)
  15. streakeruk

    streakeruk Full Flowering

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