D.J. Shorts Vanilluna Grow

Discussion in 'Grow Log Forum' started by rasganjah, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. teamster6

    teamster6 Guest

    You have basically the same problem I have. You know I use drums suspended high enough off the floor to put five gallon buckets underneath so with the support board and cinder blocks I cut out about 2 1/2 feet of the eight foot ceiling height not counting the space for the lights on a rail.
    This problem has almost convinced me that a bucket on the floor ebb and flo system would give two more feet of grow space.

    Your right though I learned this early on the bigger the plants the more bud per plant.

  2. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    I've contemplated a bucket ebb n flow system for the same reasons, I only have 7'8" ceilings. The only reason I haven't pursued it more is because I already have these tables and reservoirs setup and the controller reservoir for the bucket system seems expensive to buy a pre made one. I need to find out if I can build my own. Buckets are cheap and so are hoses and a barrel for a main reservoir. If I can build my own control reservoir, I will probably be switching to a bucket style ebb n flow sometime in the future.
  3. teamster6

    teamster6 Guest

    yEAH i am kind of set in my ways with this simple system as it never breaks down and never gets dirty. grows way more than I need but the flower cycle is always a hasstle as I am against the ceiling. Shit with two more feet of room I would be in heaven. Doubt I would ever do a rwdc or dwc as I dont want to screw with chillers ect. Ebb and flo the way to go

  4. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Me too. Where I live heat will always be an issue and I am already gonna need a small chiller for my saltwater aquarium, I don't want to have to get one for the growroom too. I already run A/C in there to cool the air, I don't wanna have to air condition my reservoirs too.
  5. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Hey Teamster6, I alway woundered why you waited till they are so large before you flip the switch to 12/12.

    Ras, your plants are looking good. :thumbsup: I'm really lookiing forward to what they are going to look like in a couple of weeks. :bong-2:
  6. teamster6

    teamster6 Guest

    just trying to get every last drop gj. usually I try and just squeeze them under the lights kind of like this or else I have a multi strain and try to let them all hit the same size before hitting the switch

  7. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    Looks good Ras. I disagree with forcing stretch. The longer they take to hit that trellis the more roots and branches it's gonna have once it get's there. Just saying. Grow on Wayne...
  8. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Okay It's flowering time! I set the timer to 12/12 so this begins the first week of flowering. They are filled out nicely and of course are going to stretch for about a week. I figure they are tall enough now. I need to get things rolling, so I just can't wait any longer to flip the switch. I think they are sufficient in size. The roots look great and are covering the table.

    I am also gonna be tossing in 3 more Lunas and 3 DJ Short's Blueberry under my 5'th light. It's gonna be tight under there, but I should pull plenty of extra buds from there.

    I also have enough Blueberry clones freshly rooted to fill my other table as soon as they are vegged to an appropriate size, and I will document that here as well.

    So here are the pics. What do you think?




    These are the ones going under the 5'th light

    3 Blueberry-Hempy




    These are the ragged looking Blueberry clones that almost dried out but were saved just in time and will be vegged in the veg room then moved to the flower room as soon as they are about 14" tall. I know they look horrible, but even with the drying out issue, I only lost a couple of them. A couple light feedings and a trim and they will look good again.


  9. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    I thought I would toss these pics in for fun too. A couple cuts I got from a friend that I am gonna try out.

    These are Triple OG Kush


    This is Kryptonite. I'm a little leery of this one since it hermied once on my friend but from what I understand it didn't the first time he grew it out. There were some stress factors so I might give it a try, despite the seeds it was good smoke. I figure I'll try one and see how it does. Watch it super close for any signs of inherent hermie traits. I like the structure and the flavor and aroma were nice.

  10. Bigbud214

    Bigbud214 Ganja Guru Extreme

    Damn buddy thats a lot of plants.... comining back big time.

  11. that gringo

    that gringo Young Bud of GK

    Damn that table's looking pretty bushy and green now:coolbounce: I like it....

  12. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Indeed sir. Thank you. Gotta do work!

    Gringo-Glad you're enjoying the show. Stick around cuz the buds are about to grow!

  13. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Hey Ras how come the blueberry hempys look so beat up?

    The rest look pretty good but the blue berry? [​IMG] Did they dry up? just curious whats going on with them. :redbong:
  14. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    These ones? Or the clones? I took all the clones from these plants. They were mrsganjah's project that got neglected for a while. they have been in those containers for months. They are like mommas that I am flowering out. They look better now. I tied them down and fed them well. They are gonna do fine I think. The clones did dry out and that is why they look so ragged.

  15. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    OK, that explains it. :redbong:
  16. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    veg Room Update with pics

    I finally got my veg room upgraded to be able to properly veg each new group of plants before they go into the flower room allowing me to finally get a real perpetual harvest going. I should be harvesting 1 of my 4'x8' trays every 4-6 weeks depending on strains. I'm stoked that I was able to make it all fit. I don't really need a 4'x8' table for veg but I already had it (in fact i have 3 more) and thought screw it, use what I have rather than try and sell it and buy another smaller one. So I now have a 1k watt MH over the moms and a few soil plants that are vegging and a 1k watt MH over one end of the table to veg the clones and my Fluoro fixture hanging over the other end where I can root clones and veg small plants. I was stoked that I was even able to keep my shelving in the room cuz I have nowhere else left to store shit! My whole house is becoming a growroom! :bduh: Here is what I'm working with now.






    And these are the next round going into the flower room. Dj Short's Blueberry and on the far left row are just a few Master Kush. They should be ready to move to the flower room in a couple weeks or so. They just started to be fed and are just starting to look better after a rough time rooting.


    I'm finding it more difficult to get 32 symmetrical clones all rooted and healthy at the same time, than I thought it would be. Mostly due to my own inexperience working with these large of numbers. Moms need to be large enough to take 40+clones each time and need to be extra healthy when the cuts are taken so the clones root quickly (unlike my poor blueberry clones). Big moms require a lot of food and constant tedious pruning sessions to keep their height and width in check while allowing for them to have plenty of nice little branches for cloning. I post this up because it's just some experiential info that could be useful to newer growers that are considering expanding the size of their grow. Each cycle I learn something new and make small adjustments to my style and routine. And each cycle something gets easier or better and I discover a new issue or problem to address.

    Anyway, that's what's up in the veg room. I'll update the flowering room later with pics as well.

    Peace! :bong-2::bong-2:
  17. that gringo

    that gringo Young Bud of GK

    Damn Ras... that setup is sweet:bravo: r u growing commercially or for personal use? thats gonna be a lotta bud man:redbong::redbong::redbong:
  18. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Thanks man, I am trying to do the commercial medical thing in Cali, and I have definitely been growing more than I need, but I'm still perfecting my system and honing my skills. I'm expecting in the neighborhood of 3 lbs from each 4'x8' table.
  19. Bigbud214

    Bigbud214 Ganja Guru Extreme

    Bredren looking mighty sweet man. Definately stepping it up in a big way.

  20. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    This is how it should have been long ago, but thanks man. I'm stoked to have the veg room in order finally so I can see what my setup can really do. The Blueberry is a temperamental bitch. I'm interested to see how she does in the ebb n flow table on the Useless Formula.

    Here is an update on the Vanilluna in the Flower Room as well as the Blueberry. We're in the middle of week 2 of flower. They are doing their stretching still. Sorry about the HPS light. Once they are further into flower I'll get some pics without the lights on.





    The soil Lunas are looking better.


    The Blueberry plants look much better, but are a little overfed. She's so sensitive. The yellow is from the light, they are actually looking pretty nice and green.


    That's it for now. More updates and pics in a week or two.


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