Does This sound good?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by ShadowWarrior, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    here's a couple updates of my mini-buds. One of them, I found, had a really shitty root-ball and stunted growth, but it's buds(so far) are forming larger, tighter and frostier. I think I may need to take the nutes down a notch. I really can't wait for the weight to start packing on in the next month.






  2. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    Hey Shadow, don't know how I missed your thread...good to see someone else doing outdoors! Looking good man, those are going to be tasty for sure! :thumbs-up: :passsit:
  3. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    thanks for checking in MG.

    I'm ready for them to be ready. I dunno if I'm just anxious or what, but it seems they're pretty small for being under the sun, and started flowering at the end of the 3rd week of july... I'd think something might be larger by now. The root ball on that first one was shit when I put it in the ground. It's barely 3 feet tall, whereas the other one is 4ft+ and has a nice thick healthy root ball.... but the smaller one is packing on bud weight faster. Looking at leafe developement and bushiness, there isn't really much difference between the two that I can tell. The scent keeps changing as they mature. As small veggy plants they smelled cheesy, then it moved to a musky stale cheese/skunkiness, and now it just smells skunky and herby.

    Also, I think I may be over feeding them. I started FF grow big at a half tbsp for 2 weeks, then went up to a full tbsp. Now they've been on FF Tiger bloom for for 2 weeks at full strength. No signs of nute burn at all, but I'm wondering if maybe they've just had some nute lock-out.

    I'm not screwing around next yr. I'm digging 3ftx3ft holes filled with Happy frog, worm castings and bat guano and getting the plants in the ground in March with FULL, unobstructed sunlight.
  4. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    I would not put them outside until at least the last week of may, first week of june. I put mine outside in march (the afgoo and green crack) and they budded out and then went through reveg. The afgoo still have some of the bud on the bottom of the plant but it's brown and toasted. Once they start re vegging they just kind of go in stasis for about a month. Not sure if the re veg thing had anything to do with it but the afgoo and green crack are the smallest plants in the garden now.

    This is what I trimmed off of the afgoo when I took them out of the pots and into the ground (05/28/11).



    This is the green crack on 06/07/11.


    afgoo reveg 06/13/11

  5. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    you're much further north than me, though, right?
  6. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    I haven't sprayed them with organocide in about 2 weeks. Checked in on them last night and it appears something has pushed my fencing down on both plants. Didn't see any tracks. Getting more organocide tomorrow and pics. They're both packing on some bud weight now... it's about to get interesting... for me at least, not many other ppl seem to be paying attention... o well, it's gonna be some awesome bud.:bong-2:
  7. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    As I said to someone else, somebody is paying attention cause you have over 600 views! :smoke2:
  8. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    Not sure where you're at, I am in Sacramento. You could put them out in March if your intention is to get buds. I may try it myself next year. Start plants indoors in January and veg until march 1st, put them outside in a greenhouse and let them go, use supplemental heat if necessary.
  9. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    I believe he's a FL boy.
  10. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

  11. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Yeah; I agree.

    Last summer I put a few out, AWAY from here (too risky with what I have indoors). Not successful, but 40 miles away is tough to keep on top of. Anyho... I put them out end of April, just thinking in reguards to the temp. Sure enough, they started to bud, then re-vegging and a noticable stunt. That's when I gave up and left them.

    You can definitely put them out way too early!
  12. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    well these started showing flowering at the end of july. If I remember right, I popped the seeds sometime in April and kept them inside for a few weeks under a 150w HPS, then took them out where they were mostly shaded for a few weeks and then about the middle-end of June took them to the forrest in full sun and at first I was impressed by the spurt of growth, but after realizing the reality of how tiny one of them is, I'm actually pretty unhappy. After putting it in the ground I realized it barely reaches 3 feet, if that. And I know it isn't the size of the pots they were in to blame. The small one hadn't even filled the pot with roots and I know the water regimen wasn't faulted, unless it was too much water bcuz we did get a few weeks of rain that may have bogged them, but I doubt it. The other one was just fine.

    I'm kind of expecting to find a hollowed out stalk come harvest time... damn bugs.

    I dunno; the lack of growth could be attributed to a lot of mistakes, as I really haven't been very dilligent with them at all and they have recieved some abuse from pesky animals. But for a positive, the buds that are forming are resinous, sticky and dank(and so far dense) and these plants, as disappointing in size as they may be are tough as hell and hard to kill. So even if they lack in size, they are damn near immortal.

    They're starting to pack on bud weight quicker now, but I've got two different phenotypes. The short one is more Indica dominant in growth structure(some extra side branching but it's not much) and bud formation and the taller one seems more Sativa Dominant in leaf structure, branching and bud sites. The taller one over the last week started exploding in bud sites. Got about 4 more week
  13. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    some picture updates I was trying to show the trichome production on the buds, but my camera phone still sucks. Did get one good one, but I think it's too large to upload






  14. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    Some more pictures. Man, these girls really need to fatten up






  15. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    and some more




    nippie likes this.
  16. Psycho D


    Yep, you put them out too early.

    Those are looking like another 8 weeks or so. Yikes.

    I'm as far south as you. I only start outdoors in april if I'm sexing. Then clone the bejeezus out of the champs come May/June and you'd be much more ahead of the game than you are now.
  17. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    I didn't put them outside until the end may or june and they started showing flowers end of july. be that as it may... screw it, if they need to go longer, they will. According to the 8-9 weeks Nirvana states, they should be done by the end of September-early october... ok, it's getting there quick. Where they're at now, I got more bud from a 400wHPS 12/12 from seed.

    Technically, they've been flowering 6-7 weeks.
  18. Psycho D


    OK, I got ya now. Posts were a little hard to follow.

    What cycle did you have them on before you put them outside?
  19. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm


    Yeah I know my posts are difficult to keep track of. I don't document this stuff the way need to so most everything is just estimations.
  20. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    The ones i have out at my buddies yard look similar to where yours are at.....

    Trust me, watch what happens in the 2nd & 3rd week of September...

    These were some i had 3 years back. This is September 2nd. Very small growth, basically small budsites that arent even connected yet.


    Now heres week 3 to 4 of September. September 19th... Notice they have gained quite a lot, and i use barely no ferts.


    Hopefully you'll see an explosion of growth in the next two weeks.
    ShadowWarrior likes this.

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